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Fri. 08/15/14. MTS/CIF = 10 pts.ex.cr. b y today Completed, Late and/or Makeup Work 2 for You, 2 for Me (40 pts.) Argumentative 5-Paragraph Essay & Brainstorming (25 pts.) Functional Writing: How to Write an Essay (20 pts.) Vocab. Graphic Organizer (PPT)
Fri. 08/15/14 • MTS/CIF = 10 pts.ex.cr. by today • Completed, Late and/or Makeup Work • 2 for You, 2 for Me (40 pts.) • Argumentative 5-Paragraph Essay & Brainstorming (25 pts.) • Functional Writing: How to Write an Essay (20 pts.) • Vocab. Graphic Organizer (PPT) • Hmwk: Vocab. Defs = 160 pts., due by 8/22 Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________
Example & Instructions for the Activity 2 for YOU 2 for ME Name: ___________________ Write down the info your partner shares with you. Have a brief discussion about your “random” details. Name: ___________________ Continue this activity until you’ve met ALL of your classmates. HAVE FUN! (1) • Going to see my bestie this weekend! • I hate road trips! (2) • I have a 10-year-old son. • I just started a diet on Mon. “2 for You, 2 for Me = 40 pts.
Argumentative Writing Prompts • Social Media and Today’s Youth • Are there more positive or negative aspects to social media as a student? • Is Google Making People Stupid? • Take one of two positions: Yes/No • Students using “Technology” in the Classroom • Why (should)/(shouldn’t) teachers prohibit or limit the use of phones in class? Argumentative Rough Draft = 25 pts.
At the minimum:(from our discussion last week) • Brainstorming • Organization • Rough Draft(s) • Introduction • Hook • Thesis Statement • Body Paragraphs • Topic Sentences • Supporting Details • Transition Sentences • Conclusion • Grammar Corrections • Final Draft Functional Writing = 20 pts.
Vocab. GRAPHIC Organizer (VGO) • DENOTATION w/Pronunciation & Part of Speech • CONNOTATION (Choose one for this section: positive, neutral, or negative.) • Three Synonyms — words that have the same or similar meanings • Three Antonyms — words that have opposite meanings • Meaningful Sentence • GRAPHIC – an image
Denotation vs. Connotation Denotation (dee-no-tay-shun) Connotation (kon-uh-tay-shuh) Something suggested or implied by a word. Ex.) A possible connotation of HOME is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.” Can a connotation be positive and/or negative? The direct meaning (or set of meanings) of a word or expression. Ex.) HOME: A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. [dictionary definition]
Neutral Word: SMELL Verb: To perceive the odor or scent of through the nose by means of the olfactory nerves; inhale the odor of. Noun: The quality of a thing that is or may be smelled; odor; scent. [DENOTATIONS of the word SMELL] Which of the bolded words sounds “positive” and which sounds “negative”? [CONNOTATION of the words ODOR & SCENT]
VGO Example: SMELL • DENOTATION w/Pronunciation & POS: (smel) n. The quality of a thing that is or may be smelled; odor; scent. • CONNOTATION: Neutral • SYNONYMS: odor, scent, __________ • ANTONYMS: scentless, blandness, dullness • SENTENCE: The smellof freshly baked chocolate chip cookies coming from the kitchen was heavenly. • GRAPHIC:
VGO Teams Sit in teams of 4 and assign each teammate ONE of the following LETTERS: L, M, N, O • Teammates who are L have the first FIVE words from the first set (Set 1, 1-5). • Teammates who are Mhave the last FIVE words from the first set (Set 1, 6-10). • Teammates who are Nhave the first FIVE words from the second set (Set 2, 1-5). • Teammates who are Ohave the last FIVE words from the second set (Set 2, 6-10).
VGO: Set #1/#2 = 30 pts. (per person) On a loose-leaf sheet of paper, label & complete the SIX items for your first VGO word in class today for Ex.Cr. • Denotation w/Pronunciation & POS • Connotation • Three Synonyms • Three Antonyms • Meaningful Sentence • Graphic • L teammates: ACME • M teammates: INDELIBLE • N teammates: AUSPICIOUS • O teammates: PRAGMATIC