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Welcome to Year 3!. Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Shore Mrs. Beaumont. Teachers:. Subjects. Numeracy. Science. Literacy. R.E. I.C.T. P ersonal S ocial H ealth E ducation. History. Geography. French. Games. Art/D esign T echnology. Music. P.E. 3B Timetable. 3W Timetable.
Welcome to Year 3!
Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Shore Mrs. Beaumont Teachers:
Subjects Numeracy Science Literacy R.E. I.C.T. Personal Social Health Education History Geography French Games Art/DesignTechnology Music P.E.
Literacy overview • Narrative- Stories with familiar settings, Myths and Legends, Adventure and mystery stories, Authors and letters, Dialogue and plays. • Non fiction- Reports, Instructions, Information texts. • Poetry- Performance poetry, calligrams and shape poems, Language play. Targets are set each term for language skills such as use of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and handwriting. Literacy is a cross-curricular subject.
Maths overview • Number – e.g. partitioning, place value, doubling, halving, rounding, estimating, fractions, %, decimals, money, multiple, factors, 4 rules, x tables. • Data handling – e.g. Carroll/Venn diagrams, tally charts, graphs. • Measures – e.g. length, volume, capacity, time, weight. • Shape & Space – e.g. symmetry, reflections, properties of 2D/3D shapes, compass/directions. • Problem solving involving all of the above.
Uniform All uniform MUST be named Girls: Boys: • White or blue shirt/blouse • Grey skirt, culottes, pinafore • Navy blue or grey trousers • Tie • Blue & white striped or gingham dress • School jumper/cardigan/ Sweatshirt • Black shoes • White or blue shirt • Grey trousers • Tie • School jumper/cardigan/ sweatshirt • Black shoes
Uniform All uniform MUST be named GAMES P.E. Gold t-shirt Tracksuit (winter) Blue/ black shorts Shorts and t-shirt (summer) Plimsoles Outdoor trainers Please ensure that ear rings are taken out or taped over on PE days. PE kit and games kit should come to school on Monday & stay at school until Friday!
The School Day • The school day starts promptly at 8:50 a.m. The gate will be open from 8:40. • Children arrive at the Clarendon Park Road entrance and walk around the path and straight into school through the Year 3 cloakroom. • N.B. Please be mindful of safety when parking/dropping off your child. • The Year 3 cloakroom is separate from the other Juniors. • Children begin work immediately on entry to our classrooms with a focused registration activity.
Homework Homework will be sent home on Friday and it should be returned by the following Wednesday, please.
School website- Year 3- Subject support for Parents and Carers
Reading Reading books are to go home. If your child is a free reader they can change their book when it has been read. If your child is not a free reader, we advise that the reading book needs to be read several times before being changed. Reading books and records are to be brought every day, please. Please make sure that your child is reading for at least 20 minutes each night.
Reading Books • We will send the children home with their reading book and a liaison book. A St. John’s book bag would be most useful to place books and letters in . • Please write a comment when you hear your child read. • In Year 3 children are grouped for guided reading – this takes place once a week and focuses upon inference and deduction.
Personal equipment • If you wish, you may supply your child with a small pencil case, but it is not essential. • Pencil cases may contain pencils, pencil crayons and a ruler. • Children do not need ‘gel’ and ‘felt’ pens.
Any questions? We will stay to answer individual questions you may have.