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Vision Document Essentials for Project Success

Learn how a well-crafted vision document shapes project goals, stakeholders, and success factors. Explore key points, scenarios, and relationships crucial for project management. Discover valuable insights on writing visions, managing ideas, and fostering productive team interactions.

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Vision Document Essentials for Project Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Some Notes from BerkunArt of Project Management CS436 (material for quiz) Loui

  2. The vision document has a SIMPLIFYING effect on the project The vision document is the first source of GOALS The vision document CONSOLIDATES ideas from many other places It should be INSPIRATIONAL It should be MEMORABLE The five qualities of good visions Loui

  3. What is the one sentence that defines this specific release of this specific project? How does this project contribute to the goals of the organization? Why is this project more relevant than others? Key points to cover: vision Loui

  4. What scenarios/features for customers are essential? What scenarios/features for customers are desired but not essential? Who are the customers? What problems does this project solve for them? Key points to cover: vision Loui

  5. Who are the stakeholders for this project (the people with power who are not necessarily customers)? Why will these customers buy what we offer? Who are the competitors and how will this project compare? Key points to cover: vision Loui

  6. What will not be a part of this project? What are some ways this project could fail, and how to minimize their likelihood? What are other people involved in this project depending on? How will work be divided? Key points to cover: vision Loui

  7. It's hard to be simple Writing well requires one primary author Volume is not quality Draft, review, revise! Avoid: kitchen sink, mumbo jumbo, spineless wimp-o-matic, what the vp wants Writing the vision statement Loui

  8. Show the user! Visions should be visual! Show the data and the process! Loui

  9. Design = exploration: schedule time for exploration Good questions attract good ideas: consider questions that focus attention Bad ideas often lead to good ideas Brainstorming is a specific activity The customer experience starts the design Where ideas come from Loui

  10. Ideas get out of control Managing ideas demans a steady hand Changes cause chain reactions Creative work has momentum Checkpoint your design phases: Vision/proof of concept Alternatives Specification What to do with ideas Loui

  11. Requirements/expectations Features Technical specs/detail of engineering approach Work item lists: describe each programming assignment, estimate time, name names Criteria for testing/passing milestones Deciding what to Specify Loui

  12. Borrow from other spec! Avoid jargon and obscure language Hold onto specifications Have specific readers in mind when you write Don't give complete api's, do show some detail Describe algorithms at high level Get feedback! More on Specs Loui

  13. Get people's best work: Listen to and follow technical advice Challenge people to do great things Inspire by your own feelings about the project Clear roadblocks for them Remind them of their roles Remind them of project goals Teach and let learn Ask them for their good work Relationships Loui

  14. Don't annoy people, e.g.: Assume I'm an idiot Don't trust me Waste my time Manage me without respect Make me listen to or read stupid things Relationships Loui

  15. "Sometimes people with more power than you inflict processes on your team…" Shield your team from the process Bet against the process / counterpropose Ignore the process (be warned!) Relationships Loui

  16. Non-annoying email: Concise, simple, direct Offers an action and a deadline Prioritizes Don't assume people read it Avoids play-by-play Permits FYI to be filtered Is often called the telephone Relationships Loui

  17. Meetings: Kinds: highly interactive discussion Reporting status/project review Relationships Loui

  18. Meetings: Questions: are the right people in the room? What to prepare? Be on time? End = what happens next. Relationships Loui

  19. Meetings: Facilitate: Host listen & reflect direct the conversation end the conversation record what happened (scribe) Relationships Loui

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