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ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT. Enriched Foreign Language Learning (EFLL): Presentation of the project. Foreign Teachers’ Meeting , Ljubljana, July 2, 2010 Katja Pavlič Škerjanc , katja.pavlic@zrss.si.
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT Enriched Foreign Language Learning (EFLL): Presentation of the project Foreign Teachers’ Meeting , Ljubljana, July 2, 2010 Katja Pavlič Škerjanc , katja.pavlic@zrss.si Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING foreign teachers’ integration into the school curriculum as an innovative approach to foreign language teaching
“FOREIGN TEACHERS” PROJECTKEY CONCEPTS SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT– Research projects Dissemination of results (school & national level) • Intercultural(communicative) competence • Authenticityof • learninggoalsandobjectives, • learningsituations, • assessment • Languageacrossthecurriculum(content-basedlanguagelearning, discipline literacydevelopment) • Schoolcurriculum(planning – implementation – monitoring – evaluation- dissemination) • Integrativecurriculum(cross-curricularconnections – intra- andinterdisciplinarycooperation) • Cooperative/Collaborativeteaching • Team teaching • Project approach(to teachingandlearning)
“FOREIGN TEACHERS” PROJECT:ADDED VALUE? • Collaborative -team teaching in multicultural -intercultural teams • New approaches to foreign language teaching and learning • Project approach to innovation – action research (professional development)
SPT leaders and FL coordinators NATIONAL PROJECT TEAM (NPT) Project manager core NPT, extended NPT, enlarged NPT PROJECT STRUCTURE • External◄collaborators • Sloveneandforeignteachers • academicexperts WorkingGroups (WG) School Project Teams (SPT) ◄Foreign teachersmembersofWGs Personalchoice Workobligation ◄Foreign teachersmembersofSPTs
PROJECT STRUCTURE • National Project Team (NPT) • core NPT(Katja Pavlič Škerjanc, project manager – NEI, Maja Celestina, NEI; Barbara Gregorič – financial matters, NEI; Domen Petelin – legal matters, NEI; Bronka Straus, MES) • extended NPT(core NPT + NEI foreign language advisers) • enlarged NPT(extended NPT + school project team leaders + school FL coordinators + selected foreign teachers/one per language) • School Project Teams (SPT) (3 – 5 members) • Project team leader • Foreign language coordinator • Foreign teacher • Other teachers according to the school project goals
“FOREIGN TEACHERS”Aimsandgoalsoftheproject • upgrading the quality of foreign language teaching in Slovenia by innovative approaches, based on • an enhanced authenticity of learning situations (communication with a native speaker of the target language or a non-native speaker with a FL1 otherthan Slovene and using the target language as a lingua franca) and • cooperative teaching in multicultural teams (Slovene & foreign teachers of foreign languages, Slovene teachers of non-language subjects & foreign teachers of foreign languages); • developinga systemic approach to foreign teachers inclusion into the Slovene educational system - piloting alternative organizational options
ADDED VALUE? • Bringing together native and non-native (Slovene) teachers of target languages ( combining the advantages and disadvantages of the emic and the etic perspective into a complementary blend of both, with the native teacher contributing “the insider’s understanding and fluency” and the Slovene teacher sharing the cognitive structure with the students …) • Bringing together non-native teachers of target languages from different cultural backgrounds ( developing cultural multiperspectivism, intercultural sensitivity, intercultural awareness, intercultural competence of both teachers and students) Collaborative -team teaching in multicultural -intercultural teams
FOREIGN TEACHER: ROLE AND TASKS • The foreign teacher is an autonomous, independent expert, expected to contribute creatively and innovatively to the quality of foreign language teaching and the school development project. • He/She is non only an ambassador of the culture he/she comes from but also an active promoter of multiculturality and interculturality. • He/She (co)-teaches in all parts of the curriculum: • core and elective (80% of the direct instruction/teaching workload), • optional (up to 10 % of the teaching workload) and • extra-curricular activities (up to 10 % of the teaching workload). Like Slovene teachers, foreign teachers will be required to be available for work at all times when the school is open and at other such times as the principal/headteacher or governing body may reasonably direct.
“FOREIGN” TEACHERS? • Native speaker vs.TEACHER ? • foreign language teacher OR • subject teacher with a FL teaching certificate? • Monocultural vs.intercultural teacher? • Target language = • first (mother) tongue? • second language (bilingual – bicultural speakers)? • foreign language (but with a first/second language and culture other than Slovene)?
ADDED VALUE? • Investigating/researchinganddevelopingcollaborativeskillsofbothteachersandstudents • ideasharing (procedures, protocol …) • discussiongroups • peerobservation • jointteaching & learningactivities • teacherexchanges • teamteaching • type B teamteaching (rotational) • type A teamteaching (interactive) • Investigating/researchinganddevelopingteamteachingskills Collaborative -team teaching in multicultural -intercultural teams
COLLABORATIVETEACHING INTRA- AND INTER-DISCIPLINARY COLLABORATIVE TEACHING Teacherscooperateandcollaborate: • to increasetheauthenticityoflearningthroughinterdisciplinaryteachingandcurriculumintegration • to fightknowledgeobsolescenceandsharetheburdenofkeeping up withtheknowledgeexplosion • to ensure/providecontinuousprofessionaldevelopmentthroughpeerlearning
Hour distribution and components of an average weekly FT’s teaching workload
TheDO’s and DON’Ts of teaming • teams as permanent as possible • not more than 3 co-teachers within the same period of time (month/week) • no one-lesson partnerships(except in guest teaching) • core and additional teams Forms of collaboration:
ADDED VALUE? • Communication in foreign languages as a key competence and cross-curricular goal ( investigating and developing ways and means of curriculum integration) • Developing intercultural competence • in foreign languages • as a cross-curricular goal • Innovative Fl teaching • F)LAC = (Foreign) Language Across the Curriculum / LANGUAGE IN OTHER SUBJECTS • CBLL Content-Based Language Learning (cf. CLIL) • Language sensitive content learning • Discipline / Academic literacy development • A new role of the mother tongue in FLL: from monolingual to bilingual appr. New approaches to FL teaching and learning
INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING • (F)LAC = (Foreign) Language Across the Curriculum LANGUAGES IN OTHER SUBJECTS • CBLL Content-Based Language Learning (cf. CLIL) • Language sensitive content learning • Discipline / Academic literacy development • Developing intercultural competence • in foreign languages • as a cross-curricular goal • A new role of the mother tongue: from monolingual to bilingual approach • Collaborative/Team teaching • intradiscipliary teams • interdisciplinary teams • intercultural teams
ADDED VALUE? • Schools had to apply with a research project proposal (investigating a research question relevant for the national project) • Reflective practice, schools as learning communities ( looking for the answer to the research questiion by investigating their own practice) Project approach to innovation – action research (professional development) • Witha development (ie. research) project, a school • introduceschange(s) • intotheusual(ie. everyday, established) teachingandlearningprocess(es) • in a plannedandsystematicway • to raise - directly or indirectly - thequalityofstudentlearningandoutcomes.
Change and Different Roles of Teachers Teachers participating in development projects are expected to assume different roles: • teachers, • change agents, • course designers, • materials providers, • researchers, • evaluators. • Teachers as reflectivepractitioners • Schools as learningorganisations
Initiating a researchproject:PRE-PLANNING STEPS Researcharea/topic • Researchgoal • ResearchQUESTION • Expectedoutputsandoutcomes • Qualityindicators
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING foreignteachers’ integrationintotheschoolcurriculum as aninnovativeapproach to foreignlanguageteaching
FOREIGN TEACHERS IN SLOVENE SCHOOLS (2010/11 ) Who to approach? OrganizationalFramework? ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING Project ( OUTJ / EFLL): Foreignlanguageteachers(Europeanfunds) German DSD teachers(Europeanfunds) EuropeanClassesforeignteachers (nationalfunds – to begraduallyintegratedinto EFLL project) • Zavod RS za šolstvo (Katja Pavlič Škerjanc, projectmanager)
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT • Thesecondphaseoftheprojectintroducesschoolstatus diversification: • HomeSchools, • PartnerSchoolsand • SatelliteSchools. • Althoughonlythe Home Schoolswillemploytheforeignteachers, 20% oftheirteachingdutieswillbe in either Partner and/or Satelliteschools. • Thissystemensuresthatthoseschoolswhich do not employ a foreignteacherwillalsohave at leastpartialaccess to enrichedforeignlanguageteaching (underspecificconditionsand on a basisofnegotiation – NB choiceandvoicevs.choiceonly).
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT • AlthoughFOREIGN TEACHERS willbe • employedby one school(the so-called Home School), • only80% oftheteachersdutieswillbecarriedout at thisschool. • One ofthebasicgoalsofthe 2ndphaseoftheproject is to ensureequityofaccessto the ‘addedvalue’ that a foreignteacherbrings to foreignlanguagelearning.
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT Types of schools / Participation staus:
Zagotavljanje pravičnosti oz. enakosti dostopnosti i.eEQUITY OF ACCESS
PARTICIPATION / APPLICATIONREQUIREMENTS (limitations) • Due to the fact that EFLL is a development project that seeks to investigate how foreign teachers can be placed into the system, only schools with relevant expert knowledge (human resurces) and organizational flexibility will be eligible for participation. • Compliance with participation requirements will be evaluated on the basis of applicant school’s • experience with research projects; • experience in the following areas: • team teaching, • employment of foreign teachers, • school improvement/development/research work; • quality of the application, and • unconditional acceptance of the national projects framework and guidelines and contractual obligations.
ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROJECT Scope of the project in (employment rates): • 20 foreign teachers (FT) of different target languages (EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, RU – no language) • 6 German DSD teachers (NPU): schools cgosen directly by the Ministry of Education and sport) DSD Schoolnetwork