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Modelling Activities at LAC (PSI) in Switzerland

Modelling Activities at LAC (PSI) in Switzerland Ş . Andreani-Aksoyo ğ lu, J. Keller, I. Barmpadimos, D. Oderbolz, A.S.H. Prévôt Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland http://lac.web.psi.ch TFMM Workshop, Larnaca May 2010. Meteorology. Emissions.

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Modelling Activities at LAC (PSI) in Switzerland

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  1. Modelling Activities at LAC (PSI) in Switzerland Ş. Andreani-Aksoyoğlu, J. Keller, I. Barmpadimos, D. Oderbolz, A.S.H. Prévôt Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland http://lac.web.psi.ch TFMM Workshop, Larnaca May 2010

  2. Meteorology Emissions Components of the Air Quality Model (Old) COSMO MM5 (New) ECMWF WRF Initial and Boundary Concentrations Global Models emCAMx CAMx 5 Regional Air Quality Model Air Pollutant Concentrations

  3. Recent Applications • The impact of reducing the maximum speed limit on motorways in Switzerland to 80 km/h on emissions and peak ozone (Keller et al., 2008, Environ.Mod & Soft.) • Influence of various emission scenarios on ozone in Europe (Andreani et al., 2008, Ecological Modelling) • Secondary aerosols in Switzerland and northern Italy: Modelling and sensitivity studies for summer 2003. (Andreani et al., 2008, JGR)

  4. Most recent study :Modelling Summer and Winter Air Quality in Switzerland (Andreani et al., in prep.) • Ozone Formation (June 2006): • Sensitivity to anthropogenic NOx and VOC emissions • Comparison of ozone sensitivity 1993-2006 • Sensitivity to isoprene emissions • Aerosol Formation (January, June 2006, January 2007): • Inorganic Aerosols: Sensitivity to NOx and NH3 emissions • Organic Aerosols: Contribution of biogenic VOC emissions

  5. 27 x 27 km2 9x9 km2 3x3 km2 Modelling Method • 3 nested domains • 1-31 January 2006 • 1-30 June 2006 • 1-31 January 2007 • 31 layers in MM5 14 layers in CAMx • PM2.5 • CB05 gas -phase mechanism • 7 SOA classes • Oligomerization of SOA

  6. Ozone :Sensitivity to Precursor Emissions O3 (50% NOx) - O3 (50% VOC) 1993 2006 Blue : NOx-sensitiveRed : VOC-sensitive

  7. Ozone : Sensitivity to Isoprene Emissions O3 (isoprene x 20) - O3 (Base Case)

  8. Aerosols : Sensitivity to NOx, NH3 emissions PM2.5 (50% NOx) - PM2.5 (50% NH3) Blue : NOx-sensitive Red : NH3-sensitive 15 June 2006, afternoon

  9. Aerosols: Relative contributions(winter 2006, Zurich) Measurements Model predictions Organic aerosols and particulate nitrate are the main components

  10. Aerosols: Relative contributions(summer 2006, Payerne) Measurements Model predictions Organic aerosols are the main components

  11. Aerosols: Absolute contributions winter summer

  12. winter 2006 (Zurich) summer 2006 (Payerne) Aerosols : Modelled Composition of SOA AROM : SOA from toluene and xylene ISP : SOA from isoprene TRP : SOA from monoterpenes SQT : SOA from sesquiterpenes POLB : oligomerized SOA from biogenic species (ISP, TRP) POLA : oligomerized SOA from anthropogenic species (AROM)

  13. Acknowledgements BAFU, ENVIRON, EMPA/NABEL, INFRAS, MeteoSwiss, Meteotest, FUB,TNO, UBA, ACCENT, M. Schultz, M. R. Alfarra

  14. Emission Inventories • Anthropogenic emissions EuropeUBA/FUB/TNO LombardyCityDelta Switzerland INFRAS, Meteotest, TRACT Biogenic emissionsisoprene from oak trees, spruce and grassland (irradiation and temperature dependent)monoterpenes from conifers (temperature dependent)sesquiterpenes 10% of monoterpene emissionsNitrogen oxide from soils

  15. Chemistry in CAMx • Gas-phase chemistry • CB05 mechanism :156 reactions, 90 species • SAPRC99 mechanism: 217 reactions, 77 species Aerosol Chemistry • Aqueous sulfate and nitrate formation RADM • Partitioning of condensable organic gases to secondary organic aerosols SOAP (7 SOA classes) • Partitioning of inorganic aerosol constituents ISORROPIA • Oligomerization Size distribution fine/coarse or sectional

  16. Updated SOA module in CAMx Y1a c*1 Toluene TOLA CG1 SOA1 Y2a FPOLY Anthro Emiss Y1b c*2 Xylene XYLA SOA2 SOPA CG2 Y2b Oxygenated semi-volatile organic compounds c*3 CG3 SOA3 Y3 Isoprene ISP c*4 CG4 SOA4 Y4 Biogenic Emission Model c*5 CG5 SOA5 Monoterpenes Y5 TRP c*6 CG6 SOA6 Y6 FPOLY c*7 Sesquiterpenes SQT CG7 SOA7 SOPB Y7

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