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First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103. Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641. The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is:
First English Lutheran Church 94 Long Street Ashville, Ohio 43103 Worship Information Sunday Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School September – May Pastor Marie Duquette Church 740-983-2641 The Mission of First English Lutheran Church is: to grow in faith, to spread God’s love, to share god’s gifts, together, through service and worship.
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger A Message from Pastor Marie… I now live full-time in Ashville along with my new roommate, Sally. I got Sal about a month ago from the Circle Area Humane Society. They told me she was a mongrel.I thought she looked like a mix of a Boxer and a Rottweiler, with maybe some Huskie or Shepherd in the mix. I must admit I was a little disappointed when others who met her concluded she predominantly looked like…a Beagle. Not that I have anything against Beagles! I mean, Snoopy was a Beagle. It’s just that I thought my dog was sort of, macho--in a female-dog-who-squats-to-pee sort of way. Sal had been at the shelter since January, when a police officer who could not bring himself to put her in the cold pen at the station called the shelter’s owner in the middle of the night to make arrangements to bring her over. She is 36# and shameless about her love of a good belly rub. She loves a long car ride at least as much as a brisk walk. I have not really had my own dog before. I’ve lived in families with dogs, but in those cases, the dog was shared and sort of passed around and often passed by, by whoever was in a rush to get to the next thing in their day. Having Sal is different. Sal and I seem to be building a relationship. Before I got Sal, I often listened curiously when others described the antics of their dogs. I wondered if I had one of my own if I would find these little things as entertaining as the owners who told me their dog tales. I do. Sal likes to turn in a circle 7 times before she lies down. She has come to love her crate ever since I put my bathrobe in it. Her only use for a ball is to NOT give it to me and she has no use at all for a Frisbee. But the thing I find the most remarkable about Sal is what she has already taught me about forgiveness. I had to leave her in her crate all night once while I was gone. I worried about her; certain she would develop leg cramps or have to go outside. I envisioned her howling and whimpering for me. But in the early morning when I returned, rushing into the house dreading the worst, she simply stood up slowly and waited patiently while I opened the crate. Then, as I sat down on the couch near her to see what she would do next, she came over and laid her head on my lap—and began to lick my hand. That was all. No grilling of where I had been. No pouting about why she hadn’t been invited. No barking, or biting, or even sulking. She was simply glad to see me, and instantly, we were fine, and I found myself thinking, could this be like the love of God. That when we return, God is so happy to see us, instead of being scolded or punished we are simply – loved? This incident reminded me of the ending of one of my favorite novels by Wally Lamb. I Know This Much Is True is a 900+ page book that explores a complicated family full of issues that few people would be able to forgive in order to hold onto the ties that bind. In the end, the narrator’s conclusions were so beautiful that I wrote them down to remember. And I thought about those words as my Mongrel – my Mutt – my faithful friend named Sal, licked my hand and helped me understand forgiveness in a deeper way. “I am not a smart man, particularly, but one day, at long last, I stumbled from the dark woods of my own, and my family's, and my country's past, holding in my hands these truths: that love grows from the rich loam of forgiveness; that mongrels make good dogs; that the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things. This much, at least, I've figured out. I know this much is true.” ― Wally Lamb, I Know This Much is True Page 1
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger A Message about Worship… November 6th – All Saints Sunday Scripture Reading: Hosea 6: 1-6; 11: 1-9 Story told by: Robyn Helsel Sermon: And How Won’t the Lord Come? Sunday School: Elementary School during the service/ The Wired Word for Adults & Youth 11:00 a.m. November 13th – Thank Offering Sunday Scripture Reading: Exodus 2 Story told by: Pam Johnsen Sermon: Yo-Yo’s and Other Holy Things Sunday School: the Wired Word (Adults) 9:00 a.m./ Elementary School during the service/Youth 11:00 a.m. November 20th – Christ the King Sunday Scripture Reading: Portions of 2nd Kings Story told by: Tom Ramsay Sermon: A Change of Heart Sunday School: The Wired Word (Adults) 9:00 a.m./ Elementary School during the service/ Youth 11:00 a.m. November 27th – 1st Sunday in Advent Scripture Readings: Selections from Jeremiah, Isaiah, and 1st Corinthians Stories told by: Our Youth Sermon: Wet Dust No Sunday School: Food & Fellowship after the service Nov. 6 Reeb’s Nov. 13 Reed’s Nov. 20 Bausum’s Nov. 27 Ken Harness Thank you for volunteering to serve as a worship assistant. If you are unable to serve on your assigned date please get a replacement if possible. Nov. 6 Sam Allen Nov. 13 Destiny Reed Nov. 20 Dalton Reed Nov. 27 Sam Allen If you can’t make it please switch or call Ernie Reeb at 983-3826 November Communion Set-up Hazel Harness COMMUNITY TUESDAY November 22, 2011 (This is a change from years past when it was on Wednesday) 7:00 P.M. Zion United Methodist Church Ashville Preaching: Pastor Marie Duquette Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Reed Nov. 27 Missy Stiver Page 2
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger The ongoing healing of Madeline, Katy Dum, JerryTrego, Jane Wilson The ongoing healing after a liver transplant for Pastor Miriam Shcreck For the safe arrival of Miles David Smith, (Son of Emily and David Smith and Grandson of Mike & Jana Kent) For the gift of life through transplants for Scott and Pastor Krause The protection for Ann Marie Brouillette, (Pastor Marie’s young friend) serving in Uganda with the Clinton Foundation. Comfort for the family of Pastor John Tickner (former Asst. to the Bishop, S.O.S.) upon his passing. Gretchen Featheringham would like to senda big thank you to all friends at FELC for the wonderful cards and phone calls she has received since she moved. They certainly do brighten her day. Gretchen Featheringham 4431 Zachariah Place Grove City, Ohio 43123 Phone: 614-801-0494 Our shut-ins, Tom Rife Our Mission Partner Living Waters Lutheran Church, Cherokee, NC Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and the work of the ELCA Bishop Cal Holloway, his staff and the ministry of our Southern Ohio Synod The poor and needy within our community and in the world All our brothers and sisters throughout the world suffering through War and Natural Disasters Those serving in the military and their families. New Address: Katie Dum Emeritus at Chestnut Hill 5055 Thompson Rd #103 Columbus, OH 43230 Phone: 614-855-6212 Page 3
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger Committee & Group Messages… Walking with Jesus On New Paths Lydia Circle Lydia Circle will meet at the home of Mona LeeTrego, Tuesday November ;8th at 10:00 A.M. Pastor Marie will be leading the Bible Study onthe Gospel of Mark. We’ll travel with Jesus ashe moves through the region of Galilee teaching. At a baptism, Jesus’ words are spoken to individuals: “Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 124) The verse always remind us that Jesus is the Light of the whole world, but the verse actually speaks of your light. God works in each one individually so that the light of Christ becomes our own for sharing with others. Our individual lives include gifts and opportunities but also personal failings and limitations of circumstance. God works in each of us as we are, both gifted and limited. It is a privilege to serve God, knowing that we can do so right now in our present situations. Likely each of us would prefer to change some things about our lives. Nevertheless, we know that as we are, right now, we are being used for God’s purpose. Esther Circle The ladies of the Esther Circle are busy making plans for the upcoming Thankoffering Service on November 13th. Along with plans for their Annual WELCA Christmas Dinner (December 15th) and a new event this year a ‘Nativity Walk”. More information to come on all these wonderful activities. Jocebed(Yo-keh-bed) Circle Jochebed is regarded as one of the greatest Hebrew matriarchs of the Old Testament. Her name means“The Lord is glorious”. Jocebed was a woman with many excellent qualities, including selflessness, devotion to her family, and a deep and abiding love and commitment to God. The newest women’s group at First English will focus on youth and families of the church. Their1st meeting will be November 6th after worship to discuss the 2012 year. Picture the final moments before leaving on vacation. You’re leaving loved ones behind and trusting them to take care of your home and possessions. Your final instructions are not just empty words. They are essential, final, and important things you want to say.Jesus left such words for us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember I am with you always. (Matthew 28:18-20) Page 4
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger A Message from the Youth…. Look who’s joining us GOAL $7,200.00 To date $4352.85 FELC YouthGathering Funds Sam Allen, Destiny Reedand Dalton Reed celebrated theirFirst Communion on Sunday,October 16th. Welcome to The Lords Table BEST CHOICE LABEL PROGRAM The youth of First English Lutheran Church are still collecting UPC labels for Best Choice Brand products purchased from Carnival Food. They receive $30 per bundle of 1,000 labels submitted through this fundraising program and are also eligible for one $30 fund match per year. There is a collection container in the back of the social room marked “BEST CHOICE LABEL PROGRAM” . Please help support the youth by purchasing Best Choice Brand Products, saving the UPC Labels, and placing them in the collection container located in the FELC Social Room. Have some odd jobs that need to be completed? Our FELC youth are available to help folks with yard work, light housework, babysitting or other errands/chores for a donation. Please contact Cindy Reed at 740-983-2288 or Beth Allen at 740-983-4329 to coordinate your needs NEW ON THE SCENE Dalton, Destiny & Sam are also now learning to be acolytes. Let’s encourage them as they take their placeto help lead worship. Page 5
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger A favorite from the Harness Household November 1 Katherine Boyer November 2 Maggie Frank November 6 Noura J. Simaoui November 7 Michael Ramey November 10 Diana Reed November 13 Andrew Johnsen November 15 Caitlin Ramsay November 17 Cheryl Cherry November 18 Nancy Rich Slow Cooker Barbecue Pork 1 (3 to 4 lb) boneless pork shoulder roast (Boston Butt) trimmed, or pork loin. 1 (18 oz.) bottle barbecue sauce 1 (12 oz.) can cola soft drink Place roast in lightly greased 6 qt. slow cooker; pourbarbecue sauce and cola over roast. Cover and cookon LOW 8 to 10 hours or until meat shreds easily with a fork. (sometimes I mix the BBQ sauce and colabefore I pour it over the roast.) Transfer pork to cutting board; shred with 2 forks, removing large pieces of fat. Return shredded meat to slow cooker and allow toset and absorb sauce several minutes beforeserving. (Note: They used Cattlemen’s Kansas City ClassicBBQ sauce in the test kitchen. I just use whatever I have in the frig. Also this freezes well.) November 18 Gary & Joanne Hines November 24 Tony & Cindy Reed November 25 Mike & Jana Kent November 11 Paula Ramsay November 18 Tonya Blanton November 19 Sheryl Cleaver November 22 Tony Reed November 28 Jeremy Helsel November 29 Kenneth Harness We apologize if we missed a special date in family. Please contact Jana Kent at 983-6285 with additions or corrections All articles for the December Messenger must be given to Jana Kent no later than Monday November 21. December Messenger will be distributed on Sunday November 27. Please give your articles to her in person or via email at jleigh1962@yahoo.com Wednesday 6:30 P.M. Page 6
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger FELC Families Marianne Hunley Member since 1984 Two children Three grandchildren Hobbies/Activities: HUGE Packers Fan Fun fact: she lovestelling jokes and cutting“tops” off her lawn. Wayne & Phyllis Bisker Married for 66 years Members since 1954 Hobbies/Activities: knitting, woodworking, Welding, hunting, fishing playing euchre with friends and traveling. Ernie & Linda Reeb Married for 30 years Members since 1986 Hobbies & Interests: Gardening, Reading, Growing GIANT Pumpkins Fun Fact: As children we grew up practically on the same street. (Ernie remembers Linda as a Brownie Scout) and we both moved to Pickaway County close to each other, although we didn’t become a couple until 1979. Best Friends Forever Mona Lee & Jerry Trego Members since: FOREVER Married for 60 years Hobbies & Interests: Traveling, Fishing, Hunting, Playing Euchre and Cooking Fun Fact: Ask Jerry about their experience regarding a night at the drive-inn and the morning after. Page 7
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger A Message from Council… FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERN CHURCHCONGREGATION COUNCIL MINUTES Thursday, September 15, 2011 The regular meeting of the FELCCC was called to order by President Cindy Reeb. Present were Beth Allen, Linda Cummins, Sheryl Cleaver, Patti Danison, Mike Johnsen,Ernie Reeb, Tom Ramsay, Jr., and Pastor Marie Duquette. Not present was Raven Blanton. Pastor Marie led prayer. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Patti made a motion to accept the minutes for the July 21 and July 31 meetings as submitted. Linda seconded, the motion was carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as submitted. Mike seconded, motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Christian Education: The new Sunday School year has begun. Joint confirmation classes are beginning. Evangelism: No report Finance: Has begun working on proposed budget for 2012. Worship & Music: Worship plans are completed through October. Stewardship: Commitment Sunday will be October 23. Property: The renewal of the EverDry warranty for parsonage basement is due. Ernie made a motion to approve the $30 cost for the warranty. Beth seconded, motion carried. Mutual Ministry: The committee is meeting monthly. Memorial: No report REPORTS FROM AUXILIARIES & TASK FORCES: Women of Church: A new Circle is being started. Youth: Continue fundraising for the National Gathering next year in New Orleans. In October, they will hold the spaghetti dinner. Endowment: No report PASTOR’S REPORT There is a new process to activate the prayer chain. People with prayer requests should contact Pastor Marie first. More details will appear in the Messenger. Pastor is leading the adult Sunday School class and they are using The Wired Word as the focus for their discussions. Pastor provided an update on First Thursdays. The first one will be held on November 3 and will be a test to see what will work for future First Thursdays. The Kent’s, Harness’ and Marianne Hunley are working on organizing the November event. Pastor suggested we host a Nativity Walk during the Village Christmas Celebration on the first weekend in December. The church would display nativity scenes for people to walk through and look at. Pastor Marie advised council she had interviewed with Trinity Lutheran in Circleville for a part-time position to visit their shut-ins. She is to have another discussion with them in the next week. OLD BUSINESS – There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS – Nominating Committee will need to begin getting organized. Two council members are needed to serve on the Committee. Tom Ramsay and Ernie Reeb volunteered to serve. Pastor Marie also needs to appoint someone to serve on the committee. The council discussed changing the time of worship to 10 a.m. with the adult Sunday School beginning at 9 a.m. Sunday School for the youth will be after the worship service. We have received feedback that a 10 a.m. start time would be easier for families Page 8
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger • Council Report, cont. • with young children to attend worship. This would also allow Pastor Marie to interact more with both the adult and youth. Ernie made a motion move the worship service start time to 10 a.m. beginning on Reformation Sunday, October 30.Pastor Marie has names of people who can lead the Healthy Congregation training and will be contacting them regarding our needs. • At the August retreat, there was a brief discussion on the size of the council with regard to the size of our congregation. If we worship 70 people and there are 9 council members, then 12% of the congregation is on council, which seems to be a large percentage. Additional discussion occurred at the council meeting on reducing the size of the council to 7 members. However, it was decided that with other activities that we are working on, such as the First Thursdays, this was not the best time to pursue the matter. • Council reviewed a letter from Jana Kent regarding the duties of Treasurer. She does not have a problem with the day-to-day tasks of writing checks, but struggles with the quarterly and payroll taxes and workers comp preparation. She has contacted Cook and Associates in Circleville about providing their services for quarterly & year-end tax and workers comp preparation. The cost would be $255 per year. The other alternative would be to find another volunteer to fill the position of Treasurer. Mike made a motion to hire Cook and Associates for tax & workers compensation preparation. Ernie seconded, motion carried. • Tom provided a first draft of the 2012 budget and briefly reviewed it with council. • Pastor Marie departed the meeting. • Council discussed Pastor Marie’s performance during her first six months. Linda made a motion for a one-time performance increase of $1,500. Mike seconded, motion carried. • The next meeting is scheduled for October 13, at 7 p.m. in the Social Room. • Mike made a motion to adjourn, Ernie seconded. • Respectfully submitted, • Sheryl Cleaver First Thursdays at First English Come Share a Meal with Us! Thursday, November 3rd 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Free Will Offering (proceeds to go to build this ministry) Menu: Homemade Sloppy Joe, Mac & Cheese, Veggie Tray, Homemade Desserts and Drink Page 9
First English Lutheran Church November 2011 The Messenger Food Pantry News From Linda Cummins, Food Pantry Director Committee & Group Messages… Finance Committee… Reminder We are responsible for supplying 60 Cool Whips 60 Margarines For the Thanksgiving Distribution on November 21st (We have a limited number of turkeys, but we will have food for anyone needing food, who lives in Teays Valley School District (or is served by one of the member churches). September Totals Regular Offerings $6,212.00 Designated Funds (see below) $ 514.07 Miscellaneous $ 127.25 Total Income $6,853.32 Designated Funds for August Building Fund $ 212.00 SS Mission (Good Samaritan Fund) $ 60.00 Special Funds Interest $ 177.07 Food Pantry $ 65.00 $ 514.07 Total Expenditures/Transfers $7,007.42 Current Assets (checking/savings) AAL Money Market $ 28,326.98 Building Fund $ 10,099.45 Dore Memorial $ 1,942.01 Education Fund $ 4,407.77 General Fund $ 25,809.46 Memorial Account $ 9,639.05 Peters Grant $ 17,862.06 Savings Bank CD $ 24,223.24 TOTAL $122,310.02 In November the Food Pantry is also open the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mission Offering For November November Tony Reed Jeff Allen Page 10