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Introduction of TESCO Own-label Vegetable TESCO 自有品牌蔬菜简介

Introduction of TESCO Own-label Vegetable TESCO 自有品牌蔬菜简介. Content 目录. Background info & Cooperation Way 背景及合作方式介绍 Purposes 目的 Basic information 基本信息 Operation Flow 操作流程 Quality Check 质量检测 TESCO Product Rule 商品原则 TESCO Direct Sourcing TESCO 直采现状 Future Plan 未来计划.

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Introduction of TESCO Own-label Vegetable TESCO 自有品牌蔬菜简介

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  1. Introduction of TESCO Own-label Vegetable TESCO自有品牌蔬菜简介

  2. Content 目录 • Background info & Cooperation Way 背景及合作方式介绍 • Purposes 目的 • Basic information 基本信息 • Operation Flow 操作流程 • Quality Check 质量检测 • TESCO Product Rule 商品原则 • TESCO Direct Sourcing TESCO直采现状 • Future Plan 未来计划

  3. Background info & Cooperation Way 背景及合作方式介绍b Background info/背景: • As one of the top three retailers in the world, TESCO has developed good cooperation with numerous suppliers in China since it entered China market in 2004. 作为全球三大零售商之一,TESCO自2004年正式进入中国市场以来一直同众多供应商保持良好合作。 • We have introduced own-label range into China in 2006. We have over 2000 own-label products up to now. 2006年我们将自有品牌商品进入中国。截止目前,我们在中国已有超过2000种自有品牌商品。 • To fight against current economic downturn and offer customers safer food with lower price, Chinese government calls on retailers to develop direct supply chain with farmers. 中国政府鼓励“农超对接”以应对经济低迷及为顾客提供更多安全低价食品。

  4. Cooperation Way 合作方式介绍 Cooperation way/合作方式介绍: • Unlike traditional way (first farmers plant then stores sell), TESCO makes planting order at first, then Hongyang plants, package and distribute them accordingly. 与传统方式(农场先种植、然后在超市销售)不同,TESCO首先提出自有品牌蔬菜种植要求及预估销量,然后供应商再据此种植、包装及配送。 • TESCO develops own-label vegetable with Shanghai Hongyang Agriculture Company, a professional supplier with excellent credit. It is also a 2010 Shanghai Expo vegetable supplier. This shows TESCO’s active response to the government call on direct supply chain. TESCO同上海弘阳农产品有限公司合作发展自有品牌蔬菜,该供应商是上海市蔬菜质量诚信企业及2010年世博蔬菜供应商单位。二者的合作体现了TESCO对政府“农超对接”号召的积极响应。

  5. Purposes 目的 • To provide customers safe vegetables with really good price. 为顾客提供既安全又便宜的蔬菜 • For the first time TESCO has own-label leaf vegetable products in China “零的突破”:TESCO首次在中国推出自有品牌叶菜

  6. Basic information 基本信息 • Supplier info: Shanghai Hongyang Agriculture Company 供应商信息: 上海弘阳农产品有限公司 • Location: No.588, Qinglong Village, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai 位置: 上海市青浦区白鹤镇青龙村588号 • Occupying area: 420 acres, 350 TESCO greenhouses 占地面积: 420亩,350个TESCO大棚 • When to build: December, 2007 始建日期: 2007年12月 • Items planted: 30 items whole year with 1200 tones annual output, and 9 leaf vegetable items 品项: 全年种植30个品种,总年产量约为1200吨。本次上市9支自有品牌叶菜品项(青菜、生菜、杭州白菜、芹菜、油麦菜、菠菜、韭菜、 空心菜及红米苋) • Employees: 135 staff 员工人数: 135人 • Cover area: All TESCO stores in East China (33 hypermarkets and 6 Express stores on trial) 覆盖区域: 销往华东地区所有TESCO门店(33家大卖场及6家试营业的便捷 店)

  7. Operation Flow 操作流程 1.Farmers to join 农户加入 11. Sales management 销售管理 2.Plan to plant 计划生产 10.Distribution management 配送管理 3.Material management 资材管理 9.Packake management 包装管理 4. Seed management 育苗管理 5. Field management 耕地管理 6. Production management 生产管理 8.Harvest management 采收管理 7.Pesticide check 农药检验

  8. Operation Flow 操作流程 1. Qualified farmers to join/农户加入 • Check on qualification of farmers’ legal property 审核农民合法拥有土地之证明(土地地积图) • Check on farmland soil and water 农田土壤及水质通过检测 • Set up files of farmland basic info and plant area 土地基本资料建档及种植区域图 • Farmers only need to provide labor force to produce professionally 只需提供劳务作专业生产 2. Plan to plant/计划生产 • Make planting plan of each item’s planting schedule and amount according to TESCO East China previous sales figure in order to maintain a stable supply. 依据TESCO华东历史销售数据排定各品项生产时期及数量,达稳定货源 3. Material management/资材管理 • All fertilizer and pesticide need to have qualification. 所用肥料、农药均需有合格证,不购买未推荐农药及禁药 • Encode fertilizer and pesticide for easy management 统购降低生产成本,肥料、农药编码有利管理

  9. Operation Flow 操作流程 4. Seed management/育苗管理 • All seeds are purchased from Shanghai Agriculture Science Institute and Shanghai Municipal Seed Company 所有种子均采购自上海农科院、上海市种子公司 5. Field management/耕地管理 • Control field situation and set up field operation flow 掌控耕地现况,建立耕地作业流程 6. Production management/生产管理 • Professional allocate job, obey plant protection manual, Hongyang Company to decide pesticide use 专业分工、遵循植物保护手册、由弘阳公司开立用药施肥处方签、交付农药、肥料给农民使用 7. Pesticide check/农药检验 • Get samples 3 days before harvest, each batch to have biochemistry test, and double check them irregularly 采收前三天采样、每批进行生化检验,不定期送试验所作化学检验

  10. Operation Flow 操作流程 8. Harvest management/采收管理 • Make record carefully and type them into product resume system 完成纸本记录键入农产品产销履历系统,核对纸本和电脑资料相符安排采收 9. Package management/包装管理 • Pre-cool products through ice water, pressure or vacuum 利用冰水、差压或真空预冷达保鲜效果,进行定位库存管理 • Set up professional vegetable low-temperature distribution center to handle packaging 成立专业蔬菜低温包装物流中心,负责分级包装 10. Distribution management/配送管理 • Vegetable products are distributed to TESCO FFDC by refrigerated fleet of Hongyang Company 由弘阳公司自有冷藏车队配送至TESCO乐购FFDC • 11. Sales management/销售管理 • Statistical analysis of sales record, follow-up of sales • and customer satisfaction • 统计分析销售记录,并追踪销售状况,及顾客满意度 • Promote TESCO Vegetable Quality Line in stores • through marketing • 卖场行销推广TESCO质量管理体系蔬菜,并定期举办促销活 • 动,建立多品牌行销

  11. Quality Check质量检查 Green vegetable standard check绿色农产品标准达标监查 Regularly check 定期监测 Field record 田间记录 Pesticide residues test / 农残检测 • Self check/自检; • Regularly check by Shanghai Agriculture Committee/上海市农委 定期抽检; • Disclose test results and analyze them/挂牌 公布检测结果,分析检 测结果 • Regularly check soil, water and air (eg. On a quarterly basis) /定期对土壤、水质、空气监测(如每季度一次) 定期对土壤、水质、 空气监测(如每季 度一次) • Clear/清晰 • Complete/完整 • Could be tracked back/可追溯

  12. TESCO Product RuleTESCO商品原则 TESCO Product Rule TESCO商品原则 After Launch 上市后 • Regular Visit for Improvement • 定期检测 • 2. Surveillance Test • 产品检测 • Surveillance Audit • 农场年度审计 Launching 上市流程 • Seed Selection • 选种 • Plant • 种植 • Pesticide Testing • 农药检测 • Gather &Packing • 采收包装 • Inspection in DC • 统仓检测 • Stock &Transport in Chill to Stores • 冷链配送至门店 Before Launch 上市前 • Supplier Audit • 审计供应商 • Corrective Action • 改善不合格之处 • Set Specification • 设置标准 • Testing • 检测 • Label Design • 商标设计

  13. TESCO Direct SourcingTESCO直采现状 Other than vegetables, now we also have fruit (navel orange, banana, apple, grape, Kiwi, etc.), vegetable, meat and aquatic product direct supply chains. 目前除蔬菜外,TESCO目前在全国各个区域还进行水果(脐橙、香蕉、苹果、葡萄、奇异果等)、肉类(猪肉、鸡肉、鸭肉等)、水产(小黄鱼、带鱼等)的直采项目

  14. Future Plan 未来计划 Future Plan 未来计划 Add items to plant such as summer and winter vegetables 增加种植品项,例如夏季、冬季蔬菜 Increase planting area. There is also possibility of adding new supplier. 增加种植面积,不排除增加合作农场 Spread this cooperation format nationwide after it is mature enough 待此合作模式成熟后推广到全国范围 Further enrich our direct supply chain. 将进一步扩大生鲜直采范围。

  15. Welcome to visit TESCO own-label vegetable base ! 欢迎参观TESCO自有品牌蔬菜基地! Thanks for your attention ! 感谢各位关注!

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