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Life Cycle Management Using Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder

Life Cycle Management Using Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder. Anissa Stevens Avanco International, Inc. anissa@avanco.com 703-749-7749. Mark Van De Wiel Oracle Corporation. Avanco Corporate Oracle Expertise. ORACLE Customer Advisory Program (BI and Oracle Portal) ORACLE Certified Developers

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Life Cycle Management Using Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder

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  1. Life Cycle Management Using Oracle 9i Warehouse Builder Anissa Stevens Avanco International, Inc. anissa@avanco.com 703-749-7749 Mark Van De Wiel Oracle Corporation

  2. Avanco Corporate Oracle Expertise • ORACLE Customer Advisory Program (BI and Oracle Portal) • ORACLE Certified Developers • Oracle 9iAS Portal, Discoverer, Developer, JDeveloper • Known Oracle authors (Oracle Press) • Steve Vandivier ‘Oracle 9iAS Portal Handbook’ • Anissa Stevens ‘Oracle Security Handbook’ • Oracle Data Warehousing expertise • Oracle 9iAS expertise

  3. Agenda • Introduction • Oracle Warehouse Builder Overview • Metadata Repository • Version Control • Life Cycle Management • Demo • Questions

  4. Data Warehousing Process Store Feed Use • Feed from various operational and external data sources, using a controlled process for data integration • Storage specific to the needs of decision support, separate system/function from operational systems • Used by a wide variety of people within an organization with a range of an job functions, responsibilities

  5. Oracle Warehouse Builder

  6. Design Target Warehouse 1 Map Source to Target 3 Generate Code 4 Define Sources Deploy Design into Warehouse 2 5 Extract and Transform Data 6 Design and Deployment With Warehouse Builder • Relational • Flat Files • Applications • Mainframe Oracle8i or Oracle9i

  7. Metadata Repository • Data Definitions • Allows you to recreate the environment • Import definitions from a variety of systems • Add metadata through GUI, public Java API or scripting used with OWB • Extensible with user-defined properties

  8. Version Control • OWB creates snapshots at any point/level in the repository • OWB manages two types of snapshots: • Full : entire definition of every object captured. Can migrate from one repository to another • Signature : signature of the object definition captured. Used for comparison purposes.

  9. Change Manager

  10. Life Cycle Management • Scenarios: Change to Source System: OWB analyzes metadata, creates impact analysis diagrams Changes to Target System: OWB provides graphical lineage diagrams to locate reverse impact for a change

  11. Life Cycle Management • Re-import: Update the Warehouse Builder repository • Warehouse Upgrade: Update the target schema OWB Repository Oracle8i/Oracle9i Target Data Source Re-import Re-import Warehouse Upgrade

  12. Impact Analysis

  13. Upgrading the Target • OWB analyzes metadata and generates scripts for all changes • OWB generates alter object scripts for objects that contain data • OWB will rename the object definition and create the object, then reload from old object

  14. Demo

  15. QUESTIONS? Anissa Stevens Avanco International, Inc. anissa@avanco.com 703-749-7749 Mark Van De Wiel Oracle Corporation

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