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French contribution to ozone research and monitoring

Explore French ozone research and monitoring efforts, including ground-based, balloon, aircraft, satellite measurements, and collaboration in Antarctica and La Reunion Island.

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French contribution to ozone research and monitoring

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  1. French contribution to ozone research and monitoring S. Godin-Beekmann Service d’Aéronomie – IPSL, CNRS, Paris, France WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  2. Observational activities • Long term ground-basedmeasurements Contribution to NDACC : Alpine station, Antarctica (Dumont d’Urville, Concordia), La Reunion Island (SH), SAOZ network (UV-Vis spectrometers) • Balloon measurements Polar and tropical campaigns within EU projects (SCOUT-O3, AMMA) • Aircraft measurements Regular O3 and CO measurements on board commercial aircrafts (MOZAIC programme) • Satellite measurements WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  3. NDACC measurements at Alpine station Haute-Provence 44°N, 6°E Ozone Dobson (1983), ozone sondes (1984) Lidars (strato O3 – 1985; tropo 1991), SAOZ UV-Vis spectrometer (1992 - O3, NO2) Aerosol Lidar (1991), aeronet sun photometer (2004) Temperature Lidar (1979) Spectral UV spectrometer (moved from nearby Briançon) Also: Spectral UV radiometer in Villeneuve d’Asq (50°N, 3°E), Bordeaux Dobson spectrometer moved to Lannemezan (43°N, 0.1°E) WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  4. NDACC measurements in Antarctica Dumont d’Urville • Lidar (collaboration with Italy) • Ozone (1991-1998; 2008) • PSC (1989 – 1998; 2005 - present) • Ozone sondes(since 1989) • SAOZ UV-Visible spectrometer (1988) • UV-B broadband Concordia (collaboration with Italy) New station since 2006 SAOZ UV-Vis spectrometer since 2007 • Ozonesondes in 2007-2008 for IPY. • Microwave radiometer for tropo H2O planned Concordia Dumont d’Urville WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  5. NDACC measurements in La Reunion Island Lidars Temperature, aerosol, tropo & strato ozone, aerosol Ozone sondes(SHADOZ) SAOZ: UV-Vis spectrometer New instruments: FTIR and MaxDOAS (IASB-BIRA) Microwave radiometer H2O New high altitude Maido station 2200 m – delivery end 2010 WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  6. SAOZ network UV/Visible spectrometers : 15 stations globally distributed Chemical ozone loss estimation in the Arctic observations and passive ozone tracer from a CTM WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  7. Satellite • Satellite instruments & retrieval algorithm • In collaboration with other EU institutions • ODIN SMR (2001): microwave radiometer O3, ClO, N2O, H2O • GOMOS - ENVISAT (2002) solar spectrum, stellar occultation • O3, NO2, NO3, OClO, temperature, water vapour • IASI – METOP (2006) infrared spectrometer Nadir • total ozone, o3 partial columns, CO, CH4, H2O, clouds • Satellite products validation • GOME, ENVISAT (GOMOS, SCIAMACHY, MIPAS), Aura, (MLS, HIRDLS) • Long term ENVISAT validation activities (EQUAL, TASTE) • Trend validation (multiple satellite missions) • ozone recovery, temperature trends, intercalibration WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  8. SAOZ UV-Visible Measurements: Sodankylä, Finland F. Goutail (CNRS) and E. Kyrö (FMI) WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  9. Models Chemical Transport Models Reprobus, MIMOSA, MIMOSA-CHIM Chemical ozone loss multiannual simulations (charts on ETHER data base) Coupled chemistry models ARPEGE (MeteoFrance) LMDz – REPROBUS, LMDz INCA (CNRS) Future ozone levels prediction Participated to last ozone assessment WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

  10. The ETHER databaseCentre for Atmospheric Chemistry Products and Services http://ether.ipsl.jussieu.fr WMO/UNEP 7th ORM, Geneva 18-21 May 2008

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