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H052 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中 JESUS, MY SAVIOUR, TO BETHLEHEM CAME (1/4)

H052 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中 JESUS, MY SAVIOUR, TO BETHLEHEM CAME (1/4). 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中, Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came, 成為“憂患子”,來經歷苦痛; Born in a manger to sorrow and shame; 哦,這真希奇,值得我稱頌! Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His name! 祂來尋我,尋我! Seeking for me, for me!. H052 ( 節 1/4, 頁 2/2)

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H052 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中 JESUS, MY SAVIOUR, TO BETHLEHEM CAME (1/4)

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  1. H052 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中JESUS, MY SAVIOUR, TO BETHLEHEM CAME (1/4) 耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中, Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came, 成為“憂患子”,來經歷苦痛; Born in a manger to sorrow and shame; 哦,這真希奇,值得我稱頌! Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His name! 祂來尋我,尋我! Seeking for me, for me!

  2. H052 (節1/4, 頁2/2) 祂來尋我,尋我!祂來尋我,尋我! Seeking for me, for me! Seeking for me, for me! 哦,這真希奇,值得我稱頌! Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His name! 祂來尋我,尋我! Seeking for me, for me!

  3. H052 (節2/4, 頁1/2) 耶穌,我救主,在十字架上, Jesus, my Saviour, on Calvary's tree, 還我眾罪債,將我人釋放; Paid the great debt, and my soul He set free; 哦,這真希奇,怎麼會這樣? Oh, it was wonderful - how could it be? 祂死為我,為我! Dying for me, for me!

  4. H052 (節2/4, 頁2/2) 祂死為我,為我!祂死為我,為我! Dying for me, for me! Dying for me, for me! 哦,這真希奇,怎麼會這樣? Oh, it was wonderful - how could it be? 祂死為我,為我! Dying for me, for me!

  5. H052 (節3/4, 頁1/2) 耶穌,我救主,永活不更改, Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old, 當我在流蕩,召喚我前來, While I was wand'ring afar from the fold, 雖遭我拒絕,仍向我施愛, Gently and long did he plead with my soul, 祂來召我,召我! Calling for me, for me!

  6. H052 (節3/4, 頁2/2) 祂來召我,召我!祂來召我,召我! Calling for me, for me! Calling for me, for me! 雖遭我拒絕,仍向我施愛, Gently and long did he plead with my soul, 祂來召我,召我! Calling for me, for me!

  7. H052 (節4/4, 頁1/2) 耶穌,我救主,要來接選民, Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from on high, 這應許甜美,是盼望中心; Sweet is the promise as weary years fly; 哦,我要見祂從天上降臨, Oh, I shall see Him descend from the sky, 祂來接我,接我! Coming for me, for me!

  8. H052 (節4/4, 頁2/2) 祂來接我,接我!祂來接我,接我! Coming for me, for me! Coming for me, for me! 哦,我要見他從天上降臨, Oh, I shall see Him descend from the sky, 祂來接我,接我! Coming for me, for me!

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