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THE GLOBAL YOUTH CALL “Prioritizing Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda” . Participants. Over 1700 youth organizations in the Crowdsourcing Platform of the Global Partnership on Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, The UN Major Group on Children and Youth,
THE GLOBAL YOUTH CALL “Prioritizing Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda”
Participants • Over 1700 youth organizations in the Crowdsourcing Platform of the Global Partnership on Youth in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, • The UN Major Group on Children and Youth, • International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations (ICMYO), the Alliance for International Youth Development • United Nations Inter-agency Network on Youth Development • Intergovernmental organizations: The Commonwealth and Ibero-American Youth Organization (OIJ)
Moderators Education: UNICEF, the Global education First Initiative (GEFI); Employment and Entrepreneurship: ILO, UNIDO and the Major Group on Children and Youth (MGCY); Health: UNFPA, UNAIDS and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA); Governance: UNDP, the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations (ICMYO), Restless Development and Plan International; Peace and Stability: UN-HABITAT, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and the United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY)
Education • Ensure universal access to quality primary and post-primary education and expand equitable access to tertiary education • Ensure all young people achieve recognised and measurable learning outcomes at all levels, made possible through the provision of safe, relevant and quality education by a sufficient number of adequately and well-trained, supported teachers and education infrastructure • Increase national budget allocation to education and strengthen the accountability and responsiveness of national governments;
Education • Ensure all young people have access to quality formal, non-formal and vocational education and training to equip them with the relevant knowledge andskills to lead healthy and productive lives, to meet the demands of the job market and to foster global citizenship • Ensure access to technical and vocational education and training, ICT, comprehensive education on human sexuality and life-skills, human rights, peacebuilding, sustainability, entrepreneurial skills, global citizenship, and education for sustainable development and lifelong learning opportunities
Employment and Entrepreneurship • Increase employment rates of young women and men, with targeted measures for disadvantaged youth, by putting in place school-to-work transition policies • Ensure a better match between the skills of young people and the changing needs of the labour market, by strengthening partnerships between governments, social partners, educators and the private sector • Provide access to learning opportunities to develop knowledge and skills, including professional, technical, entrepreneurial and vocational training, for work and life, as well as information on business opportunities, new markets and national/international networks of investors
Employment and Entrepreneurship • Ensure young entrepreneurs’ access to tailor-made financial and non-financial assistance in pre- and post-creation phases • Ensure equality, including gender equality at work, including eliminating the gender pay-gap • Ensure universal global access to adequate social protection, including social protection floors, and decent work and livelihoods for young people in the formal and informal sector in accordance with ILO labour standards
Health • Ensure universal access to affordable, acceptable and quality adolescent-and-youth friendly health services and information • Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, including HIV, modern methods of contraceptives, and comprehensive education on human sexuality, with a particular focus on adolescent girls • Recognize the social and political determinants of health and address all social, economic and political inequality and exclusion as a way to improve the health and well-being of adolescents and youth
Health • Ensure early detection, treatment of and support for mental health issues among adolescents and youth • Improve the health status of adolescents and youth by putting in place prevention programmes targeting adolescents and youth including violence, accidents, injuries and early detection and treatment of mental health issues amongst adolescents and youth • Increase investment to promote healthy behaviours and health promotion programmes aimed at reducing risk of non-communicable diseases, tobacco use, obesity, violence and the burden of road traffic injuries and harm reduction for substance abuse, including drug use and alcohol
Peace and Personal Security • Eliminate all forms ofviolenceagainst children and youth, including in schools, the household, public spaces, detention centres and online • End all forms of violence and discrimination against girls and young women, including sexual violence, child, early and forced marriage and harmful practices, trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence • Promote young people’s participation as an essential condition for safe and secure societies
Peace and Personal Security • Ensure that humanitarian and development efforts address young people’s needs and protect their human rights • Ensure that all young people participate in peace and human rights education, either through formal or non-formal education, and have access to opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and volunteerism • Ensure equitable distribution of development gains to young people to promote safe, peaceful and secure societies
Governance and Participation • Strengthen inclusive participation of young people, especially young women) in governance and decision-making processes at the local, national, regional and global levels; • Develop, implement and adequately fund cross-sectorialyouth policies that are evidence-based and include participatory, monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis in accordance with the World Programme for Action on Youth; • Ensure the right to information, association, and freedom of speech and opinion, for all, including marginalised youth; • Strengthen youth-led movements, networks and organisations and improve their access to institutions that affect the lives of young people;
Governance and Participation • Encourage and support youth civic engagement and volunteerism for development, including by ensuring education on and awareness of human rights and development; • Strengthen effective, transparent and accountable institutions at all levels; • Support and promote increased and equitable access to open, timely, reliable, accessible and quality information, including through ICTs to enable stronger accountability mechanisms and greater youth participation in decision making. • Ensure that youth are meaningfully involved in global and national monitoring mechanisms to ensure accountability for commitments made in the post-2015 framework
Read the complete document online: www.un.org/youthenvoy