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Delve into the latest findings from the Aspen Physics Series conference in January 2007, featuring talks on future physics developments at the electroweak scale and new signals at hadron colliders. Reflect on insights shared by notable physicists and anticipate advancements in experimental and theoretical physics. Explore the future prospects for the International Linear Collider (ILC), Large Hadron Collider (LHC), dark matter, neutrino physics, and new physics beyond the Standard Model. Stay updated on recent discoveries in flavor physics, electroweak constraints, Higgs boson searches, and the hunt for dark matter, highlighting key progress since the previous conference. Immerse yourself in the evolving landscape of particle physics and the quest for deeper understanding of the universe.
Experimental Summary Doug Glenzinski Fermilab Aspen Winter Physics Series “New Physics at the Electroweak Scale And New Signals at Hadron Colliders” January 2007
Thank you! • Conference Organizers: Henry, Florencia, David, Petar, Neil • Great conference program • Intimate setting • Beautiful location • Henry, “One of my favorite summaries was by Cronin” • I thought you were my friends
The Future: ILC It will be great… if it happens • Could offer the definitive determination of the EWK sector • Beautiful physics (talk by J. Brau)
The Future: LHC It will be great… when it happens • Should offer first look of EWKSB and BSM Physics • Exciting physics (talks by D.Rousseau, T.LeCompte, B.Zhou, J.Conway, S.Dasu, J.Rohlf, C.Hof, T.Skwarnicki)
December 2006 LHCb CMS ATLAS
The Future: Dark Matter and -Physics • Have offered first evidence of BSM • Much progress in past decade
The Future: Dark Matter and -Physics • -mixing well established and its phenomenology largely specified • Inverted mass heirarchy? • Absolute mass scale? • Dirac or Majorana? • It will take some time to reach the experimental sensitivities needed to definitively answer these questions • To what degree do these answers inform the model building we expect to do once EWSB is revealed? • Next generation direct Dark Matter searches will have sensitivity for large part of relevant SuSy space
The Future: Dark Matter and -Physics • T2K (2009), NoA (2011) • sin223 ~ 0.01 • Possibly sensitive to sin213 > 0.01 • Determine whether or not heirarchy is inverted • Double Chooz (2008) Daya Bay (2011) • Unambiguous sensitivity to sin213>0.01 • Majorana or Dirac? • to reach required sensitivities (assuming inverted heirarchy) will take quite some while (>2015) • Even longer if normal heirarchy (talk by M.Wascko)
The (near) Future: MiniBoone • LSND Result impossible to accommodate without invoking additional -families • MiniBoone designed to experimentally verify or exclude this result • Blind analysis • In final stages of review • A positive result would have an immediate effect on model building (talk by J.Monroe)
The Future: Dark Matter Searches • DAMA could soon be ruled-out • Many novel techniques being pursued to get to ~1ton detectors • XENON, XMASS, WARP, COUPP • Few years before these come online at full sensitivities (talk by J.Collar)
The Present It’s the best it’s ever been • Achieving unprecedented sensitivities across hep • Expect significantly improved sensitivities prior to • first LHC physics results (<2010) • Best place to look for new physics - there’s data
The Present • Summarize progress in three main areas • Flavor Physics Constraints • Precision Electroweak Constraints • Higgs and BSM Searches • Concentrate on progress since last Aspen conf • When appropriate, comment on expected improvements over next two years
Flavor Physics Constraints: • Impressive progress on all aspects of CKM matrix • Vtd : ms • Vub • : tree vs penguin • : from , , and decays • : 3-body charmless B-decays • Progress using Rare Decays • Restrictions on NP contributions to phase and mixing amplitude of Bs system
Flavor Physics Constraints:ms • Constrains Vtd/Vts • Jan-06 had limits ms>16.6 ps-1 and sensitivities of 13 ps-1 • Jun-06 had 3 Sep-06 had 5 • Limited by Lattice calculations (talk by P.Gutierrez)
Direct: sin2b = 0.67±0.03 Indirect: sin2b = 0.76±0.04 Difference:= 0.09±0.05 Flavor Physics Constraints:Vub • Measured with inclusive and exclusive modes • Many 2006 updates to exclusive BR • Vub limited by LQCD uncertainties • Some tension with sin2 determinations • sin2 statistics limited (even b ccs) (talk by P.Dauncey)
-0.1 0.1 0.0 D(sin2b) Flavor Physics Constraints:Trees vs Penguins • Comparison can give evidence of NP • b ccs (tree) • b sss (penguin) • Need theoretical input to correct for penguin pollution • corrections tend to increase sin2 • Statistics can help • Expect x2 data over next two years (talk by P.Dauncey)
Belle (414 fb-1) B-> Flavor Physics Constraints: Rare Decays • SM rare decays proceed through loop diagrams - where NP can contribute • First evidence of B->reported this year • All three important to constrain MSSM • Improvements expected on all 3 from BaBar/Belle (b->s, B->l) and CDF/D0 (B->) (talk by S.Robertson)
Electroweak Constraints: W-Boson Mass • ADLO finalized their Mw • Awaiting final CR uncertainties • CDF presents first RunII determination (200 pb-1) • Single-most precise • New Tev average • Progress Jan-06: Mw = +/- 34 MeV Today: Mw = +/- 25 MeV • Prospects • CDF Mw<25 MeV with data on tape • D0 sensitivity similar LEP: 80376 +/- 33 TeV: 80429 +/- 39 MeV World: 80398 +/- 25 (talk by A.Kotwal)
Electroweak Constraints: Top-Quark Mass • Steady improvement • Inclusion of more data • Improvement to analysis techniques • Have surpassed Run II goal • Limiting systematic (JES) largely eliminated • Via in situ W->jj decays • Progress Jan-05: Mt = +/- 4.3 GeV Jan-06: Mt = +/- 2.9 GeV Today: Mt = +/- 2.1 GeV • Prospects Run II: Mt = +/- 1.0-1.5 GeV TeV: 171.4 +/- 2.1 GeV (talk by R.Wallny)
Electroweak Constraints • Mh = 80 + 36 - 26 GeV • Mh < 153 GeV @ 95% CL Including CDF’s new Mw: (M.Grunweld, private communication)
g q W W* g q Z W h W Higgs Sensitivity: DiBosons • Share multi-lepton signature + s • Want maximal lepton acceptance • WW, WZ, ZZ important Tevatron benchmarks demonstrating higgs sensitivity • These will be backgrounds for higgs search Diboson production Important for mh>150 GeV
Higgs Sensitivity: DiBosons In 1 fb-1 have measured xsec down to a picobarn level. (talk by M.Chertok)
W q q W t b W* W* b q q h b b s-channel single top Important for mh<130 GeV Higgs Sensitivity: Single-Top • Share same Wbb signature • Both small signals on large background • Single top important Tevatron benchmarks demonstrating higgs sensitivity • Eventually a background for higgs search
Higgs Sensitivity: Single-Top CDF better sensitivity, but worse result: (cdf best)=2.7+/-1.4 pb (2.3) (talk by Y.Coadou)
Higgs Sensitivity • differences in CDF/D0 sensitivity dominated by differences • in luminosity used for each contributing analysis (15 total) • challenging but doable - CDF/D0 enthusiastically pursuing (talk by D.Cho)
Higgs Sensitivity Tevatron will have sensitivity to MSSM higgs for all tan>30 and MA<200 GeV/c2
CDF 1 fb-1 Search for New Phenomena • No significant deviations from SM • … but not for lack of trying • Thorough program looking for BSM • Over next two years expect another • factor ~4 in data (x7 for full Run2)
Search for New Phenomena: Limits (cf. talks by M.Titov, J.Conway, D.Cho, M.Kruse, R.Erbacher, P.Gutierez, R.Culbertson, P.Verdier, M.Chertok)
CDF 1 fb-1 Search for New Phenomena • Smattering of ~2.0-2.5 excesses • My favorite: • h--> search • well described by mh=160 • D0 result soon • More data on tape and coming h-> ~2 excess (talk by J.Conway)
c b u,d,s,e,e 1985 1979 1983 1984 1980 1982 1970 1978 1981 1989 1991 1993 1995 (circa 1974) 1990 1992 1994 t I show up.
Conclusions • We know the Standard Model is incomplete. • But it does an impressive job of describing the data, some pieces to great precision. • Still, we can’t wait to replace it. • I think (hope) the next few years will bring chaos • First crack from B-Factories or Tevatron? • LHC much anticipated, first physics in 2-3 years • MiniBoone, Dark Matter Searches, and Auger could reveal surprises of their own • It will be fantastic fun
Acknowledgements • I’m extremely grateful for help received from: R.Kowalewski, B.Keyser, R.Demika, J.Berryhill, Y.-K.Kim, S.Robertson, M.Wasko, M.Ave, P.Dauncey, Y.Caodou • Apologies for omissions, mis-representations, etc.
Post-Script: Improved Tools • There were many exciting new results presented at this conference and we anticipate many more in the next few years. • None would have been possible without having a thorough understanding of “the basics” • PDF have improved dramatically over last several years thanks to HERA (W.Smith’s talk) • Improved MC descriptions of important processes and backgrounds central to achieving our physics aims (talks by Z.Sullivan, F.Petriello, P.Skands)