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HR coating. AR coating. I-MIRTHE REU program 2007 – highlights Intellectual merit. Roxanne Zellin, Claire Gmachl, Princeton University DMR 005274 0021.
HR coating AR coating I-MIRTHE REU program 2007 – highlightsIntellectual merit Roxanne Zellin, Claire Gmachl, Princeton University DMR 005274 0021 Interdisciplinary research in the development of mid-infrared trace-gas sensing systems for environment and health: Leading-edge undergraduate research in (i) materials and device science, (ii) nanotechnology, (iii) fundamentals of sensing, (iv) optoelectronic systems design and manufacturing, (v) environmental chemistry, (vi) climate research, (vii) public safe-guarding, (viii) medical diagnostics, (ix) societal impact, and (x) technology policy. Award-winning presentations and summer projects involving I-MIRTHE REU students: • Small-size, low-cost CO2 sensor • 0.2W control system power • 0.75W peak consumption for our CO2 sensor • Small size (includes USB, radio, pressure sensor) • Low cost (~$250 in qty 5 to build boards) Aishwarya Sridhar REU @ Princeton U. • High-efficiency QC Laser • X2 improvement in wall-plug efficiency (WPE) Daniel Chang REU @ Rice U. Small-size, low-cost CO2 sensor
I-MIRTHE REU program 2007 – highlightsBroader impacts Roxanne Zellin, Claire Gmachl, Princeton University DMR 005274 0021 6 MIRTHE Institutions = 1 REU Site: Experiencing that “the total can be more than the sum of its parts” • 18 undergraduate students worked at 5 MIRTHE locations (JHU, PU, Rice, TAMU, and UMBC) • Interacted bi-weekly through web-conferencing (faculty lectures and student presentations) • Met and presented their work at MIRTHE Summer Workshop, August 6-10, 2007, in Princeton • Students experience directly the value of collaborative research of inter-institutional research centers • Students conduct highly interdisciplinary research from material science to climate studies • Students learn the tools and practice of effective research communication across institutions • Students form broadly cast, multi-institutional professional networks early in their career Pictures from MIRTHE Summer Workshop: Julia Klofas, Johns Hopkins U, discusses her poster with Miguel Bustamente, CCNY Fatima Toor, Princeton U, discusses her poster with Robinson Kuis, UMBC MIRTHE students enjoy a baseball game.