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Caring for Your Animals. Developed by: Holly George and Susie Kocher University of California Extension Bob Hamblen, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Bruce Miller, Utah State University Melody Hefner, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. UNCE, Reno, Nev.
Caring for Your Animals Developed by: Holly George and Susie Kocher University of California Extension Bob Hamblen, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Bruce Miller, Utah State University Melody Hefner, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension UNCE, Reno, Nev.
We’ll be covering • Animal digestive systems • Animal nutritional needs • Hay quality • Feed and forage production versus animal needs • Health care and safety issues • Manure management Animal Ownership
The four digestive systems • Ruminant • Pseudo-ruminants • Nonruminant herbivore • Monogastric www.usda.gov www.usda.gov UNCE servicemeansnet/pukite Animal Ownership
Ruminants (cows, goats, sheep, elk, deer and bison) • Have no upper incisors or canine teeth • Have four stomach compartments • Stomach has more space and microorganisms • Can synthesize essential amino acids • Can break down cellulose into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) Beginning Sheperd’s Manual by Barbara Smith Animal Ownership
Ruminant biology • Complex, multi-chambered stomach ferments feed • Microorganisms in stomach convert plant cells into usable energy Animal Ownership
The rumen advantage Animals with rumens can obtain more energy from plant materials than those without rumens because of the fermentation process. www.usda.gov Animal Ownership
Pseudo-ruminants • Llamas, alpacas • Three-chambered stomach system • No rumen, but chew their cud and digest feedstuffs via fermentation and microbial action. alpacainfo.com Animal Ownership
Nonruminant herbivores: horse, rabbit, guinea pig and hamster UNCE, Reno, Nev.
Horses • Digestive system and nutrient requirements are more similar to a pig than to a cow • Compared to cows, horses need less roughage, more and higher quality protein and added B vitamins • Where no pasture is available, a 1,000-pound horse will consume about 25 lbs/day of hay and grain, or about 4.6 tons per year UNCE UNCE, Reno, Nev. Animal Ownership
Special challenges of horses • Formation of bones • Irregular use and/or strenuous exercise UNCE, Reno, Nev.
Special challenges of horses • For increased energy requirements, decrease roughage and increase grain • Limited protein synthesis and poor absorption means that they must be fed high quality protein www.holisticvetpetcare.com
Monogastric (simple-stomached) • Simplest of all digestive systems • Limited capacity, limited microbial action and fiber digestion • Better adapted to concentrated feeds such as grains and meats than to roughages • Single-stomached animals include pigs, birds, fish, dogs, and humans A. Miller www.usda.gov
Swine facts • Pigs are the cleanest domestic farm animal • Given a reasonable amount of space in their pen or pasture, they will select a particular area for manure and not foul their own nest servicemeansnet/pukite Animal Ownership
Avian digestive system • The digestive system of poultry differs considerably from other monogastrics as they have no teeth • Digestion in the fowl is rapid • 2½ hours in laying hens • 8 to 12 hours in non-laying hens www.usda.gov Animal Ownership
Exotic birds • Ratites • Ostrich, emu, rhea • Game birds • Pheasant, sagehen, quail, chukkar, doves • Nutritional needs similar to poultry UNCE, Reno, Nev. Animal Ownership
Digestive tract capacities Animal Ownership
Nutritional needs of animals • Water • Energy • Protein • Minerals • Vitamins NRCS, Bozeman, Mont. Animal Ownership
Water needs • Vary by animal size, reproductive status and weather • Average amounts: • Beef cow or horse: 12 gallons/day • Pig: 8 gallons/day • Llama: 5 gallons/day • Sheep or goat: 4 gallons/day • Amounts needed may double on hot days USDA NRCS
Energy: carbohydrates and fats • Grains • Alfalfa hay • Silage • Pasture and grass hay NRCS, Bozeman, Mont. Animal Ownership
Energy from feed • Depends on digestive tract • Total digestible nutrients (TDN) is a measure of usable energy in a feed for a given species www.farmphoto.com Animal Ownership
Protein • Most expensive nutrient • Proteins contain amino acids, the building blocks for muscle, hair, etc. • Quantity of protein fed is more important than quality for ruminants • Nonruminants require higher-quality protein sources Animal Ownership
Minerals Supplement choices: • Mineral block • Feed additive • Water additive www.cgiar.org USDA NRCS Animal Ownership
Mineral requirements vary by: • Species • Breed • Age, sex and growth rate • Nature and rate of reproduction • Lactation • Level and chemical form ingested • Overall balance and adequacy of diet • Hormonal and other physiological activities within the animal • Climate www.ewe.uk.com
Vitamins • Required in small amounts • Essential for metabolism • NOT normally synthesized by the body • Two types: • Fat soluble – A, D, E, K • Water soluble – B, C Animal Ownership
Vitamins for ruminants • Ruminants produce some, but not all, of their own vitamins • Most ruminants make B, K, and C • Ruminants need A, D, and E in their diet • Can convert A from beta carotene if provided with good quality feed • Can store enough A for four to six months on a vitamin A-deficient diet • Can make enough vitamin D if kept in the sun • A and E are found in leafy green forages Animal Ownership
Nutrient requirements depend on: • Animal’s digestive system • Climate and season of year • Desired gain • Work performance • Production stage (breeding, pregnant, lactating, growing, dry) • Breed www.ewe.uk.com http://services.means.net/pukite/pig Animal Ownership
http://servicemeansnet and www.usda.gov What do your animals need?
Llamas and alpacas UNCE, Reno, Nev.
Poultry: for meat or eggs? • A laying ration provides two times more vitamin A, 2½ times more vitamin D and at least 3 times more calcium • A mature, lightweight bird will eat about 1/4 pound of feed daily, or 90 lbs/year, while producing about 240+ eggs each year • Broilers can gain 2 pounds for each pound of feed eaten L. Allen, Nev.
Rabbits www.flicker.com
What determines hay quality? • Type of hay (alfalfa vs. grass) • Stage of plant maturity and leafiness • How well it dried after being cut • Foreign material present (weeds, wire, etc.) • Storage & handling Animal Ownership
You be the judge! • Color • Leafiness • Maturity • Texture • Odor • Foreign material Animal Ownership
Your land’s feed/forage potential • Depends on whether you plan to graze animals or produce crops to feed animals www.usda.gov NRCS, Bozeman, Mont. Animal Ownership
Learn the terms • Feed: provided to animals • Measured in tons per acre • Forage: consumed by grazing • Measured by Animal Unit Month (AUM) • 1 AUM = the amount consumed by a 1,000-pound animal in one month Animal Ownership
How much feed do you need? Animal Ownership
Calculating forage production • Amount produced depends on: • Soil fertility • Irrigation • Grazing management • Length of growing season www.farmpicture.com www.usda.gov Animal Ownership