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WELCOME TO OUR. ANIMAL EXTRAVAGANZA. Arctic Fox. An Arctic Fox eats fish and berries. It buries its fur in the snow so it can’t be seen by predators. Some Arctic Foxes are bluish-gray . The Arctic Fox follows polar bears and eats the scraps they leave behind.
Arctic Fox • An Arctic Fox eats fish and berries. • It buries its fur in the snow so it can’t be seen by predators. • Some Arctic Foxes are bluish-gray. • The Arctic Fox follows polar bears and eats the scraps they leave behind. • Arctic foxes have the warmest fur of any animal. Alexandra
PANDA • Pandas enjoy eating bamboo. • They are about 3 to 5 feet tall. • Most of them live China where there are mountains. • In the winter it snows so they need warm fur. • The giant panda’s babies are the smallest mammals. • They have sharp claws to protect themselves. Alyssa
SHARK • Sharks have many sharp teeth. • Most male sharks are much bigger than female sharks. • Most sharks are white and blue, but some sharks are different colors. • Sharks have been found in polar seas. • All sharks have a fin on top of them which is called a dorsal fin. • Most sharks live in salt water but not all. Anabela
The Red Fox’s scientific name is Vulpes Vulpes. • They eat rodents, insects, birds, eggs, fish and tons of fruit. • They are approximately 36 to 42 inches long. • They are found in the Northern Hemisphere. • They are a wild member of the dog family. • They hunt for their prey at night. Red Fox Anthony
Kangaroo • Kangaroos like to eat at night. • Kangaroos hop fast to get away from the predators. • Kangaroos are known for boxing. • All kangaroos live in Australia. • Kangaroos live in mobs. Colbie
The monkey eats all kinds of fruit. • Baby monkeys weigh up to 5 pounds. • Monkeys’ hands and feet are adapted for climbing. • Monkeys have good eyesight. • Some monkeys wrap themselves in a ball. MONKEY COLE
WOLF • The wolf eats deer, bears, rabbits, and foxes. • Sometimes they eat people but not all the time. • Most wolves live in North America, Europe and Asia. • Wolves can run up to 130 miles. • Lastly, wolves have 1 to 11 pups. Danielle
PLATYPUS • The platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs. • The male platypus has venomous spurs on its hind legs. • Scientists think platypuses mate sometime between July and November. • A platypus’ bill looks like it’s hard but it’s really made of soft cartilage. • The tunnel a platypus digs can be from 20 to 52 feet long. Domenico
Polar Bear • The polar bear eats sea birds, seals, and walruses to survive. • Polar bears have hair between their pads which protects the bear’s feet from the cold. • The polar bear blends in with the snow to hide and attack other animals. • The polar bear uses its paws and teeth to defend itself. • Female polar bears weigh about 550 pounds and male polar bears weigh about 880 pounds. Dylan
TIGER • Tigers jump at the neck to catch their prey. • Females can weigh 100 to 160 pounds and males weigh 158 to 180 pounds. • They live in Asia, Russia, Korea and China. • They are carnivores. • They have BIG teeth and sharp claws. • Females give birth to 3 or 4 cubs. Grant
The Sea Turtle has a bony shell. • Sea Turtles are green. • Sea Turtles can grow up to 70 inches. • They can weigh up to 2000 pounds. • Their heart has 3 sections called chambers. SEA TURTLE Harry
SEA OTTER • The sea otter has brown fur and gray whiskers. • The sea otter lives on water and land. • Sea otters can smell predators from far away and then they can swim away. • An adult male can be fifty-one inches and females can be forty-seven. • Males can live up to fifteen years and females can live up to twenty years. • Sea otters eat squid, rock crabs, stone crabs, clams, and sea urchins. Jack
Llama • Llamas can live for twenty years. • They mostly eat shrubs and grass. • Llamas are relatives of camels. • Llamas have padded feet, like the palm of your hand. • The llama sounds like a cat purring but louder. Jamie
Spider Monkey • Spider Monkeys’ tails are longer than their bodies. • Spider Monkeys live in small groups. • The Spider Monkey’s fur is gray and tan. • Some Spider Monkeys are endangered. • The Wooly Spider monkey can only can be found in Brazilian parks. Joseph
Elephant • The elephant’s color is gray. It also has a gray nose. • Indian elephants have small ears and African elephants have huge ears. • An African elephant is 7-13 feet tall. • An Indian elephant is 9 -11 feet tall. • Elephants love to swim in water. Kristen
Dolphin • Dolphins have two flat halves of a tail. • The dorsal fin has a color that is mostly white or pale gray with a dark border. • It has rounded forehead. • Most dolphins live in salty oceans. • The mother of a baby dolphin pushes the baby up to the surface of the ocean for its first breath. Lleira
Did you know there are different kinds of frogs? • A frog can usually outrun its predator. • It hops from lily pad to lily pad. • The frog’s prey is usually insects. • It usually weighs about 7 pounds. • When frogs are young, they’re called tadpoles. FROG Matthew
Penguin • Penguins are very fast swimmers. • Penguins can hurt each other when they fight. • Penguins cough up food for their babies. • Penguins eat fish. • Penguins have wings but can’t fly. • Penguins can go underwater but they can’t breathe underwater. Nicole
Great White Shark • The Great White female is bigger than the male. • It can have one or two eggs. • It's weight is 5,940 to 7,040 pounds. • It likes to eat fish, seals, squid, turtles, and birds. • It lives in seas from 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. • It lives for 30 to 50 years. RYAN
The Red Footed Booby Bird can dive 30 miles underwater! • The Red Footed Booby Bird has many colors and obviously red feet. • The Red Footed Booby Bird eats many fish But PREFERS Flying Fish. • All of the females are bigger than the males • The Red Footed Booby Bird lives in tropical weather. • Red Footed Booby Bird live in groups called colonies. RED FOOTED BOOBY BIRD SAM
KOALA • Koalas eat grass, eucalyptus leaves, and fruits. • The koala’s worst enemy is fire. • Koalas climb high up in the trees so their enemies can’t reach them. • Koalas live in the Australian forests. • The koala’s length can be 24 to 33 inches. • People think Koalas smell like cough drops because they eat eucalyptus. Sara
TOUCAN • An adult Toucan can be 24 inches and 64 centimeters, and a baby Toucan can be 13 to 14 inches and 33-36 centimeters. • Toucans can be found in South and Central America. They live in Tropical rainforests and American Jungles. • Toucans need warmth and trees to survive in the rainforest. • Toucans do not sing like other birds do, but when they cry it echoes throughout the whole forest all day long. • Toucans love fruit! They enjoy eating mangos and berries, but they will eat other fruit too!! Sydney
A female cottontail rabbit carries her young inside her body for 26 to 30 days. • Most rabbits eat and play from dusk to dawn. • Rabbits live in the northern United States and Canada. • In the winter rabbits build dens. • Most rabbits don’t dig their own burrows. • Rabbits eat many kinds of plants. • Rabbits run fast and jump into their burrows for safety. RABBIT Tanner
Lion • The lion has a big bush around its head and it’s called a main. • Lions live in Africa and Asia in hot temperatures. • Lions defend themselves with their roar to show that they’re fierce. • Lion are carnivores and only eat meat like zebras, fawns, and other animals. • Male lions are about 48 inches tall and 98 inches in length. Trisha