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MCA-II/GRAD School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Training

MCA-II/GRAD School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Training. March 2010. Why Is this Training Important?. Maintain our perfect record from last year  Federal and state mandated testing is very important and affects the district in a variety of ways.

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MCA-II/GRAD School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Training

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  1. MCA-II/GRADSchool Assessment Coordinator (SAC)Training March 2010

  2. Why Is this Training Important? • Maintain our perfect record from last year  • Federal and state mandated testing is very important and affects the district in a variety of ways. • Create improved standard procedures across the district as new people have taken on the SAC role. • Sharing opportunity for SACs

  3. Test Materials Arrive • Test Materials arrive in your buildings on Tuesday 3-22 via SpeeDee delivery. Be looking for this delivery. • SAC Manual and Procedures Manual should be read and any clarifying questions asked of the DAC. (Chris Balow x8376) • The SAC and support persons should be the only persons with access to the secured area. • Test materials must be locked in a secure location upon arrival until the time of Test Monitor distribution.

  4. Inventory of Materials • SAC must inventory all test materials immediately with a written record. • Discrepancies or shortages in materials should be reported immediately by calling Chris Balow at x8376. • If there is missing or incorrect pre-printed information on an answer document, do not cross out or edit any information!!! Reinforce this with test monitors. Notify Chris of the incorrect information and we make the corrections electronically.

  5. Non-Disclosure Agreement Forms • SAC or any persons accessing tests must sign a Non-Disclosure agreement before accessing or handling materials. • SAC will ensure Non-Disclosure agreements are signed by all Test Monitors prior to handing out test materials and they have viewed the proctor powerpoint. • Most test monitors will complete Non-Disclosure agreements at test monitor training sessions and principals will forward these signed forms to you. However some monitors may miss this training and you will need to verify that all monitors have a signed Non-Disclosure agreement form.

  6. Chain of Custody for Testing Materials • The SAC ensures testing materials are kept in a secure locked location until delivered to the Test Monitor. • Divide test materials into groups for each Test Monitor with a classroom security list on top listing the numerical range for the testing materials. • Upon receipt, the Test Monitor ensures that all the testing materials listed on the checklist are accounted for. • The Test Monitor is responsible for the test materials during the testing session until their return to the SAC. • When the testing materials are returned to the SAC, they will again be inventoried and the SAC is responsible for those testing materials until returned to the Test Monitor for additional testing. • When the testing materials are returned to the SAC the final time, they will again be inventoried and the SAC is responsible for those testing materials until shipped.

  7. Breaches in test security • If there is a concern that test security may have been breached, contact Chris Balow immediately at x8376. • Examples of breached security may include missing, lost or potentially stolen items; test materials left unsecured by SAC or test monitors, somebody photocopying materials.

  8. Test Administration Report • Used to report anything unusual or an unexpected situation that arises that could affect the validity of test results. • The original signed report is sent to Pearson with the answer documents. Make a copy for yourself and forward one to Martha Lindberg at CSB. • Examples include: misadministration by the test monitor, student moved to another section ahead of class, student gets sick and does not finish, transcription of oral test responses (scribe), oral test administration, student refuses to test or randomly answers questions. • A test administration report must be completed even if nothing unusual happens—just check “no issues”

  9. Classroom Security Checklist • Used to keep track of which test forms are assigned to each test monitor and the specific students. • There is an electronic version available or the handwritten form is acceptable. The electronic version will allow you to download classes from Skyward and cut and paste the student names into the Excel form. You will then need to assign the test booklet number manually. • The Classroom security checklist MUST have each student name listed and the booklet number they received. • Special education student receiving accommodated materials must use a Form 1 Booklet

  10. Returning Materials • Contact SpeeDee delivery at least 48 hours prior to when you wish to have materials picked up. Log onto the SpeeDee website at www.k2logistics.com. Click testing pickups button, enter district code 0834, answer the remaining questions. Click submit request at the bottom of the screen. You will receive an email summary in a few minutes. If not call 1-800-445-7213. If you prefer, you can schedule pickup via phone at the same number. • SAHS must return materials on the Friday of test week (4-16). Schedule pick up 4-14. • Deadline for grades 3-8 tests is May 5th. Schedule pickup by May 3th.

  11. Returning Materials • How do you box up your materials? Check the SAC manual that come with materials. There will also be a form with your test materials with all return details. Read this information carefully but call Martha if you have questions. • First, get all test booklets into numerical order. Answers documents can be put in alpha order (optional). • Use header sheets to combine grade level classrooms. Use a paper band to secure the answer documents. If more than one band is needed mark band like this (Example: 1 of 2 or 2 of 2). See diagrams in manual. • Band grade 3 separately by reading books and math books. • The test administration report must go on the top of box 1 of answer documents.

  12. Returning Materials • Answer documents are shipped separately from secured test booklets and materials. • Answer documents have special colored labels (Aqua 3-8, Pumpkin 10-11) and secured materials will have a magenta colored label. • Test booklet box up order: • 1- Used and unused accommodated materials (CD, scripts) on the bottom of the box. • 2 – Used and unused math booklets in numerical order • 3 – Used and unused reading booklets in numerical order. • ALL unused and used test books, as well as accommodated materials must be returned to Pearson. Unused grade 3 booklets are returned as secure testing materials not with the answer documents. • Complete the bill of lading for SpeeDee driver prior to pickup.

  13. New This Year • MCA-Modified (MCA-M) Embedded Field Test • Alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards • Reading and mathematics • Grades 5-8 and High School. • Three MCA test books contain MCA-M field test items: Forms 91, 92, 93 • MDE identifies which students will participate in the MCA-M field test. I will let each building know. • Selection is based on: • Having an IEP • Performing persistently-low on past assessments

  14. Other information • Do not give 3rd grade monitors red dot seals. Do not put red dot seals on grade 3 answer books. All other grades use red dot seals to seal test sections. • Make sure you have plenty of shipping tape for the boxes. • Sharing time: • What has worked well in your buildings? • What has not worked well? • What do you need from us to help you accomplish these important tasks? • Chris Balow 351-8376, 651-210-5732 (cell) • Martha Lindberg 351-8309 for Special Ed questions only.

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