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The top deadliest volcanoes and earthquakes. What is a volcano?. A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface. What are the main causes of volcanoes’ eruptions?.
What is a volcano? • A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface.
What are the main causes of volcanoes’ eruptions? • A volcano erupts when magma escapes from inside the earth. As the magma is escaping from a confined space, a lot of energy is released with it, as happens with any other explosion. This is why many eruptions also produce huge quantities of gases and dust. Magma sometimes rises under enormous pressure, so it not only finds cracks in the earth’s crust, it can also create them. When magma reaches the earth’s surface it is called lava. • Volcanoes are caused to erupt when the inner core of the earth holds more pressure or heat inside it. Volcanoes are the outside source of releasing the lava and magma that the earth has inside it. when a volcano erupts it means that the earth is releasing a large amount of pressure from within.
What are the top deadliest volcano eruptions in history? • Mount Tambora, Indonasia-April 5, 1815 • Krakatoa, Indonasia-August 1883 • Mount Pelee, Martinique-August 30,1902 • Nevada Del Ruiz, Columbia-Nov. 13,1985 • Skaftáreldar , Iceland-1783
Mount Tambora eruption • The volcano's 1815 eruption was one of the world's most destructive in historical times, killing an estimated 50,000-90,000 people, destroying the kingdoms of Tambora and Papegat, and causing crop failures on neighboring Bali and Lambok. Lingering ash in the atmosphere led to global cooling and created "the year without a summer" in many areas throughout the world, including the United States.
Krakatoa eruption • The eruption of the Indonesian volcanic island Krakatoa (Krakatau) was heard 3,000 miles away, created tidal waves 120 feet high (killing 36,000 people), hurled five cubic miles of earth fragments into the air (some to a height of 50 miles) and affected the oceans and the atmosphere for years.
Mount Pelee • In the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century, Mount Pelée erupted on the tiny French Caribbean island of Martinique. In minutes a cloud of ashes, gases and rocks destroyed the thriving port city of Saint-Pierre, killing all but one of its 30,000 inhabitants.
Nevada Del Ruiz • About 23,000 people died when the lahar covered the Armero, making this the most deadly lahar in the history of the world.[People who live near the volcano call it "the Sleeping Lion", because it was dormant for nearly 150 years before the Armero lahar.
Skaftáreldar • The Laki eruption and its aftermath has been estimated to have killed over six million peopleglobally, making it the deadliest volcanic eruption in historical times. The drop in temperatures, due to the sulphuric dioxide gases spewed into the northern hemisphere, caused crop failures in Europe, droughts in India, and Japan's worst famine
What is an earthquake? • An Earthquake is a sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which originates naturally at or below the surface
What causes earthquakes? • The plate boundaries are made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough, they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstuck on one of the faults and there is an earthquake.
What are the top deadliest earthquakes • Syria,Egypt-May 20th, 1202 • Shensi, China-february 2nd, 1556 • Thangshan, China- July 27, 1976 • Azerbaijan-1139 A.D. • Calcutta, India-October 11th, 1737
Syria, Egypt • The 1202 Syria earthquake struck at about dawn on 20 May 1202 with an epicenter in southwestern Syria. Up to 1,100,000 deaths have been associated with this earthquake. It was felt over a very wide area, from Sicily to Iraq and Anatolia to upper Egypt. The cities of Tyre, Acre and Nablus were heavily damaged. A magnitude of Ms = 7.6 has been estimated
Shensi, China • This deadliest earthquake in history killed 830,000. The death toll was so high because the tremors destroyed a number of high loess cliffs in which millions of peasants lived in artificial caves. Loess, or soft clay, formed over millions of years from silt, blown there from the Gobi Desert.
Thangshan, China • The official death toll from this earthquake was 242,000 dead and 164,000 injured. Measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, the tremor destroyed an area the size of Manhattan island in the middle of Tangshan. Immediately before the first shaking began at 3:42 a.m., the sky lit up as if it were day. Near the fault line, corn fields and bushes were blown over and burnt on one side.Thousands of sinkholes also appeared, and trees were snapped off. Railroad tracks twisted together, while landslides were triggered on all neighboring hills..
Azerbaijan • In 1139 AD, a devastating earthquake with the magnitude of IX took place in Azerbaijan. The town of Ganja was destroyed completely and gross casualties were reported. Approximately 23,000 people lost their lives.
Calcutta, India • On October 11th, the earthquake killed about 3000,000 people and destroyed the city of Calcutta. Hurricane force winds and flooding also occurred on the same night.