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Highjackiing of TWA 847

Highjackiing of TWA 847. International Situation Pressure on Israel to negotiate a settlement of the occupied territories Promise of Camp David never fulfilled PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people Israeli concern about shelling of northern villages

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Highjackiing of TWA 847

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  1. Highjackiing of TWA 847 • International Situation • Pressure on Israel to negotiate a settlement of the occupied territories • Promise of Camp David never fulfilled • PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people • Israeli concern about shelling of northern villages • Diplomacy of Philip Habbib

  2. Israeli Invasion Plans • US-Israeli talks prior to June 1982 (Haig’s policy) • Attempted assassination of Israeli ambassador in UK • Israel launches “Operation Peace in Galilee” • US policy in the UN and call for cease fire • Israeli pressure on Lebanese government and rise of Bashir Geyemal • Shite connection in South Lebanon • Israelis initially welcomed as liberators by Shites • Wasted opportunity to curry favor with Shites

  3. Map of Lebanon 1982

  4. Map of Beirut 1983

  5. Shelling of Beirut • US lands a multilateral force to disarm PLO and transport them to Tunisia (Families left in Beirut) • Israeli promise to US to protect families • Massacre at Shatila and Sabra camps • World horrified by massacre • US sends Marines to Beirut to support Lebanese government . (No clear mission, no clear rules of engagement) • Presence of Shites in Shouf Mts, hostile to Israel and US • Israeli pullout from Shouf; shelling of Marines on beach

  6. Truck bomb strikes US headquarters killing 265 Americans • Reagan ups political ante and orders USS New Jersey to shell Shouf • Thousands of Shites killed or wounded. Civilian housing decimated • Relatives of Shite victims highjacked TWA 847

  7. Conclusion • The US was drawn into the Lebanese civil war. • Unaware of the resentment that the Lebanese felt toward the US because of our unconditional support of Israel. • The pilot of TWA 847 John Testrake said in his book that the skyjackers kept saying “New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey.” • Testrake says I know New Jersey smells back, but this isn’t a good reason for hyjacking my plane.

  8. Main point– Terrorism has a context that may help to explain why it occurs. • This may not justify resort to terrorism, but we must understand the context if we are to understand and effectively deal with terrorism.

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