ASM General Meeting 10/25. Please Welcome Dr. Maldonado. ASM International Mentorship P rogram
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ASM General Meeting 10/25
Please Welcome Dr. Maldonado ASM International Mentorship Program ASM Undergraduate Research Fellowship
HALLOWEEN BAKE SALE Bake sale and Pancake sale at the UGLC on Thursday October 28th from 8:00am to 1:30pm We need volunteers for this event ASM is also in need of these specific items: Hot water(where to carry and how to heat) Griddle Extension cords If you have these items, please contact any officer Pancakes are to be sold for 3 pancakes a plate (price may change depending on price of materials) We are accepting donations of baked goods, i.e. brownies, cupcakes, cakes, cookies, etc. (They can be home made or store bought) Members will get participation hours for bringing items
Fundraisers Selling goodies and scantrons at the ASM office December Fundraiser Gift Baskets Contain chocolates, marsh-mellows, and other goods wrapped in a basket for sale If you know a company/business that can donate goods or funds please let us know. If you have any other fundraising ideas please email Jazmin at
ASM Membership Dues Just a reminder that if you have not done so, please be sure to pay your dues to Katie, our Treasurer, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE This is very important!! ASM National Dues are $12 Benefits include: Addition to the National roster of ASM Subscription to Microbe (magazine) Updates from the National ASM Branch with specific opportunites ASM Local Dues are $15 Benefits include: ASM T-shirt for that year Eligible for Senior Graduation sash Scholarship to ABRCMS for certain participants
Seniors Graduating in December If you have not already emailed Liz stating that you will be graduating in December: Please contact either Liz or Jazmin after this meeting This is adamant because we will be ordering graduation sashes soon, if you have not: A) contacted Liz or Jazmin, B) have not been at least 65% active in ASM and, C) have not paid your dues to ASM by the cut off date 9/30 Then you will NOT be receiving a sash to wear at graduation in December
ASM Social Events CORN MAIZE WITH ASM the weekend after Halloween
Halloween Party! Luis Gonzalez will be hosting a Halloween Party on Saturday, October 30th at his house. Interested? Then please contact any of the officers after the meeting and be ready to wear a costume!
ASM Social Events Tailgate November 6th UTEP vs. SMU
ASM Social Events Come and join ASM in December….. For a Ruidoso Trip!
ASM Social Events Spring Break 2011! Cancun? Puerto Rico? You decide…
Next General Meetings There are only 2 General Meetings Left this Semester! The next meeting will be on 11/8/2010 at 4:30pm And the last one on 11/22/2010 at 4:30pm
End of the Year ASM Party Thursday, December 2ndat 6pm at Dr. Maldonado’s House This event will be Pot Luck, so bring some tasty food and “drinks” ! Come join ASM in celebration of the semesters’ end