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HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting

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HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting

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    1. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting The Comprehensive Usage of Data Analysis in Developing and Supporting the Goals of Quincy, MA 10-Year Plan Matthew D. Simmonds, President of Simtech Solutions Inc. John Yazwinski, Executive Director of Father Bills & Mainspring and Chairman of the Quincy-Weymouth, MA CoC

    2. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Community Information CoC Description - Quincy-Weymouth Point in Time Count �256 homeless persons on 1/30/08 General Population Count - 142,013 Source: 2000 US Census Figures

    3. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Overview It is our intent to share with others the data driven approach we have used to expediently address the issues surrounding chronic homelessness in our community. Using both HMIS and non-HMIS data we have been able to accomplish the following: Identify sub-populations in great need of our attention Reduce housing and non-housing costs Show a demonstrable improvement in quality of life Ensure the quality of the data we are reporting on Provide the media and funding sources with crucial facts and figures Demonstrate the accomplishment of goals set in our 10 Year Plan Improve our point in time counting strategy and reduce turnaround to less than 1 day Facilitate conversations with state institutions to improve discharge planning Chart the build up of housing units and the corresponding decline in shelter beds Make two slidesMake two slides

    4. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Measurable Outcomes from the 10 Year Plan Reduce inappropriate discharges Decrease cost of emergency services Increase housing Improve regional collaboration and support

    5. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Examining the Trends I collapsed your sentence into bulletsI collapsed your sentence into bullets

    6. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Reduce Inappropriate Discharges This report is hard to read as a presentation- do you want to have it as a handout and reference it in the presentation? This report is hard to read as a presentation- do you want to have it as a handout and reference it in the presentation?

    7. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Reduce Inappropriate Discharges Label left column, what do the #�s mean� clients? Recommend adding an additional slide that says--- What does this chart tell us? Label left column, what do the #�s mean� clients? Recommend adding an additional slide that says--- What does this chart tell us?

    8. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Determine Our Chronic Population If the client has a disability (F=Yes), and they either had 4 or more homeless episodes (G>=4) OR were homeless for greater than 1 year (J>365), and are 18 years old or older (K>=18), then count them as chronically homeless. Excel formula used to ID a difference between the data derived and the case manager assigned chronicity status: Bx=IF(AND(Fx="Yes",OR(Gx="Y",Jx>=365),Kx>18),1,0) REMOVE FORMULA from presentation--- you can include in a handout if you think it is important. REMOVE FORMULA from presentation--- you can include in a handout if you think it is important.

    9. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Examining the Trends Once we identified the chronically homeless we were able to pinpoint their bed utilization rates compared with the utilization rates of the non-chronic. Our findings were as follows: Chronic clients served FY04 = 397 Total clients served in FY04 = 1285 % clients that were chronic = 397/1285 or 30.8% Chronic clients served on 2/1/04* = 72 Total clients served on 2/1/04 = 146 % clients served that were chronic = 72/146 or 49.3% Less than one third of the total clients were utilizing roughly half of the bed stays! * One of several randomly selected dates all of which showed similar results.

    10. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Decrease Cost of Emergency Services After identifying the issue the continuum moved forward with a pilot Housing First project and studied the before and after results to determine if the model was an effective one. Our findings were as follows: Cost Benefit Analysis � Shelter Vs. Housing Hard costs per client at the shelter per year = $14,600. Hard costs per client at Claremont House per year = $11,195. Total savings per client = $3,405. Move to two slides; Bullet one under cost analysis- please verify finding language Spell out MEPSMove to two slides; Bullet one under cost analysis- please verify finding language Spell out MEPS

    11. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Decrease Cost of Emergency Services Cost Benefit Analysis � Medical Costs The Claremont House study showed out of 12 women placed emergency room visits dropped from 22 visits prior to housing to 11 after housing and inpatient stays dropped from 44 to 4. FROM ACTUAL BILLINGS - Dr. Barber from Quincy Medical stated cost savings to the community were roughly $60,000 or $5000 per client for the first year of the study alone. IF WE HAD TO ESTIMATE - The average cost of inpatient stays in the US was $1023 per day according to the Medical Care Cost Equation Tool (MCCE). According to MEPS the national average cost of an ER visit was $560. �Therefore based on these averages the total savings to the community were $40,964 for inpatient stays and $6160 for ER visits for a total savings of $47124. Move to two slides; Bullet one under cost analysis- please verify finding language Spell out MEPSMove to two slides; Bullet one under cost analysis- please verify finding language Spell out MEPS

    12. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Increase Housing Closed an emergency shelter due to lack of need and took 35 total beds offline. 2+ years ahead of pace on the 10 year plan goal to build up 100-120 housing units for the chronically homeless with 52 new units Quincy beats housing goal: City reports 20% drop in chronic homelessness (Source Patriot Ledger)

    13. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Leverage the Point In Time Count Excel tools allowed for generation of Chart K within 1day. Simple process helped persuade agencies to implement a successful �dry run� count. Demonstrated a decrease in the chronic population every year for the last four years. We are now seeing more vets than ever. Excel enables us to collect data from non-HUD funded agencies. Serves as an effective auditing tool of our HMIS data. Sharing point in time info with others around New England will enable a regional count and help us benchmark our performance with similar communities. Make two slides or collapse content to bullets not sentenses.Make two slides or collapse content to bullets not sentenses.

    14. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Leverage the Point In Time Count

    15. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Improve Regional Collaboration

    16. HUD Advanced Homeless Data Users Meeting April 24, 2008 Action Step: Improve Regional Collaboration

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