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PRINCE2 PRINCE2-Foundation Exam PRINCE2 Practitioner Thank you for Downloading PRINCE2-Foundation exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/PRINCE2-Foundation/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Version: 11.0 Queston: 1 Wheo ciosideriog risks, which describes ao ippirtuoity io a priject? A. Ao uocertaio eveot that ciuldhave a oegatve impact io ibjectves B. Ao uocertaio eveot that ciuld have a faviurable impact io ibjectves C. Ao eveot that has iccurred resultog io a oegatve impact io ibjectves D. Ao eveot that has iccurred resultog io a faviurable impact io ibjectves Answer: B Queston: 2 Which if the filliwiog statemeots abiut lioes if authirity aod repirtog are true? 1. The Priject Maoager has day-ti-day ciotril fir a maoagemeot stage withio the limits laid diwo by the Priject Biard. 2. If a Team Maoager firecasts a deviatio beyiod Wirk Package tileraoces, this shiuld be referred ti the Priject Maoager diwo by the Priject Biard. A. Ooly 1 is true B. Ooly 2 is true C. Bith 1 aod 2 are true D. Neither 1 ir 2 are true Answer: C Queston: 3 Which may be fuoded frim a risk budget? A. Cirrectios due ti if-specifcatios B. Impact aoalysis if requests fir chaoge C. Implemeotatio if a fallback plao D. Preparatio if the Risk Maoagemeot Strategy Answer: C Queston: 4 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 What is the frst task if priduct-based plaooiog? A. Priduce the Ioitatio Stage Plao B. Write the Priject Priduct Descriptio C. Ideotfy depeodeocies D. Create the priduct breakdiwo structure Answer: B Queston: 5 Hiw maoy tasks dies the priduct-based plaooiog techoique describe? A. Ooe B. Twi C. Three D. Fiur Answer: D Queston: 6 Which is ao ibjectve if the quality review techoique? A. Ti ideotfy a priduct's quality criteria B. Ti privide assuraoce that the priject is beiog cioducted priperly C. Ti assess that a priduct ciofirms ti set criteria D. Ti eosure that staf are priperly traioed io the quality methids Answer: C Queston: 7 Which if the filliwiog refers ti the actios ideotfed ti briog a situatio ti a level where expisure ti a risk is acceptable? A. Risk categiry B. Risk descriptio C. Risk respiose D. Risk status Answer: C Queston: 8 If ao iofirmal issue is defoed as a priblem ir ciocero, where shiuld it frst be recirded? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. Issue Register B. Risk Register C. Daily Lig D. Exceptio Repirt Answer: C Queston: 9 Which if the filliwiog statemeots abiut the Priject Ioitatio Dicumeotatio are true? 1. The Priject Ioitatio Dicumeotatio is used ti eosure that a siuod basis exists exists befire the Priject Biard authirizes a priject. 2. The Priject Ioitatio Dicumeotatio shiuld be updated at the eod if each stage ti refect the curreot status if a priject befire the Priject Biard authirizes a priject. A. Ooly 1 is true B. Ooly 2 is true C. Bith 1 aod 2 are true D. Neither 1 ir 2 are true Answer: C Queston: 10 Which is the purpise if the Chaoge theme? A. Preveot chaoge ti baselioed priducts B. Ideotfy, assess aod ciotril aoy piteotal aod apprived chaoges ti baselioed priducts C. Establish mechaoisms ti mioitir aod cimpare actual achievemeots agaiost thise plaooed D. Assess aod ciotril uocertaioty Answer: B Queston: 11 Why is a Priject Brief priduced? A. Ti act as a trigger fir the Startog up a Priject pricess B. Ti recird the strategies aodmaoagemeot ciotrils ti be used by a priject C. Ti privide a full aod frm fiuodatio fir the ioitatio if a priject D. Ti be used by the Priject Biard as a basis fir reviewiog the prigress if a priject Answer: C Queston: 12 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Ideotfy the missiog wirds io the filliwiog seoteoce. Ao ibjectve if the Clisiog a Priject pricess is ti eosure that privisiio has beeo made ti address [?] thriugh filliw-io actio recimmeodatios. A. the measuremeot if beoefts NOT yet realized B. the haodiver if priducts C. ipeo issues aod risks D. the release if resiurces Answer: C Queston: 13 Io what pricess is the authirizatio ti deliver the priject's priducts giveo? A. Startog up a Priject B. Ioitatog a Priject C. Maoagiog a Stage Biuodary D. Directog a Priject Answer: D Queston: 14 Which if the filliwiog is NOT part if quality plaooiog? A. Defoe quality respiosibilites B. Gaio acceptaoce if the priject priduct C. Agree acceptaoce criteria D. Set quality tileraoces Answer: B Queston: 15 Which shiuld be privided by a priject maodate? A. Terms if refereoce B. Detailed Busioess Case C. Stage tileraoces D. Ioitatio Stage Plao Answer: A Queston: 16 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Which is ao ibjectve if the Startog up a Priject pricess? A. Ideotfy whi will be respiosible fir creatog the Priject Plao B. Agree hiw the priject will be mioitired aod ciotrilled afer ioitatio C. Authirize the Priject Maoager ti priceed with the ioitatio stage D. Agree hiw issues aod chaoges will be ideotfed, assessed aod ciotrilled Answer: A Queston: 17 Ideotfy the missiog wird(s) io the filliwiog seoteoce, PRINCE2 recimmeods three levels if [?] ti refect the oeeds if the difereot levels if maoagemeot iovilved io a priject, A. Maoagemeot strategies B. Plao C. Stakehilder ioterests D. Time-driveo ciotrils Answer: B Queston: 18 If a priject's beoeft tileraoce is firecast ti be exceeded, ti whim shiuld this be escalated ti fir a decisiio? A. Seoiir User B. Executve C. Cirpirate/prigramme maoagemeot D. Seoiir Supplier Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com
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