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Thomas J. Watson “World’s Greatest Salesman”

Sherry Sejnost. Thomas J. Watson “World’s Greatest Salesman”. Questions. WW II. Quotes. NCR. IBM. Highlights. CRT. Nazi, Germany. Political. Historical Information. Historical Information. • Born: February 17, 1874 – Campbell, New York  Died: June 19, 1956 (aged 82)

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Thomas J. Watson “World’s Greatest Salesman”

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  1. Sherry Sejnost Thomas J. Watson“World’s Greatest Salesman” Questions WW II Quotes NCR IBM Highlights CRT Nazi, Germany Political Historical Information

  2. Historical Information • Born: February 17, 1874 – Campbell, New York  • Died: June 19, 1956 (aged 82) - New York City, New York • Spouse: Jeanette M. Kittredge - April 17, 1913 • Children: • Thomas J. Watson, Jr., • Jane Watson Irwing • Helen Watson Buckner • Arthur K. Watson Timeline

  3. NCR - 1899 • Upon visiting NCR he was determined to join the company • At age 25 employed by NCR • John J. Range became his mentor who helped him become the most successful salesman in the East • Earned $100.00 a week • NCR became the monopoly and was indicted in 1912 in an anti – trust suit in which he was found guilty Timeline

  4. CRT - 1914 • Increased the number of employees from 400 to 60,000 during his successful leadership • Renamed the company International Business Machines in 1924 • Owned and leased more than 90% of all the tabulating machines in the U.S. in 1952 Timeline

  5. IBM - 1924 • Dedicated employee for 42 years • Introduced the Industrial “Family” Concept • Loyalty first to the customer – receive good value for his money • Loyalty second to the “family” – receive proper compensation • Loyalty third to the owners of the corporation – receive profit • Created World Trade Corporation - International Timeline

  6. Nazi, Germany - 1937 • Helped to make Nazi Germany more efficient • Utilized punchcard machines used for tabulating census data • Received the Eagle with Star medal Timeline

  7. World War II • Returned the Eagle with Star medal • Produced large quantity of data processing equipment for the military • Experimented with analog computers • 1% doctrine mandated that IBM that receive no more than 1% profit for the sale of equipment to the U.S. government Timeline

  8. Political - Influential • President of the International Chamber of Commerce in 1937 • United States Commissioner General to the 1937 International Exposition in Paris - appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt • Medal for Merit recipient – awarded by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 • Trustee of Columbia University – involved in the selection of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the University Timeline

  9. Quotes • THINK • It is on wall in every room in the IBM building • Every Employee carries a THINK notebook to record inspirations • THINK is the monthly employee magazine • It may have been the inspiration for the ThinkPad computer Timeline

  10. Highlights • Long - term significance • “World Peace Through World Trade” Slogan for IBM and International Chamber of Commerce • IBM World Trade Corporation controls IBM internationally • Influenced the development of computers today • Relevance to business education • Industrial “Family” Concept changed the way business is conducted • Modeled effective management training to include respect for employees Timeline

  11. Questions • Did he ever serve time for the anti trust suit of 1912? • How close was he to President Roosevelt since I could not find any pictures? • Did his peer respected him for his accomplishments to the same extent as he is respected today? Glossary Bibliography Timeline

  12. Glossary • “World’s Greatest Salesman” • - NCR – Determination • -Anti-Trust – Monopoly • - CTR – Successful • - IBM – 42 years • -Industrial Family Concept – Loyalty • - Created World Trade Corporation – International • -Nazi Germany – Efficient • -World War II – 1% doctrine • -Politician – Influential  • -Quotes and Misquotes – Think Bibliography Timeline

  13. Bibliography Timeline

  14. Bibliography Timeline

  15. Bibliography Timeline

  16. Bibliography Timeline

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