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Viruses. Ch. 13. What is a virus?. _________ particle made up of genetic material and protein that can invade ____ cells. 1892 Dimitri Ivanowsky. Studied tobacco _______ virus. Structure. Bacteriophages. Viruses invading ________. Virus size. 10-400_________

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Viruses Ch. 13

  2. What is a virus? • _________ particle made up of genetic material and protein that can invade ____ cells

  3. 1892 Dimitri Ivanowsky • Studied tobacco _______ virus

  4. Structure

  5. Bacteriophages • Viruses invading ________

  6. Virus size • 10-400_________ • Nano =One billionth of meter

  7. Specificity • Will only infect specific _________ • Plant viruses • Cold blooded animal viruses • Birds only viruses

  8. Reproduction • Lytic cycle

  9. Lysogenic cycle • Virus inactive till factors cause it to lyse cell. The Cell will _______. Called a _______ Virus

  10. Retrovirus- • Has RNA instead of DNA. • Retro since the copy goes from RNA to DNA called _______

  11. Viruses as parasites • Viruses must ____ cells to grow and ________ • Technically not living.

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