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Standard Rivets – Used to secure Nose Sheet / Post and Apron Wrapper. Monobolts – Currently used to secure Nose Sheet to Apron Wrapper. Standard Rivets – Used to secure entire Nose Sheet. Impact Report. Project: Alpha Nose Sheet Monobolt Elimination.
Standard Rivets – Used to secure Nose Sheet / Post and Apron Wrapper Monobolts – Currently used to secure Nose Sheet to Apron Wrapper Standard Rivets – Used to secure entire Nose Sheet Impact Report Project: Alpha Nose Sheet Monobolt Elimination. Problem Description:Specified monobolts provide for water leak path, are expensive and require hole deburring process to install properly. After Before Solution:Station 5 CI Team requested replacement of monobolts with standard rivets. Benefits:Elimination of leak point. Annualized material cost savings of $33,390. Sustainability:Product design change to Print and BOM.
Impact Report Project: Line 4 G2 protection from pusher damage. Problem Description:The pushers that are used on L4 to move the trailers mash the door hold-back chains into the G2 when they are pushing the units. After Before Solution:Added in two hook bolts to hang the chains on to keep them out of the way. Benefits:Annual savings estimated at $1,500 in G2 repair elimination. Sustainability:Hooks should never be removed so they will always be available.
Impact Report Project: Line 8 Rub Rail Holders Problem Description:Took (3) associates to hang rub rail, (2) to hold the rail in place, (1) to fasten the rail to the side. Solution:Cut double hand suction cup in half and cleared gap for rail to sit in. (4) cups per side. Benefits:(1) associate can now complete the entire task Sustainability:Process Change
Impact Report Project: Pintle Hook Channel Bottom Plate – Improved Fit For Welding Problem Description: Plate dimensions and shape did not allow adequate room for Fillet Welds. Horizontal Butt / Narrow Fillet Joints lead to weld discrepancies and rewelds. Before After Difficult Weld Joints. Improved Weld Joints. Solution: Reduced part dimensions by 1/16” and cropped the corners to form adequate ledges all around to accommodate the ¼” Fillet Welds called for per Eng. Print. Benefits: Easier to weld. Allows achievement of weld per Eng. Requirements. Sustainability: Part print change.
Impact Report Project: Air bag wraps from Dana. Problem Description:The plastic wrap for the air bags were being tucked between the air bag and frame causing unsightly appearance. After Before Solution: Requested Dana to change their process. Benefits: Improved appearance of product from Axle Bogie. Sustainability: Incoming material audit.
Impact Report Project: Line 5 Floor Planer for 48’ SAIA Units Problem Description:The floor kits were suppose to come in (per product engineering) with the floors pre-routed to 4” x ¼” for the lift gates. However they weren’t and this provided for an unsafe process of using the current router. Before After Solution:I expedited the purchase of a hand planer for $160 for the line’s immediate use. This allowed them to complete the process a lot safer and with much better quality. Benefits:Safety and efficiency improvement. Sustainability:Tool will remain on line for these types of units.
Before After Impact Report Project: Line 2 K-Brace Fixture. Problem Description:The locating pin did not extend enough to engage both the washer and k-brace arm causing washers to be welded off location. Solution: Installed 5/8” OD x 3/8” long bushing behind locating pin to extend length. Benefits: Properly located washers and proper fit-up of K-brace to landing gear legs. Sustainability: Updated K-Brace Assembly Fixture Drawing to show spacers.
Impact Report Project: Line 8 side attachment weld reduction. Problem Description: Coupler associates were strip welding the side attachment plates to the grid plate (not called for on print). After Before Attachment plate tacked then strip welded Attachment plate just tacked Solution: Removed strip welds on interior of side attachment plate. Benefits: $2,220.00 annualized savings, Improve product quality and reduced cycle time. Sustainability: Process audits
Impact Report Project: Mount/demount of alloy wheel. Problem Description:Damaging alloy wheels when trying to mount or demount tires on the Coates Machine. Before After Solution: Purchase new tool with nylon end to prevent damaging wheel. Benefits: New tool will prevent damage to wheel which could cost over $200/each. Sustainability: Will replace old tool for this process.
Impact Report Project: Tool security for Line areas. Problem Description:The tools for the line areas were being kept in very worn out Duraplate shadow boards that were incapable of being locked. This allowed for frequent tool thefts out of the areas. After Before Solution:Purchased nice, very solid, lockable tool cabinets Benefits:Annual savings of $103,480.00 (cost of a 3/8” & 1/2” impact + pad sander for the week lost $796 x 2.5 x 52 weeks) Sustainability:The area coordinators and supervisors will now be responsible for the tooling and the cabinets being locked.
Impact Report Project: Line 8 1st jig front gutter cobra welder gas plug. Problem Description: Gas plug blown out letting gas flow out orifice at full capacity each time trigger was depressed. After Before Plug for gas blown out Gun assembly replaced Solution: Replaced gun and whip. Benefits: $4,134.00 annualized savings, Improve product quality. Sustainability: Process Audits/ Maintenance training.
Impact Report Project: Line 8 side attachment weld reduction. Problem Description: Coupler associates were strip welding the radius on stainless aprons. After Before Radius tacked then strip welded Radius just tacked Solution: Removed strip welds (not called for on print) on interior of side apron plate and left tacks–assembly is fully welded on opposite side. Benefits: $1,724 annualized savings, Improve product quality and reduced cycle time. Sustainability: Process audits
Impact Report Project: Add Automate Blow-off to Exit of Wash Booth System in Rear Frames. Problem Description:Currently have to have an associate stand at end of Wash booth to blow excess water out of Corners and holding spaces of Rear Frame.. Before After Solution:Install Automated Cyclonic Blow-off System at Exit of Wash Booth.. Benefits:Estimated Annual Savings $72900 by elimination of 1 associate per Shift. Sustainability:Regular PM Checks.
Impact Report Project: Tool security for the Line 5 Offline area. Problem Description:The tools for the offline department were being kept in very worn out RubberMaid tool boxes that had broken locks. This allowed for frequent tool thefts out of the area. Before After Solution:Purchased a nice, very solid, lockable tool cabinet Benefits:Annual savings of $41,392 (cost of a 3/8” & 1/2” impact + pad sander for the week lost $796 x 52 weeks) Sustainability:Cabinet is lagged to the floor
Impact Report Project: Line 3 Floor Seam Welder Problem Description: Accessing the Floor to run the Line 3 Floor Welder. Unsafe, Tectyl / debris tracked onto floor and limited space for conventional stair steps. After Before Difficult access to Floor without aid of Steps. Safer Access Solution: Installed Tuck-Away Stair Steps {Front and Rear} for safer, cleaner access to and from the Aluminum Floor Welder Station. Benefits: Safer, easier access to and from the Aluminum Floor. Sustainability: Permanent attachment to Fixture.
Impact Report Project: Replace Hard Steel Pipe-work on Wash Tank 1 Steam to Fluid Heat Exchanger. Problem Description:Hard Steel Pipe-work and Bronze Face Steel Unions originally employed were a major source of “Steam Leaks” “Energy Loss” “Safety (Scalding) Hazard” “Ongoing Maintenance Attention” and “Difficulty in Removing Heat Exchanger for Cleaning” Before After No Before Photo, but Hard Pipe Connections and Unions were constant sources of Steam Leaks with Consequent Energy Loss, Safety Issues and Inability to Maintain Required Temperature. Solution:Installed “Flexible” (high temperature high pressure) hose with High Pressure Steam Tight Fittings. Benefits:Estimated Annual Savings circa $10k in Energy and Maintenance plus wash now operating at correct temperature with consequent quality benefits. Sustainability:Regular PM Checks.