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Information for program personnel committees

Understand the role of Program Personnel Committees (PPCs) and key responsibilities, review PPC guidelines, CBA Articles 11 & 15, RTP Schedules, and PDP requirements at CSUCI. Gain insights on evaluations, promotions, and file management.

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Information for program personnel committees

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  1. Faculty Affairs presents: Information for program personnel committees

  2. PPCs • Consist of 3 or 5 members • Are selected based on Program Personnel Standards (i.e. one per program or one per faculty member) • Members must be tenured • For promotion consideration, members must have higher rank than candidates

  3. What PPCs do • Review and recommend approval of Professional Development Plans of faculty in their first year of service • Conduct periodic reviews of faculty with 2-year appointments • Review and evaluate Portfolios for retention, tenure, and promotion (Performance Evaluations) • Produce written recommendations

  4. CBA Article 11-Personnel Files • “The custodian shall log all instances of access to a Personnel Action File…” • Please remember to sign the log in the Personnel Action File (the hanging file, as opposed to the Portfolio, which is usually a 3-ring binder) when you review the file

  5. CBA Article 15 - Evaluations • 15.10 – Deliberations pursuant to this article shall be confidential • 15.11 – Recommendations pursuant to this Article shall be confidential except that the affected faculty unit employee, appropriate administrators, the President, and the peer review committee members shall have access to written recommendations

  6. 15.39 – A faculty unit employee shall not serve on more than 1 committee level of peer review • 15.40 – In promotion considerations, peer review committee members must have a higher rank than those being considered for promotion. Faculty unit employees being considered for promotion are ineligible for service on promotion or tenure peer review committees

  7. 15.42 – Each peer review committee evaluation report and recommendation shall be approved by a simple majority of the membership of that committee • 15.44 – If any stage of a Performance Review has not been completed within the specified period of time, [it] shall be automatically transferred to the next level of review

  8. RTP Schedules A,B, and C – who do they apply to? & Sections of particular importance to PPCs CSUCI’s RTP policy: SP 10-10

  9. Schedules A, B, & C • A: Approval of the PDP • B: Faculty in 1st or 2nd year of service • B1: Periodic Review (abbreviated portfolio, Section L.3) • B2: Retention Review • C: Retention (beyond 2nd year of service), Tenure, & Promotion

  10. Schedule C • C1: “routine” review: 3rd prob. year (hired w/ 1 year service credit*), 4th year prob. year (hired w/o service credit), 5th prob. year • C2: “extensive” review: 3rd probationary year (hired without service credit); 4th probationary year faculty (hired with 1 or 2 years of service credit) • C3: tenure and promotion: reviewed at all levels

  11. Schedule C: Period of review • C1: the period since the last submission of the portfolio for reappointment • C2:the entire probationary period, including years for which service credit is granted

  12. Schedule C3: Period of Review • Tenure: for tenure, the period of review is the entire probationary period, including years for which service credit is granted • Promotion: the time spent in rank, including accomplishments during time spent at that rank at other four-year or graduate-degree granting institutions • Tenure and/or Promotion: a faculty member may include accomplishments prior to the period of review as part of the portfolio.

  13. SP 10-10 Article – PDPs • I.1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN • The Professional Development Plan (PDP) is the faculty member's agenda for achieving the professional growth necessary to qualify for retention, tenure and promotion. The plan, which is required and shall be prepared, reviewed, and approved by the end of the faculty member's first year of appointment, except for a faculty member hired as a tenured full professor, shall describe the activities and intended outcomes that the faculty member expects to achieve during the period of review for tenure and/or promotion eventually to full professor. While more focus and specificity will be given to planning for the first two years, the plan will address the entire period of review.

  14. I.2. The purpose of the Professional Development Plan is to give a faculty member at CSU Channel Islands the opportunity to address with some concreteness and specificity how, given her or his background, experience, and interests, s/he would meet the university’s and program’s (or programs’) requirements for tenure and/or promotion, and to receive feedback from the program and Dean (or appropriate administrator for librarians and counselors) on the plan. It is intended to be a constructive learning process and not a formal agreement or contract. PDP narratives for teaching (professional activities for non-teaching librarians and counselors), scholarly and creative activities, and service shall not exceed 500 words each. These narratives shall describe the faculty member’s professional goals, areas of interest, resources required and accomplishments s/he expects to achieve in each of the three areas evaluated in order to meet the program standards for tenure and/or promotion.

  15. a)In the event the PPC, Program Chair, or the Dean (or appropriate administrator for librarians and counselors) does not approve the PDP, the faculty member shall revise it and resubmit it within two weeks. • b)After re-submittal, if the PPC, Program Chair, or the Dean (or appropriate administrator for librarians and counselors) makes further suggestions for modifications, the faculty member may, within two weeks, submit a revised PDP. • No subsequent revision of the Professional Development Plan is necessary. It is expected that faculty over the course of time may move into areas different than anticipated in this first year plan, but any changes should be addressed in the narratives describing faculty members’ actual work required as part of the Portfolio.

  16. SP 10-10 Article - Numeric Scores • O. Requirements for Retention • 3. As indicated in the faculty member’s Program Personnel Standards (or the General Personnel Standards if no discipline PPS is available), probationary faculty members are required to show appropriate accomplishments, growth, and promise in each of the three areas of assessment. Moreover, when weaknesses have been identified in earlier review cycles, a probationary faculty member is expected to address these weaknesses explicitly and show appropriate improvement. • 4. Retention requires that the faculty member receive at least two “3—Meets Standards of Achievement” evaluations, one of which is in teaching (Professional Activities for non-teaching librarians and counselors).

  17. P. Requirements for Tenure • 1. The granting of tenure is the most significant personnel action that the University takes, because it represents an affirmation that the probationary faculty member will be an asset to the University over his or her entire career. Therefore, a positive tenure decision requires that the probationary faculty member has displayed accomplishments, growth, and future potential that meet the expectations stated in this document and Program Personnel Standards. • 2. Tenure requires that performance in two areas be rated at “4—Exceeds Standards of Achievement”—for teaching faculty, one of these must be in the category of Teaching (professional activities for non-teaching librarians and counselors); for non-teaching faculty [librarians, counselors], one of these must be in category one of the PPS—and one category rated at least at “3—Meets Standards of Achievement” as stated in this document and Program Personnel Standards.

  18. 3. Early tenure requires that all expectations for the entire probationary period have been met and that performance in two areas be rated at “4—Exceeds Standards of Achievement”—for teaching faculty, one of these must be in the category of Teaching (professional activities for non-teaching librarians and counselors); for non-teaching faculty (librarians, counselors), one of these must be in category one of the PPS—and one category at least “3—Meets Standards of Achievement” as stated in this document and Program Personnel Standards. • 4. The decision to grant tenure shall be based solely on an evaluation of the faculty member's performance as documented by the evidence contained in the portfolio.

  19. Q. Requirements for Promotion • 1. Promotion to Associate Professor and to Professor (or their equivalents) require that Performance in two areas be rated as “4—Exceeds Standards of Achievement”—for teaching faculty, one of these must be in the category of Teaching (professional activities for non-teaching librarians and counselors); for non-teaching faculty [librarians, counselors and coaches], one of these must be in category one of the PPS—and one category must be rated as at least “3—Meets Standards of Achievement” as stated in approved Program Personnel Standards for the appropriate rank.

  20. Writing Evaluations & Recommendations

  21. Evaluation vs Recommendation • Probationary faculty are reviewed every year • Periodic review (schedule B1, abbreviated portfolio) is an evaluation only; no recommendation for retention is made • Faculty under all schedules except B1 are being reviewed for Retention, Tenure and/or Promotion

  22. Recommendations • Retention, Tenure, and Promotion are granted by the President; evaluations at all other levels are recommendations • Tenure and Promotion recommendations can be separate; if a probationary faculty member applies for early tenure, the recommendation must recommend for or against Tenure AND must recommend for or against Retention • In 6th probationary year (on-time), recommendations ONLY address Tenure /Promotion, NOT Retention

  23. Recommendations must: • Only refer to material in the file • Give a 1-5 numeric score in each of the areas of evaluation: Teaching (or Professional Activities); Scholarly and Creative Activities; Service • Evaluate the achievements documented in the file with reference to the requirements specified in the Program Personnel Standards • Clearly recommend for or against Retention, Tenure and/or Promotion

  24. Recommendations Must: • Be addressed to the file and sent to the file (i.e. Faculty Affairs); they must not ever be sent to the next level of review before the 10-day response period has passed (this is a procedural error that could be seen as prejudicial) • Be signed in alphabetical order • Record the vote tabulation (not how each member voted; only the total)

  25. Recommendations Should: • Be thorough evaluations of each category and demonstrate the reasoning for assigning whichever numeric score deemed appropriate • Emphasize that Programs without a PPS put the applicant at a disadvantage in the evaluation of items unique to the discipline

  26. Questions?

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