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Knights of Columbus - Serving Christ Through Charity

Learn about the history and mission of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic men's organization dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Discover their service projects and how they embody their faith through action.

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Knights of Columbus - Serving Christ Through Charity

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  1. God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your venerable servant Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.)

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  3. Catholic Men Demonstrating their Faith throughAction

  4. History Symbolism Purpose MissionStatement 4 Principles Service Special Programs NotableStatistics Organization Reasons toJoin Membership Process The Degrees LifeInsurance Information Resources

  5. Socio-EconomicBackdrop • Rapid Development of 19th Century Industrial & Urban Centers in the UnitedStates • Often Unsafe and Dangerous WorkingConditions • Growing Number of Fraternal BenefitSocieties • Hostility Toward CatholicImmigrants • First “Knights”Meeting • Oct. 2, 1881, Fr. Michael J. McGivney assembled men at Mary’s Church in New Haven,Connecticut • Proposed a lay organization to prevent Catholic men from entering “secret societies” whose membership was hostile to Churchteaching • Goal of uniting Catholic men in Christian service and to care for the families of deceasedmembers

  6. The group called themselves “Knights” because of their identification with the medievalknightly system of chivalry with its religious, moral, and social code, especially that of courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help theweak. As a symbol that allegiance to their country did not conflict with allegiance to theirCatholic Faith, the members took Christopher Columbus as their patron who was celebrated as the discoverer of America and recognized as aCatholic. Thanks to Father McGivney’s persistence, the Knights of Columbus elected officers in February 1882 and officially assumed corporate status on March29.

  7. Biddeford, ME Parade1915 Serving one’s Church, community and family withvirtue Provide a means by which Catholicmen could support the Catholic Church, provide financial protection for their families, and engage in works of charity to benefit the less fortunate WWI Poster1917 “A Knight should live according to the virtues of loyalty, charity, courtesy and modesty, as well as self-denial and careful respect for the feelings of others.” Supreme Knight Edward L. Hearn1898 “…the Vatican admiringly describes it as the right lay arm of the Catholic Church in America.”1957

  8. To provide faithful Catholic men a means to grow in their love for God by working in fraternal union with other men dedicated to serving their families, parishes and communities. By embracing the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, Knights of Columbus distinguish themselves as Christian leaders in all that they do, thereby demonstrating their faith through action in every aspect of their personal and professionallives.

  9. Charity - Knights embrace the gospel message to “love thy neighbor as thyself” by performing corporal works of mercy. They also raise money for many worthy local and nationalcharities. Unity - Knights of Columbus know that they can accomplishfar more as a team than any of them could individually. This unity- of-effort maximizes the effectiveness of their service toothers. Fraternity - The Knights of Columbus was founded as a “fraternal benefits society” to provide assistance to families and widows in need. Individual Knights, give more than 10 million volunteer hours annually to assist sick or disabled brother Knights and theirfamilies. Patriotism - Knights of Columbus are patriotic and active citizens who passionately support the protection of the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are proud of their devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up forboth.

  10. Charitable Fundraising Every Knight offers their time & talents in theunique ways God callsthem Visit theSick Music Ministry Eucharistic Minister AssistSenior Citizens Lector AlterServer Parish Council Spiritual Development Feed theHungry Healing Ministry Leadthe Rosary ProvideClothing for theNeedy Student Scholarships A Knight’s stewardship is driven by the active practice of their Catholic faith and the fulfillmentof corporal and spiritual works ofmercy DonateBlood Home Repair & Maintenance Support Seminarians

  11. American WheelchairMission Annual Tootsie RollDrive Support Vocations(RSVP)

  12. Faith in Action - Faith In Action is the new umbrella program covering all Supreme Council-recommended programs. It replaces Surge With Service, which began in 1971. Its four categories of programs represent our main priorities as an Order. Faith - Our primary goal is to strengthen our men and their families in the Catholic faith. Programs are designed to draw us closer to God and the Church in a tangible and meaningful way; striving to arm us for the spiritual battle we face daily. Family –We emphasize the vital role that a devout and loyal family plays in modern society. Our family programs are an evolution and response to a society that seeks to weaken the bonds of family. Community - A critical part of our mission as Knights is to spread a spirit of charity and service throughout our community. Councils that conduct these programs are positively shaping their communities by addressing the needs of its citizens. Life - Both as Knights of Columbus and as followers of Christ, we have an obligation to “be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition” (St. John Paul II). Knights work together to build a culture of life and a civilization of love.

  13. 1.9 Million Members 15,100 Councils Worldwide Over 71.5 million hours of volunteerservice Over $173 Million Dollars in CharitableDonations More than $3 Million Dollars sent to Christian Refugee Relief Fund in Syria andIraq Top -rated insurance company has earned A.M. Best’s highest rating, A++ (Superior), for the 40th consecutiveyear

  14. Supreme Council Officers Past Supreme Knights SUPREMECOUNCIL New Haven,Connecticut Supreme Directors Chain of Leadership & Administration SupremeKnight (ChiefExecutive)  SupremeChaplain State Deputies Grand Knight Immediate Past State Deputies Elected Delegates Deputy Grand Knight Chaplain State Council Officers Advocate Chancellor Program Directors Council Delegates District Deputies STATE COUNCIL LocalCouncil Grand Knights StateDeputy  StateChaplain Recorder Warden Immediate Past State Deputy Committee Chairmen Guards (2) Financial Secretary Trustees (3) Treasurer District Deputy Lecturer (opt.) “RoundTable” Coordinator All local council officers are elected, except the Financial Secretary, Chaplain and Lecturer who areAPPOINTED. CouncilMembers

  15. Grow in CatholicFaith • Joinacharitableserviceteam • Servethose in need • LeadbyChristianexample • Supportthepastorandclergy • Enjoy Catholicfellowship • Beamoreactiveparishioner • Embrace citizenship &patriotism • Beabetterhusband&father

  16. Interview Board Council Approval Admissions (1st) Degree Exemplification First CouncilMeeting Exemplification = InductionCeremony

  17. ONLINEMEMBERSHIPPROCESS Interview Board Online Sign Up Benefits Eligible Council Approval Associate Member at Meetings Admissions (1st) Degree Exemplification Full Member at Meetings Referred to Council for normal process

  18. Each of the four (4) degree ceremonies impart lessons on the core principles of Charity (Admissions 1st Degree), Unity (Formation 2nd Degree), Fraternity (Knighthood 3rd Degree) and Patriotism (Patriotic 4thDegree) • Degree ceremonials are kept secret to ensure they are maximally impactful to those candidates receivingthem • Higher degrees do notrepresent a higher rank, but rather the attainment of a deeper understanding and commitment to the order • The Knight who attains up to the Knighthood 3rd Degree is considered to have achieved “FullKnighthood” • All K of C council officers must achieve KnighthoodDegree • The Patriotic Degree is the highest degree and those who receive it are formally referred to as “Sir Knights”

  19. The Knights of Columbus was founded on the mission of protecting families from the catastrophic loss resulting from the death or injury of the primarybreadwinner. $99 billion of insurance in force and a full-time field agent staff of more than 1,400 serving our members and theirfamilies The K of C provides optional top-rated life insurance, long-term care insurance and retirementproducts. In 2014 the Knights of Columbus was named the "World's Most Ethical Company" by the EthisphereInstitute — an independent center for research promoting best practices in corporate ethics andgovernance A.M. Best awarded the K of C insurance company a rating of A++ (Superior) for the 39th consecutiveyear No insurer in North America is more highly rated than the K ofC

  20. www.kofc.org Monthly Magazine Websites www.kofc5998.org Leaders’Newsletter Chaplains’ Newsletter KofC Founding History Video

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