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  2. Jeopardy Part of Speech Definitions I Definitions II Antonyms Pot Luck Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  3. $100 Question from Definition I List What is the definition of the word: NEPOTISM?

  4. $100 Answer fromDefinition I List Nepotism: noun, favoritism shown to family or friends By those in power, especially in business or hiring practices.

  5. $200 Question from Definition I List • What is the definition of the word: • Begrudge?

  6. $200 Answer fromDefinition I List Begrudge: to resent another’s success; to envy Syn: resent

  7. $300 Question from Definition I List • What is the definition of the word: • Mandarin?

  8. $300 Answer fromDefinition I List mandarin: an influential person; a member Of an elite group

  9. $400 Question fromDefinition I ListDOUBLE JEOPARDY • What is the definition of the word: • Glutinous?

  10. $400 Answer fromDefinition I List glutinous: gluey; sticky

  11. $500 Question from Definition I List • What is the definition of the word: • Enmity?

  12. $500 Answer fromDefinition I List enmity: deep-seated hostility, often mutual Syn: hatred; antagonism

  13. $100 Question from Definition II List • What is the definition of the word: • Declaim?

  14. $100 Answer from Definition II List Declaim: to speak in a dramatic, impassioned, or Blustering manner Syn: trumpet

  15. $200 Question from Definition II List • What is the definition of the word: • Imbue?

  16. $200 Answer from Definition II List imbue: to inspire or influence; to saturate Syn: instill; pervade

  17. $300 Question from Definition II List • What is the definition of the word: • Gaff?

  18. $300 Answer from Definition II List Gaff: a pole with a large hook on one end

  19. $400 Question from Definition II List • What is the definition of the word: • Quaff?

  20. $400 Answer from Definition II List Quaff: to drink in large quantities; To gulp Syn: guzzle; swig

  21. $500 Question from Definition II List • What is the definition of the word: • Bibliophile?

  22. $500 Answer from Definition II List Bibliophile: noun, a lover of books

  23. $100 Question from Antonym ListDOUBLE JEOPARDY • What is the antonym for the word: • Declaim?

  24. $100 Answer from Antonym List Antonym for the word Declaim: whisper

  25. $200 Question from Antonym List • What is the Antonym for the word: • Quaff?

  26. $200 Answer from Antonym List Antonym for the word Quaff: sip

  27. $300 Question from Antonym List • What is the antonym for the word: • Enmity?

  28. $300 Answer from Antonym List Antonym for the word enmity: friendship

  29. $400 Question from Antonym List • What is the Antonym for the word: • Begrudge?

  30. $400 Answer from Antonym List Antonym for the word begrudge: forgive

  31. $500 Question from Antonym List • What is the Antonym for the word: • advocate?

  32. $500 Answer from Part of Speech List • Antonym for the word advocate: • Oppose, contest

  33. $100 QuestionPart of Speech • What part of speech is the word: • glutinous?

  34. $100 Answer fromPart of Speech • Glutinous is an adjective • The bread dough was in a glutinous mass that stuck to anything it touched.

  35. $200 QuestionPart of SpeechDOUBLE JEOPARDY What part of speech is the word: Enmity?

  36. $200 Answer fromPart of Speech Enmity is a noun. Angry stares revealed the mutual enmity between Steve and his supervisor

  37. $300 QuestionPart of Speech What part of speech is the word: Declaim?

  38. $300 Answer fromPart of Speech Declaim is a verb At the debate, each politician declaimed against the policies of the others.

  39. $400 QuestionPart of Speech What part of speech is the word: imbue?

  40. $400 Answer fromPart of Speech imbue is a verb Her hard-working mother imbued Jane with a solid work ethic.

  41. $500 QuestionPart of Speech What part of speech is the word: gaff?

  42. $500 Answer fromPart of Speech Gaff is a noun The fisherman used a gaff to drag the heavy swordfish onto the boat.

  43. $100 QuestionPot Luck • What part of speech is the word: • nepotism?

  44. $100 Answer fromPot Luck Nepotism: is a noun I was qualified for the job, but Uncle Mike refused to hire me because he did not want to be accused of nepotism.

  45. $200 QuestionPot Luck What is a synonym for the word: Imbue?

  46. $200 Answer fromPot Luck Synonyms for the word imbue Is: instill; pervade

  47. $300 QuestionPot Luck Use the word begrude in a sentence:

  48. $300 Answer fromPot Luck Begrudge is a verb. To resent another’s success; to envy Example: Craig, the younger brother, secretly begrudged Brian’s fortune.

  49. $400 QuestionPot Luck Use the word: quaff in a sentence

  50. $400 Answer fromPot Luck Quaff is a verb To drink in large quantities; to gulp The old captain quaffed his ale and then ordered another stein.

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