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Learn about the commissioning status of the AURIGA detector with new setups, results, noise investigations, and successful solutions for stable behavior. Discover improved mechanical isolations, calibrations, and low-frequency vibration handling strategies.
Status of the commissioning ofthe AURIGA detector Luca Taffarello (INFN Sezione di Padova) on behalf of AURIGA Collaboration Luca Taffarello
Summary of the talk: • New detector set-up • First Results, calibration and thermal behaviour • Investigation of the un-modelled noise peaks • Up-conversion of low frequency vibrations • Solution of the problem • New mechanical isolation at low frequency • Result achieved: very stable and gaussian behaviour • Duty Cycle 98 % (from 19th May 2005) Luca Taffarello
Expected target AURIGA II run with 1999-2003 upgrades new mechanical suspensions: attenuation > 360 dB at 1 kHz FEM modelled new capacitive transducer: two-modes (1 mechanical+1 electrical) optimized mass new amplifier: double stage SQUID 200 henergy resolution new data analysis: C++ object oriented code frame data format Luca Taffarello
II RUN @ T = 4.5K = data = simulation Noise hunting in cryogenic operation Best initial result of II run • Spurious peaks in the sensitive band • High false alarm rate Luca Taffarello
Raw Data F5 F5 F5 F5 F1 F1 F1 F1 Non Stationary Performances Sensitive frequency band Time (5 hours) It is possible to classify spurious peaks in correlated “Families” (F1..F5..) in time families appear and dissapear Luca Taffarello
Calibration: The dissipations of the 3 sensitives modes Measurement of the real part of the impedence seen by the SQUID ‚ n=865.68 Hz ƒ QLV=1.15 106 QHV=1.15 106 ‚n=914.14 Hz QLV=5 106 QHV=0.74 106 ƒn=955.63 Hz QLV=0.45 106 QHV=0.75 106 HV E bias=7.5 MV/m Q in operation ~ 400-1000 cold-damping No evidence of discharge Luca Taffarello
Calibration: the mechanical transfer function of the antenna A mechanical modes in the transducer charge line B Electromechanical modes C Mechanical modes of the charge plates A C B VERY IMPORTANT not evident excitation with mechanical and-or electromagnetic actuators Luca Taffarello
Low Frequency Motions are Up-Converted! Accelerometer Inside vacuum chamber 8-22 Hz 894 Hz Spurious peak in the sensitive band SQUID output 18-22 Hz Seismometer 8-22 Hz 4 days friday-monday Luca Taffarello
Evidence of the connection between the external (seismic) activity and the spurious peaks excitation in the sensitive band sensitive bandwidth OUTPUT of SEISMOMETER on top of the cryostat 0-22 Hz 1 DAY to determine a correlation between the external disturbances and the response in the sensitive bandwidth Evidence for nolinear behaviour Luca Taffarello
Run 590 (Time-Frequency) from Sat 11h-13/11/04 to Mon 12h-15/11/04 Clean Raw Data Sat Sun Noisy Raw Data Mon Only during the Sunday nigth it is possible to get clean spectra The duty cycle “gaussian and stationary” very poor 20 %, evidence of effects of Human Activity Luca Taffarello
Low frequency mechanical excitation and response in the detector bandwidth 2 example also without electrical field Shaking frequency 16.57 Hz Effect: some cluster with more peaks equidistant 16.57/3 Hz Shaking frequency 18.62 Hz Effect: all the multiple Not possible to reach shaking frequency below 10 Hz the seismic noise is too power Luca Taffarello
Strategy: new mechanical isolation at low frequency Step 1: Dissipation stacks material: Polyurethane (Sylodamp by Angst Pfister), high dissipation Q=2 roll-off frequency 8-10 Hz Step 2: Active-air mounts (Vibraplane by Kinetic Systems) internal damping Q=2 lower natural frequencies 1-2 Hz, automatic leveling/height control • Hardware up-grades integrated during cryogenic operations Luca Taffarello
STEP 1: rubber stacks between floor and cryostat supports 2 Dec. 2004 Position control feed-back lift used with the liquid helium inside the dewars Luca Taffarello
First breakthrough: achieved design sensitivity (Dec 2004) 60% DUTY CYCLE !!! Go ahead !! Luca Taffarello
F5 Veto 236.95+/- 0.2 Hz F5 893.63 Hz F5 Veto Luca Taffarello
F5 Noise Amplitude @ 236.95+/- 0.2 Hz amplitude F5 Threshold veto F5 Veto Luca Taffarello
AURIGA Events [no vetoes] SNR Italian Holiday Luca Taffarello
AURIGA Events AFTER vetoes SNR Is possible to apply the epoch vetoes and the result is a duty cycle 60 % Luca Taffarello
SNR Distribution AFTER vetoes(Simulation=Red) 3 events with SNR >10 during 9 days SNR Luca Taffarello
Second Step: seismic isolation up-gradeexternal suspensions low frequency with vibrational damping Air springs: effective above 1-2 Hz Luca Taffarello
Metal-arc welding on cryostat while keeping liquid helium in “wings” to support Auriga above the center of mass of the cryostat Luca Taffarello
Step 2: integration of low frequency suspensions (May 19th) Final configuration Ferroconcrete Pillar Luca Taffarello
Last breakthrough: achieved 98% Duty Cycle (May 2005) “Before the up-grade” “After the up-grade” Luca Taffarello
On line effect (May 19th) Sensitive frequency band suspension activation 1 hour Luca Taffarello
Low frequency motion comparison Luca Taffarello
Current AURIGA Burst Search • Thermal at 4.5 K • 13.6 days, • Epoch vetoes not needed • apart from cryogenic maintenance • Duty time 98% • Very stationary • Gaussian noise • Outliers 9 events/day with SNR > 6 • Event rate 3700 /day with SNR > 4 Absolute amplitude 5.7 10-22 / Hz Luca Taffarello