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A Changing Climate

A Changing Climate. America’s Growing Response to Global Warming. Peter Rimbos South King County Group. The Sierra Club Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet. Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club is America’s Oldest Grassroots Environmental Organization.

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A Changing Climate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Changing Climate America’s Growing Response to Global Warming Peter Rimbos South King County Group

  2. The Sierra ClubExplore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet • Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club is America’s Oldest Grassroots Environmental Organization. • The Cascade Chapter covers the state of Washington. • The South King County Group covers King County south of I-90.

  3. The Earth’s Climate

  4. Greenhouse Gases The Vast Majority of Greenhouses Gases Come From Burning Fossil Fuels like Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas

  5. Temperature Rises as Greenhouse Gases Increase • There is a clear correlation between the level of atmospheric CO2 and temperature. • Current level of CO2 is outside bounds of natural variability and rate of change is unprecedented. • The Ten Hottest Years on Record Have All Occurred Since 1990.

  6. Climate Change Timeline

  7. Climate Change Timeline (2)

  8. Global Warming & Leadership • Any Serious Effort in the United States to Reduce Global Warming Emissions Must Involve Reductions in Oil Consumption • As the world’s largest GHG emitter, US leadership could prod China and India to action.

  9. Top 10 Global Warming Polluters 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 thousand metric tons of carbon 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Italy India Japan Russia Canada Germany North Korea United States United Kingdom China (mainland) The United States is the World’s Largest Polluter

  10. U.S. Global Warming Emissions US Sources of greenhouse gas emissions in 2001. Source: US Dept. of Transportation 2004

  11. Smart Energy Solutions to Global Warming Increasing Fuel Economy Investing in Renewable Energy Boosting Energy Efficiency

  12. Increasing Fuel Economy • Using Existing Technology, Higher Fuel Economy Standards Would: • Save 4 Million Barrels of Oil Per Day by 2020. • Reduce U.S. Global Warming Emissions by over 850 million tons of CO2 by 2020. • Save Consumers Over $16 billion dollars annually by 2020.

  13. Investing in Clean Energy • Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Would: • Avoid the Need for Over 1100 New and Existing Coal and Natural Gas Fired Power Plants • Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions 2/3rds from Business as Usual by 2020. • Save Consumers $440 billion by 2020

  14. Why is the U.S. Starting to Address Global Warming? • Undeniable Scientific Consensus • Global Warming Impacts Are Becoming More Noticeable and Wider Spread • Rising Energy Prices Are Hurting the American Economy • National Security and Energy Issues are Tied Together

  15. Scientific Consensus on Global Warming • "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, • as is now evident from observations of • increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, • widespread melting of snow and ice, • and rising global mean sea level" • "...very high confidence that • the globally averaged net effect of human activities • since 1750 has been one of warming...” • --U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. • Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. February 2007

  16. American Association for the Advancement of Science Statement on Climate Change Approved by the AAAS Board of Directors---9 December 2006 “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.” “Delaying action to address climate change will increase the environmental and societal consequences as well as the costs.” “It is time to muster the political will for concerted action. Stronger leadership at all levels is needed. The time is now. We must rise to the challenge. We owe this to future generations.”

  17. Global Warming Impacts • Health • Weather-related mortality • Infectious diseases • Air-quality respiratory illnesses • Agriculture • Crop yields • Irrigation demands Climate Changes • Forests • Change in forest composition • Shift geographic range of forests • Forest health and productivity Temperature Precipitation • Water Resources • Changes in water supply • Water quality • Increased competition for water Sea Level Rise • Coastal Areas • Erosion of beaches • Inundation of coastal lands • Costs to protect coastal communities • Species and Natural Areas • Shift in ecological zones • Loss of habitat and species Source: EPA

  18. Since 1979, 20% of the Polar Ice Cap Has Melted Away

  19. New Voices Calling for Action on Global Warming • Corporate CEOs • Religious Leaders • Power Companies • Insurance Firms • Auto Manufacturers; • Wall Street Financial Firms

  20. 92% of Americans Say that They Are Worried About Dependence on Foreign Oil - Yale University Polling: June 9, 2005

  21. State and Local Governments are Taking Action In the Absence of Federal Action on Global Warming, State and Local Governments are Taking Action on Global Warming: • Cool Cities • Clean Cars • Clean Energy

  22. Clean Cars Across the US Eleven States Nationwide Follow California Standards CA – WA – OR – ME – VT – MA - CT – RI – NY – NJ – PA Accounting for 34% of All New Vehicles Sold in the U.S.

  23. Clean Energy Across the US 20 States Have Adopted Renewable Energy Standards

  24. The Road Ahead Congress is Beginning to Respond. Rep. Waxman Introduced Legislation that Caps Emissions in 2010 Before Requiring Annual Reductions. By 2050, Emissions Will Be 80% Lower Than In 1990. The new Congress has begun to seriously address global warming. The major Presidential candidates of both parties for 2008 have gone on record that the US must seriously address global warming.

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