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Safe Sanctuary

Safe Sanctuary. Wesley Freedom’s Abuse Prevention Policy. The Abuse Prevention Policy is intended to protect three groups of people:. Our Children and Youth Our Church Our Volunteers. Role of Parents and Congregation.

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Safe Sanctuary

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  1. Safe Sanctuary Wesley Freedom’s Abuse Prevention Policy

  2. The Abuse Prevention Policy is intended to protect three groups of people: • Our Children and Youth • Our Church • Our Volunteers

  3. Role of Parents and Congregation • Need our entire community of faith to work together to protect our children and youth. • Parents and congregation are needed to help with activities of children and youth. • For example: greeters, door monitors, snack, chaperones, administration, teachers/leaders • Report any concerns regarding safety.

  4. Initial Requirements for Regular Workers: • 6 months attendance or paired with someone who has attended for 6 months (except employees) Prior to service complete: • Questionnaire • Participation Covenant • Training • 3 Reference Forms • Background check authorization form

  5. Continuing Requirements for Regular Workers Annually complete by September 30 • Questionnaire • Participation Covenant • Training Every 5 years authorize: • Background check 12 month break, complete everything again Wear badge when serving

  6. Background Checks • Once you submit your paperwork and background authorization form, you will receive an e-mail with a link directing you to the Protect My Ministry site. • You will input your own information. • Protect My Ministry will notify WFUMC when you have completed your information. • A background check will be requested and run. • The report will be read and noted in your file. • NO reports are copied and NO identifying information is maintained in your file.

  7. Background Checks • Another option for background checks is going through the Maryland State Police. You must use our authorization number. • Obtain a form in the Education Office. Follow the instructions provided. You will also sign a release that will be maintained in your file. • You will be responsible for the cost of doing the background check. • The results will be mailed to church and will be filed in your folder.

  8. Occasional Workers Prior to service and annually must complete: • Questionnaire • Including contact information for 3 references Must be paired with a Regular Worker Must not be left alone with or in charge of children or youth

  9. Youth Workers Prior to service and annually must: • Have two recommendations from or interviews by non-related adults. • Complete Participation Covenant • Attend training that at least covers how to appropriately interact with children. Must always be supervised by an adult. Must never be left alone with a child or youth.

  10. Who Decides and How • Case-by-case at the discretion of SPRC • Convictions that disqualify a volunteer: Crimes of violence involving a family member or child, abuse or sexual abuse. Crimes requiring registration on or reporting to a sex offender website. • Limited number of staff or volunteers assist. • Strive to maintain confidentiality of personal, sensitive information, but not guaranteed. • Appeals can be made to senior pastor, whose decision is final.

  11. 2 Adult Rule Exceptions: • Emergency • Window/open door and hall monitor • Window/open door for a short time

  12. Sign In and Sign Out • Elementary and Younger: Parent’s sign in and out Permission forms are available for older sibling or designated adult to sign in or out. • Middle School: If requested • High School None It is recommended that youth sign themselves in for all activities.

  13. Offsite Youth Activities • Two Adult Rule Conform as much as possible. Depending on nature, duration, and location of activity • Sleeping No-coed rooms. 2 adults or adults and youth separated. Adults and youth in separate beds. Transgender rooms if requested • Driving Approved workers. 2 non-related adults or caravan. Wait for parents outside vehicle. Cell phones. There will be additional training prior to trips and events

  14. Ratios Recommended adult-to-child ratios: • Infants and toddlers: 1 to 3 • Elementary: 1 to 5 • Middle school: 1 to 7 • High School: 1 to 8 • Community Events: Reasonable supervision. Parents or guardians are expected to provide supervision to the Children and Youth attending the event.

  15. Appropriate Contact • Some physical contact is appropriate and needed. • Appropriate place • Appropriate manner • Especially if child/youth initiates.

  16. Reporting and Responding • State law requires reporting, even if not sure. CC Dept. Of Social Services 410-386-3434 www.dhr.state.md.us • BWC Policy (Para. 2820) • Separate alleged victim and accused. • Notify direct supervisor. • Notify senior pastor, unless he/she is involved. • Incident report and cooperate with investigation. • Maintain confidentiality. *This information will be provided in your leadership materials.

  17. BWC UMC Requirements • Provide signed document yearly verifying compliance. • Check the U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Registry Website twice a year. • Maintain records.

  18. Guidelines for Cyber Safety Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church will be adding guidelines to our Safe Sanctuary Policy to address the area of Cyber Safety. Training and printed material will be provided to all leaders.

  19. Emergency Procedures • For all emergencies: • Keep your attendance with you at all times. Bring your sign in sheet or notebook with you. • A calm non-anxious presence is needed especially during an emergency. • Keep children calm and be reassuring. • DO NOT USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO POST DURING AN EMERGENCY. All communication will be handled through the Church Office. • Please make sure that the Emergency Procedures are posted on the door of your classroom or on the Sunday School cabinet.

  20. Fire Drill/Fire Alarm • If the fire alarm goes off, exit the building using the closest exit and go to the cemetery area. • Line up with your group/class. • Take attendance and notify the Director of Children and Family Ministries, The Sunday School Superintendent or Director of Youth Ministries if you are missing anyone, this includes adults and youth. Notify the person in charge if you have anyone extra. • Do not re-enter the building for any reason until we have been given the all clear.

  21. Tornado or Weather Event • You will be asked to move your group to an interior space: Bathrooms, Music Room, Resource Room, Chapel, the interior basement room in the Youth Center. • Follow the attendance procedure . • Remain in place until we have been given the all clear.

  22. Lock Down • You will be asked to lock down in place. Close the blinds, lock or barricade the door, cover the window in the door with paper and gather students to an area away from windows. • Follow attendance procedure. • A staff member will lock down the choir room door, main office door and close and lock both sets of doors in the Education Wing. • Remain in place until you are given the all clear.

  23. Lock Down, continued • If the danger is inside the building, follow the lock down procedures and use best judgement. • There is an Emergency intercom system for the Education Hallway.

  24. Evacuation • If we are asked to evacuate for a specific emergency (i.e. a gas leak) please use the fire emergency procedure and wait for instructions. We may move to Freedom Church or if necessary walk to St. Joseph’s. • Do not re-enter the building for any reason and wait until we have been given the all clear.

  25. Quiz – this is your training documentation • Please take a few moments to complete the quiz. • Be sure you include your name and today’s date. • If you are attending a training, sign one copy to turn in and sign one copy for your records.

  26. Thank You • Your service and your love are very much appreciated and very important in the lives of our children and youth. • “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5 NRSV

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