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Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ Instructions for Experiment

Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ Instructions for Experiment. „Natural Language Processing“. The Experiment Procedure. Topic: “ Natural Language Processing (NLP) ” Objective of the Experiment Gain insight about extracting and evaluating concepts and generating questions Informed consent

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Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ Instructions for Experiment

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  1. Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZInstructions for Experiment „Natural Language Processing“

  2. The Experiment Procedure • Topic: “Natural Language Processing (NLP)” • Objective of the Experiment • Gaininsightaboutextractingandevaluatingconceptsandgeneratingquestions • Informed consent • Please fill in the informed consent Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  3. The Experiment Procedure • Step 1: Learning the text • Step 2: Questionnaire 1 • Step 3: Learning Activity I (Questionnaire 2) • Step 4: Test (Questionnaire 3) • Step 5: Learning Activity II (Questionnaire 4) • Step 6: Questionnaire 5a • Please allow yourself breaks between tasks! Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  4. Step 1 Please learn the text (max. 30 minutes)  See email (Subject: „NLP – text“) Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  5. Step 2 Please fill in Questionnaire 1 (max. 10 min) • See email (Subject „phd Questionnaire 1“) • Please give all answers in English! • Please do not use the text while answering the questions! • Click on the „Submit“-Button once you have finished the task! Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  6. Step 3a: Extracting concepts • Please extract the main concepts of the NLP-text, using Questionnaire 2 (max. 10 min) • (Example: Speed of light; theory of relativity, Einstein). • Please separate your concepts with semicolons (;) or commas (,) •  See email (Subject „ phd Questionnaire 2“) • After you have finished this step, please continue working on Questionnaire 2 (Step 3b) as described on the next slide Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  7. Step 3b: Generating questions • Please generate eight questions from the NLP-text, using Questionnaire 2. • Construct two Open Ended questions using the text (Example: What do you know about theory of light?) •  Construct two Fill In The Blank questions using the text (Example: The founder of this university was ________.) •  Construct two Single Choice questions using the text. Their answer should be “no”! (Example: Albert Einstein was born in Norway) •  Construct two Multiple Choice questions with three distractors for each chapter.Onlyoneofthedistractorsshouldbecorrect! (Example: The sun is _____. blue, green, yellow, red) Note thatyouhavetogenerateonequestionforeachcategoryfirstandthenanotheroneafterwards. Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  8. Step 4 Please fill in Questionnaire 3 (max 15 Minutes) and allow yourself a break afterwards. • See email (Subject „ phd Questionnaire 3“). • Please do not use the text while answering the questions! Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  9. Step 5a: Evaluation of concepts Evaluation Task I (max. 10 min.) • Please evaluate the concepts you will find in Questionnaire 4. Do you think the concept is relevant for the text? • 1 = not relevant; 5 = very relevant • See email (Subject „ phd Questionnaire 4“). • After you have finished this task, please continue working on Questionnaire 4 (Step 5b) as described on the next slide Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  10. Step 5b: Evaluation of questions Evaluation Task II (max. 35 min) Please evaluate the questions provided in Questionnaire 4, using the criteria as described below. For each criterion described below, please assign a score between 1 ( = very bad) and 5 (very good) to each question. Pertinence: Relevancy of the formulated questions. Has the question a precise and logical connection to the topic? Terminology: Appropriateness of the words chosen to formulate the question. Level: Extent in approaching the topic. Is the question trivial or expresses it a significant meaning? (1 = trivial, easy; 5 = difficult, significant meaning) Answer (only if provided!): Is the provided answer relevant? Distractors (only for multiple choice!): Quality of the computed distractors of the multiple choice questions Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  11. Step 5c General Survey Please fill in the last section of Questionnaire 4 (max. 15 min) Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  12. Step 6 Evaluating questions Evaluation Task III Please evaluate the questions provided in Questionnaire 5a (see email), using again the criteria as described below. For each criterion, please assign a score between 1 ( = very bad) and 5 (very good) to each question. Pertinence: Relevancy of the formulated questions. Has the question a precise and logical connection to the topic? Terminology: Appropriateness of the words chosen to formulate the question. Level: Extent in approaching the topic. Is the question trivial or expresses it a significant meaning? (1 = trivial, easy; 5 = difficult, significant meaning) Answer (only if provided!): Is the provided answer relevant? Distractors (only for multiple choice!): Quality of the computed distractors of the multiple choice questions Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

  13. Thank you for participating in this Experiment! Christian Gütl, IICM, TU-GRAZ

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