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Culture. Behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a group of people that are passed on from generation to generationEthnocentrism ? tendency to favor one's own group over other groups. Sociocultural Influences. Elements of the non-material culture (ideas, beliefs, values, etc.) are g
1. The Socio-Cultural World
2. Culture Behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a group of people that are passed on from generation to generation
Ethnocentrism tendency to favor ones own group over other groups
3. Elements of the non-material culture (ideas, beliefs, values, etc.) are generally held together by an integrated and coherent worldview, which is a comprehensive but basic idea of how the world works and/or ought to work.
To the extent that this worldview is shared among the members of the culture, the worldview and the culture remain stable with low levels of change. Cultural Worldview
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; . . .
Matthew 12:25, Holy Bible, KJV America is a Kingdom Divided
5. Restoring/preserving traditional American Culture
Moving toward a European-style Socialist state
Being overtaken by an international, world government Current Cultural Themes in the U.S.
6. Freedom from government oppression.
Freedom to speak, worship, and generally live their lives without government interference. What were the founders of the United States seeking freedom from and freedom to do?
7. Currently generally known as onservative/Tea Party/(Republican more so than Democrat)
Small government/low taxes
Vs large government/high taxes
Rule of Law/Constitution
Vs. rule by those in power
Personal freedom & responsibility
Vs. government dependence
Vs. globalism
Government exists to serve the people
vs. the people existing to serve the government
Traditional American Perspective
8. Rule of Law the Constitution
(As opposed to rule by the powerful)
One thing standing in the way of socialist infiltration is the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms or rights that it guarantees. Preservation of Freedom
9. Bill of Rights Amendment I to the U.S. Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. What freedoms are we worried about?
10. Amendment I: . . . Or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.
Attempts to control the internet
Overt expressions of desire to silence FOX news and talk radio (e.g., Rush Limbaugh)
What freedoms are we worried about?
11. Amendment II: . . . the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Issues of legislating gun control have surfaced for several decades, and some laws have been enacted.
People are buying up guns and ammunition.
The underlying assumption of this right is that it is difficult to control an armed populace. What freedoms are we worried about?
Amendment X: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people. Limitation & Division of Powers between the Federal and State Governments
13. Worldnet Daily, Feb. 24, 2009
The State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.
Sovereignty bills had been passed or introduced in 33 states by August 2009. Sovereignty Bills
14. States Attorneys General Suing the Federal Government over the constitutionality of new healthcare law.
Florida judge ruled it unconstitutional Jan. 31, 2011.
The Oklahoma legislature joined with the Tea Parties to form a militia.
The Federal government is suing Arizona over an immigration law. States Pitted against the Federal Government
15. Traditional American
Representative Republic
Free Enterprise Capitalism
Socialism (Progressivism)
Fascism (Nazism)
Elitism Competing Worldviews
16. Government regulation of private enterprise
Government provision of services to citizens (entitlement)/government control of those services
Big government/ high taxes
Redistribution of wealth (social justice)/few opportunities
17. Government has the right to control the people.
Rule of the people by the powerful rather than rule of law/constitution is acceptable.
People exist to serve the government.
People need little personal responsibility or freedom and (in fact) are not capable of handling it.
Assumptions of Socialism
18. What are the similarities?
One leads to the other. Lenin said that the end goal of socialism was communism.
Progressive -> socialist -> communist
All agree that people need to be ruled, and do not have any rights other than what the government offers them. This is oppression.
19. Whats the difference?
Progressive -> socialist -> communist
Communists (Marxist) believe in government ownership, not just regulation. Socialists believe in government control.
Marxists believe in violent overthrow of governments, Fabian & Gramscian socialists believe in gradual takeover by infiltration.
20. Tend to lead to totalitarian dictatorships
Control the lives of their citizens:
Jobs & income: no competition, prescribed by government
Housing: no private property, government rental
Clothing: government stores, storehouses, possible uniforms
Travel: restricted, often not allowed outside country
Religion: official, state-sanctioned & regulated
Speech: no right to criticize the government
Healthcare (life and death): no choice of care
etc. Communist/Socialist Governments
21. Generally imprison those who openly disagree with them (political dissenters)
Have track records of murdering their own citizens, sometimes into the millions
Tend to have poor economies because there is no incentive to work hard where income is redistributed Communist/Socialist Governments
22. Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini How about Fascism?
23. This was the form of government in Nazi Germany when Adolph Hitler was in power.
Obviously, this form of government permitted the killing of about 10-12 million people by the Germans and Germany plunged the world into WW II. Fascism/Nazism (National Socialists)
24. The Third Way currently being advocated by former President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair advocates an interlocking type of cooperation between government and business (nationally or internationally) that fits the definition of fascism. Why are people talking about fascism?
25. Communism did not really get a foothold politically until the early 20th Century
(Marx & Engels did not publish the Communist Manifesto until 1848.)
The United States spent much of the 20th Century trying to stop the spread of Communism.
Cuba/South America
Korean War
Vietnam War
Cold War
Ronald Reagan/Berlin Wall
And Nazism (National Socialism)
WWII Historical Relation to America
26. Working to get people of your worldview/political philosophy into key positions in government, media, education, and business
Using these institutions to indoctrinate the remainder of the citizens into agreeing to your rule
Tactics: control of information, creation of dependency upon the government through giveaways and promises; creation of crises and fear causing people to give power to the government in exchange for protection; creation of discontent among some groups
These are tactics of Fabian or Gramscian Socialists What is infiltration?
27. Tactics to Destroy a Culture Destabilization of the family
Issues with Religion
Censorship of information in education
Bias and withholding of information in the media
Emphasis on social rights rather than responsibilities
Rapid and uncontrolled immigration
Four Socialist organizations in the U.S. House of Representatives, including chairs of 11 of the 20 committees. [Prior to the fall 2010 elections]
Progressive Democrats of America (6)
Congressional Progressive Caucus (74)
Congressional Black Caucus (43)
Democratic Socialists of America (?) Just how socialist has the government become?
29. There are a number of similarities between current actions and proposals in the United States and those things that happened in Germany during Hitlers rise to power.
School prayer was outlawed.
Christian holidays were eliminated.
Hitler was an advocate of environmentalism.
Education was placed under Nazi (government) control.
Hitler was fascinated by Eastern mysticism (New Age.)
Active euthanasia was practiced.
Abuse of pulpit allowed arrest of pastors speaking out
Dissenters were taken off the radio.
Christian Crosses were outlawed and replaced with swastikas.
Hitler used an economic collapse to take over as dictator.
Hitler was obsessed with globalism. Signs of the Times?
30. What Is Globalism?
. . . The belief that events in one country cannot be separated from another and that the world is moving toward a form of government and economics that transcends traditional nation-states.
A small but powerful group of internationalists have been working for decades to bring various aspects of our society under one, universal system.
Kirby Anderson
Worldviewtimes.com The New World Order
31. . . . The belief that a small and certain group of people are, in fact, better equipped to rule the world than are others and that the rest of the people are best governed by the elite.
A group of about 300 families control most of the worlds wealth.
Some are apparently convinced that it is their right and duty to rule the world. What is elitism?
32. Extremely wealthy international bankers from all around the world, with a larger concentration in Europe and the U.S.
European royalty, heads of state, & other extremely rich and/or powerful people.
Backed on the next level by heads of corporations & universities; powerful politicians, etc.
And who are not?
The rest of us Who are the power elite?
33. In response to need or desirability:
Many think a solution that rises above any one nation must be found.
Financial Times, Jan., 2009
Reasons (Good solutions or just useful idiots?)
Saving the environment
Regulation of business
Or is it just the enjoyment of money and power?
Why do we need a New World Order?
34. As we become global, Americans should expect
Loss of national sovereignty
Loss of prosperity
Erosion of freedom
Erosion of privacy
Enslavement to a lifetime of debt How about the U.S.?
35. Council on Foreign Relations
July 29, 1921
Promotional arm of the ruling Elite in the U.S.A.: politicians, academics, media, most Presidents & Secretarys of State (Sometimes called Americas Shadow Government)
Original goal: to federate the English-speaking people of the world
Accused of desiring the overthrow of the Constitution & American sovereignty New World Order: Proponents
36. Bilderberg Group (The Alliance)
Formed 1954, Holland
100 elite picked by Lord Victor Rothschild & Lawrence Rockefeller
Initial purpose: Create the European Union
Current purpose: microchip world population by 2017
35 member steering committee
Annual meetings, surrounded by armed guards New World Order: Proponents
37. Club of Rome
Established 1965/1968, Bellagio, Italy
75 members, 25 countries
Connected to Round Table & NATO
Goal: to be a forum to discuss future world system; main concern, world population
1973 organized the world into 10 regions
1976 agenda, redistribution of wealth
Concern: world population control; Council on environmental action aggressive sterilization, abortion, contraception New World Order: Proponents
38. Trilateral Commission
Formed 1972
Offshoot of CFR, Bilderberg
Rockefeller instrumental (Jimmy Carter, Zbignieu Brzezinski)
Called for management of Americas future (take over key policy positions), community of nations, world government (socialist)
Meets annually, closed to media
Reported to reject the idea of constitutional democracy New World Order: Proponents
39. What is sustainable development?
. . . Development that will not erode the worlds resources over time to the point that they cannot be replenished.
. . . A plan to eliminate as much as 85% of the worlds population
. . . Outlined in United Nations Agenda 21 And, of course, the UN.