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Olympic Games 2008. ICVET WSI/OTEN TAFE NSW 2006. Welcome to Olympic Games 2008 - Beijing. Paula Williams ( Presenter) Beth Hobbs (Assistant presenter) WSI OTEN TAFE NSW. Olympic Games 2008. ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006. AIM
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET WSI/OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 Welcome to Olympic Games 2008 - Beijing Paula Williams ( Presenter) Beth Hobbs (Assistant presenter) WSI OTEN TAFE NSW
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 AIM The aim of this workshop is to illustrate how Web 2.0 tools involving mobile devices can be used for evidence-based assessment in the workplace. The ‘hypothetical’ workplace - ‘Olympic Games 2008’. This interactive session will focus on the current theories of connectivism and constructivism in workplace learning. As practitioners should we be teaching students more on ‘how to learn’ rather than ‘what to learn’?
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 Welcome to “Mind Your Language” Switch on the Games 2008 In this interactive workshop we will demonstrate how mlearning technology using 3G Motorola phones can be used for evidence- based assessment in the workplace.
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 • Learning Activity:‘Switched on in the workplace’ • You will go to the Olympic Stadium to the starting blocks situated on the ground floor of the ATP. • Look for the large Olympic torch which will contain a stand with ten different countries’ flags . • Each designated team will go to the flag representing their country to find an envelope which contains a translation of their activity. This is to be read out and videoed by the team and sent to the Olympic site using the Motorola 3G phone • After 20 mins the Olympic Committee (presenters) will then go online to OTEN learning support site and view the evidence from you ( volunteers). • In conclusion, the groups will discuss the pros and cons of evidence-based assessing using mobile technology as new and emerging benefits in teaching and learning practice.
Olympic Games 2008 Delivery method The activity question will be SMS to the delegates by the presenter in English to each team’s phone which is to be responded back in a foreign language to the presenter. You will find a translation card for this activity under your designated country’s flag as each team will be representing a different Nation. (A handout identifying flags of the world will be given out for those who are unsure what country’s flag they are representing) Using the phone provided one member of the team will record the evidence of the second colleague translating the assessment task involving a simple first aid incident. The third colleague will MMS the team’s assessment to the Olympic Committee for assessing. All Teams will return to the workshop to review their assessment and discuss the interactive learning activity of using mobile phones for evidence-based assessment. .
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 Outcome: To be able to successfully complete a unit of competency in the workplace and send this as evidence of your assessment to the assessor using a mobile device.
How to record a videoFirst select ‘Pictures’ icon 3. Use the Select button to accept this icon Motorola L6 gsm Exit Select 1.Press in the centre button 2. Use the arrow to move to the icon
In Pictures find the ‘Movie’ Icon Select ‘video camera’ icon using the <arrows> and then press the <select> button. Only when ready press <Capture>…29 secs
How to send via MMS When finished press <Stop> if less than 29 sec’s. Use the <Select> button and choose <Store> Select Button Discard Store
Sending your evidence to the Assessors Store Options • Send in Message • Then press <Select> • Select <Send to> • Scroll down using your downward arrow and search for Olympic Committee <press in the centre button> to place a tick in the box next to Olympic Committee • Then press <send> using the select button underneath
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 SMS question Q: What are the four steps you would perform in an incident involving sprains, bruises and strains as a result of a massive crowd crush in the Olympic stadium? Record your response and send via MMS to the: Olympic Committee
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 • Bruises, Sprains and Strains • Follow these steps: (RICE Technique) • REST the injured part • ICE covered in cloth to injury for 20 minutes • COMPRESSION bandage • ELEVATE the injured part (unless fracture suspected)
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 See you back in 20 minutes……
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 Welcome back Olympic volunteers!
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 Findings Discuss within your group your views about using web 2.0 services especially for assessment in the workplace Q: What do you see as the pros and cons of evidence-based assessment using mobile technology in the so called ‘connected era’?
Olympic Games 2008 ICVET OTEN TAFE NSW 2006 • Connectivism, Constructivism and Behaviourism…that is the question! • How are learning theories impacted when knowledge is no longer acquired in the linear manner? • What adjustments need to be made with today’s learning theories when technologies performs many of the cognitive operations previously performed by learners (information storage and retrieval)? • How can we as educators continue to stay current in a rapidly evolving information ecology? • Development of ePortfolios…is that the answer? • The use of Web 2.0 services to produce evidence-based assessment for continuing formal and informal learning in the workplace