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History Education

Explore all actions and thoughts in the past 24 hours, observed, remembered, and recorded by someone, with surviving records being made available for a fuller historical account.

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History Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History Education

  2. Primary & Secondary Sources

  3. A Powerful Story, Told in a Powerful Manner

  4. THE PAST 24 HOURS All of your actions and thoughts in the past 24 hours Your actions and thoughts observed by someone Your actions and thoughts that were observed, remembered,& recorded Your actions and thoughts observed & remembered Your actions and thoughts for which we have surviving records Available/ usable/believable records of your actions and thoughts The “Account” of your actions and/or thoughts

  5. HISTORY The Past – All Actions and Thoughts by All Individuals in All Times & Places 1. Events Observed by Someone 3. Events Observed, Remembered, & Recorded 2. Events Observed & Remembered 4. Events for which We Have Surviving Records 5. Available, Usable, & Believable Records for a Given Historical Account The “Account”

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