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Paternalistic Leadership in the Chinese Contexts: A Full-Cycle Indigenous Approach . Bor-Shiuan Cheng Department of Psychology National Taiwan University XXIX International Congress of Psychology July 21 st , 2008. The movie “ Brokeback Mountain ” directed by Lee, Ang
Paternalistic Leadership in the Chinese Contexts:A Full-Cycle Indigenous Approach Bor-Shiuan Cheng Department of Psychology National Taiwan University XXIX International Congress of Psychology July 21st, 2008
The movie “Brokeback Mountain” directed by Lee, Ang won the Oscar Best Director Award but missed the Best Picture. Why? 2
Impacts of Globalization Globalization: individuals, products, funds and information shift fast across national borders with the progress of information technology What is the consequences? Globalization? Glocalization? 3
Impacts of Globalization – MulticulturalismProcess of Culture Influences C o l l e c t i v e S o c i o p s y c h o l o g i c a l I n d i v i d u a l P s y c h o l o g i c a l r e a l i t y p r o c e s s e s r e a l i t y t e n d e n c i e s C u s t o m s , n o r m s , p r a c t i c e s , a n d R e c u r r e n t i n s t i t u t i o n s , C o r e c u l t u r a l e p i s o d e s i n r e f l e c t i n g a n d i d e a s l o c a l w o r l d s p r o m o t i n g t h e P s y c h o l o g i c a l t h a t p e r s o n a l i z e Ÿ w h a t i s g o o d c o r e i d e a s s t r u c t u r e s a n d A c t i o n t h e c o r e i d e a s Ÿ w h a t i s m o r a l p r o c e s s e s Ÿ w h a t i s s e l f F o r e x a m p l e : F o r e x a m p l e : Ÿ l a n g u a g e Ÿ h o m e E c o l o g i c a l , Ÿ p o l i t i c a l s y s t e m Ÿ s c h o o l e c o n o m i c , a n d Ÿ l e g a l s y s t e m Ÿ w o r k p l a c e Ÿ e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m s s o c i o p o l i t i c a l Ÿ c a r e t a k i n g p r a c t i c e s f a c t o r s Ÿ m e d i a 4 Kitayama & Markus, 1994
The movie “Brokeback Mountain” directed by Lee, Ang won the Oscar Best Director Award but missed the Best Picture. Why? 5
Impacts of Globalization – Multiculturalism Conflict and Harmony “In the Oscar Best Picture nomination “Crash”, conflicts appear every minute. However, “Brokeback Mountain” almost leveled down the conflicts to the lowest. There’s always spacious sky. Comparing the littleness of human beings by revealing the boundless sky and varying clouds,Ang Lee illustrated the harmonious relationship between human and the nature. The intense, internal struggle of the main charactersis only presented by the image of sheep, perhaps the most peaceful animal in the world. This is the Aesthetica of the East, the drama of the East. Tenderness and softness reveal infinite power.” (Shin, 2006). 6
Culture and Leadership American Way I hope the performance can be better than ever. I WANT it. I know you are just like me, who want to be a winner. I want to beat others. (Jim McNermey, the CEO of BOEING, 2006) Chinese Way Sales heroes doesn’t matter. Help your colleagues and be considerate first, and then think about tour own sales records. (Wen-Lung Hsu , the founder of CHIMEI, 1996) 8
Culture and Leadership - LeadershipDevelopment Under Culture of Conflict Subjects of Research Above 95% of the research-- the North America or West Europe(Yukl, 1998) Stogdill’s handbook of leadership (Bass, 1990) Lacking research of the East Mistaking concepts of Legalism and Confucianism Research Gaps A leadership under culture of harmony 9
Culture and Leadership - The Culture of HarmonyTwo Organizing Principles Interpersonal Harmony Rule of Zun-Zun (尊尊) Respect the superior The difference of power distance Wu-lun (Five cardinal relationships) Emperor-minister, father-son, husband-wife, older brothers-younger brothers, and friends Rule of Qin-Qin(親親) Favor the intimate (guanxi) Treat people differently according to different guanxi Rule of Zun-Zun Rule of Qin-Qin Individuals among interpersonal relationship network 10
Culture and Leadership – Leadership under the Culture of HarmonyLeadership Issues InterpersonalHarmony Respect to Superior Favor the Intimate Tradition of Culture Parental Authority Different guanxi Value of Leadership Styles of Leadership Subordinates Responses Team Effectiveness (source: adapted from Cheng, 1991;Cheng & Huang, 2000) 11
Culture and Leadership – Leadership under the Culture of HarmonyResearch Approach Shift Western Theory Follow Research Replication Culture of Conflict Differences Finding Chinese Culture International Dialogue Critique Explore Literature Analysis Field Observation Indigenous Theory Construction Exploit Empirical Studies Culture of Harmony Indigenous Theory Modification 12
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (1): Concepts Inspiration Phase One:Individual experience to inspiration of concepts Consulting experience in a shoe factory (Cheng, 1991&1992) Develop preliminary concepts Phase Two: Field observation to verify generalizability Field observation on executives of family business(Cheng, 1995a) Multi-cases studies of executives in Taiwanese enterprises (Cheng, 1995b) Verify generalizability of phenomenon 13
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (2): Concepts Definition Definition A leadership style prevailing strong discipline and authority with fatherly benevolence and moral integrity couched in a personalistic atmosphere ABC Triad Leadership Authoritarianism Leadership Leaders assert absolute, unchallengeable authority and control over subordinates and demand unquestionable obedience from subordinates. Benevolence Leadership Leaders demonstrate individualized and holistic concerns for subordinates’ well-beings. Character/ Moral Leadership Leaders present superior personal virtues or discipline to earn respect and imitation from subordinates; unselfishness and modeling are the most distinct. 14
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (3): Culture Analysis Phase Three: Culture analysis to theory framework development Culture Analysis and Literature Review( Farh & Cheng, 2000 ) Measurement Development (Cheng at al.,2000;Jen at al., 2003 ) Develop operational concepts and initial theory A C B Paternalistic Leadership Personalistic Tradition Norms of reciprocal behaviors and repay interpersonally Cultural Origins Imperial history of more than three thousand years Confucianism‧Three Bonds ‧Norms of Roles Legalism ‧Law and Punishment ‧Centralism ‧Control Confucianism ‧Leading by Morality ‧Modeling ‧Ceremony Ideology of Propriety (Li) Confucianism ‧Fatherly Duty ‧Benovelence 15 Source: Farh & Cheng (2000)
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (3): Research Framework Leader’s Behaviors Character L. Authoritarianism L. Benevolence L. Identification and Imitation Awe and Compliance Gratitude and Repayment Subordinates’ Responses Effectiveness of Leadership Cultural Factors Organizational Factors
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-CycleIndigenous Research Approach (4): Internal Validity Confirmation Phase Four : Scientific examination on the observation Comparison with transformational leadership(Cheng et al.,2002) Mediating mechanism (Wu et al., 2002) Triad Model verification (Cheng et al.,2004; Niu et al., 2006) Moderating factors (Chou et al.,2005) Strengthen validity of theory ( internal validity, boundary conditions, causality) 17
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (4): Results of Empirical Studies Subjects Data: more than 10000and still accumulating Regions: including Taiwan, Mainland China, Southeast Asia, United States & New Zealand Organization Types: including enterprise, school, military and government Main Effect Authoritarianism leadership +:Objective performance -:Subordinates’ attitude Benevolence leadership +:Subordinates’ attitude Character leadership +:Subordinates’ attitude/ performance 18
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Paternalistic Leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (4): Results of Empirical Studies Interaction Effect Benevolence and authority Benevolence and morality Moderating Effect Subordinate’s traditionality, subordinate’s dependency, leader’s competence, and leader’s experience positively moderate the relationship between authoritarianism leadership and subordinate’s effectiveness. Mediating Effect Important psychological mechanism: subordinate’s responses and quality of relationship (leader and subordinate). 19
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony –paternalistic leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach(4): Triad Model’s Examination A Leadership .63** .11* Fear Compliance .24** .24** -.18** .57** -.24** B Leadership .58** Gratitude & Repayment Satisfaction with supervisor .68** .49** .53** -.11* Organizational Commitment .70** C Leadership Identification .52** Construct Examination (Farh, Cheng, Chou & Chu, 2004,N=197) 20
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony –paternalistic leadership Full-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach(4):Present Conclusion Paternalistic leadership (PL) generally exists in Chinese organizations Character leadership (C) is crucial and benevolence leadership (B) is also critical. Authoritarianismleadership (A) can enhance performance —situation-constrained or benevolence leadership combination required Leader’s competency and experience, and subordinate’s traditionality and dependency have moderating effects. Subordinate response plays as a important mediator of PL and subordinate effectiveness Triad model of PL is supported generally. 21
Leadership under the Culture of Harmony - Scope of Theory AnalogyFull-Cycle Indigenous Research Approach (5): Generalizability and Application Phase Five: Examining the generalizability Generalization to various organizations (Cheng, Huang & Chou, 2002) Generalization to other regions of Chinese culture (Cheng at al., 2003) Generalization to regions of other cultures(Chou at al., 2007) Level generalizabilty research Increase the scope of generalizability(external validity) Phase Six: Applied the models to the field Analysis of leadership types Leadership training Action research Increase robustness of theory 22
Future of Paternalistic LeadershipLevel of Analysis Dyad Level of Leadership Based on Chinese cultural traditions of “Zun-zun” & “Qin-qin” Leaders are used to filing subordinates and expressing different leadership behaviors (Cheng, 1995) Group Level of Leadership Average leadership is formed while a leader and subordinate have been worked together for a while and the leader gradually demonstrates a kind of equal behavior toward the whole group. PL, especially Character Leadership, should be homogeneous; leaders reveal similar behaviors of leadership toward different subordinates (Tsui, Huang, Chen & Farh, 2006) 23
Future of Paternalistic LeadershipLevel of Analysis (Cheng at al., 2008) Both group and dyad effects were found Character leadership presented the strongest group effect Average leadership had cross-level effect on dyadic leadership Suppressor Effect(FigΙ) Amplifier Effect(Fig Ⅱ) Ⅱ Ι performance performance LB (group) HB (group) LB (group) HB (group) L H L H A (individual) 24 C (individual)
Future of Paternalistic Leadership - Construct Application Configurational Approach: Leadership Types *1:Distribution from Niu & Cheng, 2006 *2:Sample Distribution of Enterprise and School from Cheng, Chou & Farh, 2000 25
Future of Paternalistic Leadership - Construct Application Configurational Approach: Subordinates’ Responses *1: Distribution from Niu & Cheng, 2006 *2: Sample Distribution of Enterprise and School from Cheng, Chou & Farh, 2000 *3:The average numbers inserted upper note mean significant difference 26
Future of Paternalistic Leadership- Scope of GeneralizabilityGlobalization of PL Classic Leadership Theories Managers should show authority and nurturing behaviors to establish work groups with productivity and satisfaction (Follett, 1933; Munsterberg, 1913) Among traditional rational-legal, and charismatic, the three pure forms of authority, paternalistic belongs to the basic way of traditional authority (Weber, 1947) Modern Leadership Theories Researchers consider PL, the traditional authority with negative view of points; for example, autocratic (Northouse, 1997) and discrimination (Colella, Gorcia, Reidel & Triana, 2005) Traditional authority is still vital rather than weakening; common in formal organizations (Bradley, 1997; Hamilton, 1990; Pearce, 2005; Redding, 2003) Many western leadership types fit the description of PL, such as leaders in Management by Fire (HBR, 2002) 27
Postmodern Leadership Theories Multi-cultural indigenous leadership theory like PL should be paid more attention (Gelfand, Erez & Aycan, 2007; Tsui, 2008) PL prevails over organizations in regions of Middle East, East Asia, South Asia and South America and is an efficient way of leadership (Pellegrini & Scandura, 2006) PL includes two routes of research, two dimensional(Aycan, 2006) and three dimensional (Cheng, et al., 2000); the two dimensionsare authoritarianism and benevolence leadership where three dimensional ones add moral leadership in. The latter one obviously is more complicated and interesting. Both routes possess tremendous research potential (Pellegrini & Scandura, 2008) Future of Paternalistic Leadership- Scope of GeneralizabilityGlobalization of PL 28
Global Research Project of PL Asia: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and India Europe:Belgium, France, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Greece America: Mexico and US Africa: Nigeria and South Africa Future of Paternalistic Leadership- Scope of GeneralizabilityGlobalization of PL 29
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership The Merck HR in the United States hired psychologists, hundreds of HR experts and did a terrific job.I was persuaded that the Merck’s HR system was one of the best in the world. However I totally changed my mind about HR after encountering a Chinese company. It maintains no HR department. However, its turnover rate is nearly zero; union issues never happens. Moreover, most employees demonstrate citizenship behavior. Up to now, I still have no idea why this company operated HR like that(Yu, 2004). 30
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership- Transcendence of PLCharacter / Moral Leadership: Self-discipline by “Dao” (Doctrine) Diffused Goodness Peaceful world Societal Level Organizational Level Prosperous state Incorruptible Responsible Interpersonal Level Role modeling Harmonious family Open-minded Integrity Impartial Cultivated self Individual Level Upright minds Honesty without cheating Sincere wills 31
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership- Transcendence of PLDiffused-Goodness to Organization 1. Honesty without cheating & self-modeling 6. Combine positive management and improvement regime 2. Address the idea of “benefit others” & develop strategies for co-prosperity Diffused-Goodness Leadership 5. Set up flexible systems for instant feedback 4. Motivate members to attain challenging goals 3. Establish management teams of ideal disposition 32
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership–Transcendence of PLDiffused-Goodness to Society Investment of the Mass Society Community Shareholder Diffused-Goodness Leadership Supplier Upstream Supplier End Users Customers Employees Families of Employees Cheng, 2004 33
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership- Transcendence of PLIdeal of Diffused-benefit Leadership Golden Rules of Management Empty Leadership Leaders who make right decisions avoid disasters, leave no legends.Self-respect is far more important than respect from others.(Bennis & Tichy, 2007) 太上,下知有之,其次親而譽之,其次畏之,其次侮之。 信不足焉,有不信焉! 悠兮,其貴言。功能事遂,百姓皆謂「我自然」(老子,十七章) HR with No HR Department 34
Beyond Paternalistic Leadership – ABCDE Leadership Empty leadership Diffused-Goodness leadership Character leadership Benevolence leadership Authoritarianism leadership
The Road Less Traveled By and My Travel Mates The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stood …and II took the one less traveled by,and that has made all the difference. (Robert Frost, 1915) 36
Paternalistic Leadership- A New Cross-Cultural Study 100 Data Sets (Groups) for Each Country 1 Manager 3 Subordinates: A, B, C Manager – Subordinate A Manager – Subordinate B Manager – Subordinate C Participants (till now) • Belgium • China • France • Greece • Hong Kong • Hungry • India • Indonesia • Iran • Italy • Japan • Mexico • Nigeria • Poland • Portugal • Russia • Singapore • South Korea • South Africa • Taiwan • Thailand • The USA
Paternalistic Leadership- A New Cross-Cultural Study If you would like to join this Cross-Cultural Research Team, please contact us at Tom Tang: ttang@mtsu.edu Min-Ping Huang: minping@saturn.yzu.edu.tw An-Chih Wang: andrew.az@gmail.com Li-Fang Chou: crhonda@seed.net.tw Bor-Shiuan Cheng: chengbor@ntu.edu.tw Or Give us your Business Card and Contact Information
Thank you Danke Dankeshen Grazie Merci Muchas Gracias ありがとう 너를 감사하십시요 謝謝