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Ch. Finck. Status of the software for CMOS detector. Introduction General Overview Configuration Raw Reader Cluster Finder Tracker Conclusion & Outlook. Hadrontherapy members. Ch. Finck, F. Haas, M. Rousseau, L. Stuttge, D. Juliani and J. Baudot, M. Gélin, M. Winter.
Ch. Finck Status of the software for CMOS detector • Introduction • General Overview • Configuration • Raw Reader • Cluster Finder • Tracker • Conclusion & Outlook Hadrontherapy members Ch. Finck, F. Haas, M. Rousseau, L. Stuttge, D. Juliani and J. Baudot, M. Gélin, M. Winter. FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Introduction CMOS detectors • FIRST vertex detector E. Spiriti FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Introduction (II) • Test Bench 6 planes CMOS MIMOSA26 ~2×2 cm20.7 Mpixels eachThickness: 50 μmPixel size: 18,4×18,4 μm2Integration time: 100 μs FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Reads config file and set parameters Reads & decode raw data. Provides Pixels Call Cluster Finder and performs tracking General Overview MimosaAnalysis DSession DAcq DTracker DSetup FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Configuration Mapping: 1 ThreshNeighbourSN: 0. ThreshSeedSN: 0.5 MaxNStrips: 25 MinNStrips: 1 ClusterLimitU: 0000.037 V: 0000.037 W: 0000.000 CommonRegions: 1 // Status Primary Reference = 1., Secondary Reference = 2. DeviceUunderTest = 3. Status: 1 // Position Algorithm 1= Center of Gravity, 2 = eta, 3 = kappa PositionAlgorithm: 1 N: 4 EtaCorCoef: 0. 0. 0. 0. ELL: 0.0 EUL: +1.0 N: 4 KapCorCoef: 0. 0. 0. 0. KLL: -0.5 KUL: +0.5 N: 10 GamCorCoef: -2.12093e-02 3.72875e+00 -4.43092e+01 3.80515e+02 -1.92108e+03 5.68336e+03 -9.88277e+03 9.93021e+03 -5.33727e+03 1.18864e+03 KLL: 0.1 KUL: +0.9 N: 15 NoisyStripsIndex: 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Plane 2 -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Inputs: 1 etc... ... // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- // Parameter of the Detector Planes used in this run // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Plane 1 -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Inputs: 1 ModuleType: 1 ModuleNumber: 1 InputNumber: 1 ChannelNumber: 0 Channels: 663552 StripselUse: 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF Name: "MIMOSA26" Purpose: "REF" Readout: 126 MimosaType: 0 AnalysisMode: 3 InitialPedestal: 1 InitialNoise: 1 CacheSize: 5 PositionsX: 0000.000 PositionsY: 0000.000 PositionsZ: 0000.120 Tilt1: 0000.000 Tilt2: 000.000 Tilt3: 0.00 AlignementU: 0000.000 AlignementV: 00.000 AlignementTilt: 0.000 SizeU: 10.000 SizeV: 10.000 SizeW: 0000.245 StripsU: 1152 StripsV: 576 StripsW: 1 PitchU: 0000.0184 PitchV: 0000.0184 PitchW: 0000.000 StripSizeU: 0000.0184 V: 0000.0184 W: 0000.020 // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- // Run Parameter // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- Affiliation: "CMOS" BeamTime: "Sep09" Signature: "JB" Confidence: "none" DataPath: "/Users/finck/Hadron/CMOS/work/26519" Extension: "" RunNumber: 26519 EventsInFile: 18000 StartIndex: 0 EndIndex: 29 NoiseRun: 0 // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- // Parameters of the Tracker // -+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+- Planes: 6 TracksMaximum: 30 PlanesForTrackMinimum: 4 HitsInPlaneTrackMaximum: 500 SearchHitDistance: 100. HitsInPlaneMaximum: 500 Resolution: 5.00 EventsForAlignmentFit: 800 TimeLimit: 400000 FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Raw Reader DPixel DRawEvent DBoardReader Decode PXI Raw data and provides Pixels DPxiBoarder XXBoardReader Decode XX Raw data and provides Pixels DPixel DSetup DAcq FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Cluster Finder DCluster DPixel DClusterFinder DClusterFinderCoG Compute CoG of Clusters Reconstruct Clusters Seed with most neighbours DClusterFinderSeed DPlane FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Cluster Finder (II) Seed Cluster #1 Cluster #2 • Cluster Finder optimized for MIPs FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Cluster Finder (III) Positions of reconstructed cluster in each plane. FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Tracker DTrack DCluster DStraightTracker Reconstruct tracks straight inclined line. Local algorithm DTracker FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Tracker (II) Target Plane 5 Plane 4 Plane 3 Plane 2 Plane 1 Plane 6 • Testbench: next to next local tracking (0,0,0) Oz FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Tracker (III) Reconstructed of Tracks (empty circles) FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Conclusions • Reframe the code to use plug-ins: • base class for decoding rawdata, can add any new reader inherits from this class • base class for cluster finder, can add any new cluster finder inherits from this class • base class for tracker, can add any new tracker inherits from this class • Status : • Cluster finder optimized for MIPs. • basic straight line tracker (nearly) working • Aligment written by J. Baudot, • Auto-aligment with inner tracks (~1000 from MIPs) within 1 μm accurancy • to be transcript in new code (using Milipede for > MIPs?) FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Outlook • Cluster Finder: • for such cluster, need more elaborated algo for deconvolution. • for higher pixel number ? FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC
Ch. Finck Outlook (II) Target Plane 5 Plane 4 Plane 3 Plane 2 Plane 1 Plane 6 • Tracker: • For higher occupancy, one may need to use more elaborated algo, e.g. : • Kalman filter • Or global algorithm, e.g.: Hough transformation. (0,0,0) Oz FIRST Meeting, 27th January Ch. Finck - IPHC