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Hello Minions!!!

Hello Minions!!!. Question on the board!!!. Questions…. Any questions about yesterday’s content?. THE METAL!!!. Properties of Metal. Physical Properties Shininess: how well does it reflect light Malleability: Hammered or rolled into flat sheets and other shapes.

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Hello Minions!!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hello Minions!!! Question on the board!!!

  2. Questions… Any questions about yesterday’s content?

  3. THE METAL!!!

  4. Properties of Metal • Physical Properties • Shininess: how well does it reflect light • Malleability: Hammered or rolled into flat sheets and other shapes. • Ductility: Can be pulled or drawn out into long wire. • Conductivity: Ability to transfer heat or electricity to another object.

  5. Properties of Metal • Chemical Properties • Reactivity: ease and speed an element combines or reacts with other elements or compounds. • Corrosion: Destruction of a metal through reaction

  6. The Alkali Metal!!! • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSZ-3wScePM • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqeVEFFzz7E

  7. The Alkali Metal!!! • Metals in Group 1 • From Lithium to Francium • React by losing an electron • Found only in compounds • Can only be separated in a lab • Shiny and soft

  8. Earth Alkali Metals!!! • Group 2 = Alkaline Earth Metals • Beryllium to Radium • Hard, grayish-white, good conductor for electricity • React by losing two electrons • Like group 1, never found uncombined in nature

  9. Transition Metals!!! • Groups 3 through 12 = Transition Metals • Most are hard and shiny • Good conductors of electricity • Many form colorful compounds • Less reactive than group 1 & 2

  10. Mixed Metals!!! • Some are in Groups 13 through 15 • Not as reactive • Aluminum, Tin, Lead

  11. Lanthanides!!! • In a row below the main part of the table • Top row, beneath group 3 • Soft, malleable, shiny, high conductivity • Mixed with other metals to make alloys

  12. Actinides Metals!!! • In a row below the main part of the table • Bottom row • Only actinium, thorium, protactinium, and uranium are found naturally. The rest are synthetic. • Nuclei are unstable and break apart into smaller nuclei • Some last only a fraction of a second!

  13. Synthetic! • Made in a nuclear reactor or a particle accelerator • Radioactive!

  14. Questions… • Questions… • Homework…

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