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Tuesday, November 26 th English 112 – Purpose and Agenda. Purpose: What: read and comprehend Lord of the Flies as a literary novel; How: RT, discussions, analysis of literary elements; Why: to apply comprehension strategies in all reading Chapter 8 small group read in class
Tuesday, November 26thEnglish 112 – Purpose and Agenda Purpose: What: read and comprehend Lord of the Flies as a literary novel; How: RT, discussions, analysis of literary elements; Why: to apply comprehension strategies in all reading • Chapter 8 small group read in class • Reciprocal Teaching discussion Chapter 8 (10-15 minutes) • WCS HW—Reading Minutes tomorrow and Chapter 8 through the middle of 137/RT
Tuesday, November 26thEnglish 111 – Purpose and Agenda Purpose: continue practicing comprehension strategies with RT and discussion - Lord of the Flies; continue to ponder Nature vs. Nurture argument…choose a side; define persuasion techniques – ethos, pathos, logos and determine why they are important to persuasion and our essay • Type I • Define the elements of persuasion – why are these important in our arguments? • Choose a side…record on My Progress handout • Begin Chapter 9 – New Role HW – Finish Chapter 9 and Reading Minutes
Type 1 • How do you convince someone to believe what you believe? • 5-7 lines
Ethos, Pathos, Logos • The best arguments have all three… Ethos: credibility (or character) of the writer/endorser/speaker – how knowledgeable/credible is the person? Did s/he do the research? Pathos: Does the writer make an emotional appeal/connection to the audience? Logos: Does the writer make a logical argument for his/her case?
Persuasive Techniques Bandwagon (everyone’s doing it) AvanteGarde (puts user ahead of the times) Weasel Words (suggests result without making a guarantee – ‘might’, ‘virtually’) Emotional Appeal (your kids could be at risk) Startling Statistics (9 out of 10 people suffer) Expert Opinions Relevant Anecdotes/Stories Red Herring Technique (deliberate attempt to divert attention from a subject; changing the subject) Comparison (mine is better than yours) Address the other side and refute it Social Proof (offer testimonials- people that have done this/that) Prognosticate (predict future situations/hypotheticals)
Identifying Persuasive Techniques • _____ A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray. • _____ Tiger Woods endorses Nike. • _____ Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free.
Identifying Persuasive Techniques • _____ A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads. • _____ A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette. • _____ Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of aspirin.
Identifying Persuasive Techniques • _____ Advil Liqui-Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief. • _____ Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements. • _____ People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink. • _____ A magazine ad shows people smiling while smoking cigarettes.
Comprehension – Chapters 9-11 What does Simon find when he finally reaches the Beast? (plot) What happens to Simon when he returns to the group? (plot) As a result of the storm with its high winds and high tides, what happens to the bodies of Simon and the parachutist? (plot) What does Jack plan to steal from Ralph and Piggy? Why? (plot) What will Jack do if someone interferes with him? (plot/characterization) What happens to the conch and to Piggy? (plot) What are Jack’s plans for Ralph? (plot) What course of action does Ralph take? (plot)
Tuesday, November 26thEnglish 141 – Purpose and Agenda Purpose: make connections between literature and historical context; create character map for the pilgrims; draw conclusions about what Chaucer’s opinion are through his characterization • Guided Practice: Character Mapping • Students collaborate to fill in the rest of the chart for characters – refresh: indirect and direct characterization? • Return Modern Ballads HW: Reading Minutes tomorrow…