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This document outlines the programme of work for the WPFS committee, focusing on collecting and disseminating comprehensive financial statistics, harmonizing national statistics, and coordinating with international organizations. It also highlights the enhancement of engagement with key non-member countries.

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  1. WPFS PROGRAMME OF WORK 2009-2010 WPFS 13-14 October 2008 by Michèle Chavoix-Mannato OECD/STD

  2. Process • Questionnaire sent to WPFS Delegates, using the writtenprocedure17 March 2008 • Draft WPFS Programme of Work 2009-2010 submitted to CMF Delegates14-15 April 2008 • Final WPFS Programme of Work 2009-2010 before transmission to the Council 13-14 October 2008

  3. CMF conclusions (April 2008) The Committee on Financial Markets (CMF) • Discussed the CMF 2009-2010 draft Programme of Work, and took note of the draft POW by its Working Parties (WPDM and WPFS [DAF/CMF(2008)10/ADD1] • Agreed to, by 28 April 2008 and via the written procedure, submit comments on and respond to issues for discussion in DAF/CMF(2008)10/ADD1 ****** • No comment has been received yet

  4. In-Depth Evaluation ofthe CMF and its Working Parties Recommandation n°4 Recommandation n°6 The WPFS should pursue its efforts with other relevant International Organisations towards the development of a shared vision of the various roles and responsibilities in the area of financial statistics **** To be continued Particular attention should be paid to WPFS and to the place of its Statistics and Indicators products and related methodological developments in the priorities of the CMF **** Co-ordination mechanisms still to be enhanced

  5. Accession Process • The WPFS is expected to contribute to the accession process for five countries: Chile, Estonia, Israel, the Russian Federation, Slovenia and to develop a roadmap to provide an assessment of their statistical situation. • Messages and statistical and methodological questionnaires have been sent by DAFE to these five countries on 15 May 2008. • First replies have been received from Chile and Slovenia.

  6. 2009-2010 WPFS Programme of Work • Collection and dissemination of comprehensive FINANCIAL statistics • Harmonisation of national statistics across countries • Co-ordination with relevant international organisations • Enhanced engagement of key non-members

  7. Ranking (1)Collection and dissemination of comprehensive FINANCIAL statistics • Financial accounts and balance sheets • Continuousimprovement • Historical data • Quarterly data • Households’ wealth • Enhancement of data and possible extension • Bank profitability • Improvement of the quality of data and indicators • Institutional investors • Improvement of the quality of data and indicators

  8. Ranking (2)Harmonisation of national statistics across countries • Methodological developments • Securitisation process • Valuation • Consolidation • Other developments

  9. Ranking (3) Co-ordination with international organisations • EUROSTAT and ECB • IMF • BIS Enhanced engagement of key non-members Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa

  10. Resources • WPFS work totally funded through the STD budget • 1 administrator, I statistician full-time, 1 statistician part-time (70%) • Additional resources in the form of secondment • 1 secondee from the Turkish Central Bank to work on Bank Profitability • Additional resources in the form of direct funding • no grant

  11. Future • The OECD Council will formally decide on the 2009-2010 PWB around November • Suggestions for adjustments to the areas of work can be made and will be considered • New activities can be added if and only if additional resources are provided by Member countries

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