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Experience the best scuba diving in Phuket with Phuket Dive Center! Immerse yourself in the captivating underwater world of the Andaman Sea, guided by our expert instructors. Discover vibrant coral reefs, mesmerizing marine life, and stunning underwater landscapes that make Phuket a premier diving destination. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, our top-notch facilities and personalized services ensure an unforgettable underwater adventure. <br><br>Read More : https://phuketdivecenter.com/
Howtogeta PADI Certificatefor OpenWater Divingin Phuket
PRESENTATIONOUTLINE WhatisPADI? HowlongittakesforyoutogetaPADI certificate? CanchildrengetaPADIcertificateinPhuket? Howmanydivesdoyouneedtogetcertified? CanIcompletemycoursewithoutgoinginto thesea?
ABOUT Phuket is one of the most popular destinations for divers in Thailand. This beautiful island is so enticing for those wanting to explore below the waves. It is hometoPADIdivecentresthatofferPADI Certificates for open water diving in Phuket.Ifyou'renewtodiving,orwantto know more about getting a PADI certificateinPhuket,readon!
WHATISPADI? PADI (the Professional Association of Diving Instructors) is a scuba diving certificationagency.Theacronymstands for Professional Associations of Diving Instructors,andwasfoundedin1966asa non-profit organization based in California. PADI is the world's largest scuba diving training agency, with more than 500 offices worldwide, including several locations in Phuket and throughoutThailand.
You'llneedtolearnhowtodive,andthen doabunchofdives.Thetimeitwilltake dependsonthefollowing: HOWLONGIT TAKESFOR YOUTOGET APADI CERTIFICATE? • Howquicklyyoulearn. • Howmanydivesyoudo. • How quickly you can pass the tests includingdeepandconfinedwatertests. • Howquicklyyourlogbookissignedby andivinginstructorinPhuketwho'sbeen certifiedortrainedbyPADI.
CANCHILDRENGETAPADI CERTIFICATEINPHUKET? • Childrenmustbe10yearsoldorgreater • The child must be accompanied by an adultwhoisatleast18yearsoldorolder, certified to dive and in possession of a validPADIcertificationinPhuket. • HOWMANYDIVESDOYOU NEEDTOGETCERTIFIED? • Youmustcompleteatleast5divestoget PADI Open Water certification. These divesshouldbedoneatleast30minutes apart and should be at a depth of 12 metersormoreand50metersawayfrom theshore.
CANICOMPLETEMYCOURSE WITHOUTGOINGINTO THE SEA? No. You must be able to swim and complete underwater training in order to get your PADI OpenWaterDivercertification. If you're not a strong swimmer, don't worry! Youcanstill take yourPADIOpenWaterDiver course. There are centers that offer dry land trainingaswellas openwaterdivingin Phuket.Inordertobe abletodo dryland training,youwillneedtohavebasicswimming skillsandknowhowtouseanairregulator.
ContactUs: Website: https://phuketdivecenter.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/phuketdivece nter/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Phuketdivec enter/