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Distillation Theory

Comprehensive guide to distillation theory covering basics, column sizing, types of columns, advanced techniques, and references for chemical engineering professionals.

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Distillation Theory

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  1. Distillation Theory Team 3: Robert Clifford, Patricia Firmin, Gen Liang, Rooma Raza

  2. The Basics of Distillation

  3. Different Parts of Distillation Condenser Overhead Vapor Overhead Product Reflux Rectifying Section StrippingSection Reboiler Bottoms Product

  4. Possible Feed Conditions

  5. McCabe-Thiele Graphical Method

  6. Minimum Reflux Ratio

  7. Optimal Feed Stage

  8. Shortcut Method • Fenske equation-minimum number of trays and split fraction

  9. Tray Number and Reflux Ratio

  10. Stage Efficiency • Range from 41% to 88% • For close-boiling mixtures, liquid viscosity is low, resulting in high stage efficiency

  11. Distillation Column Sizing • Calculate column Diameter by Internal flowrates and design column at 80% of linear flooding velocity. • If D> 3m = Parallel columns

  12. Types of Distillation Columns • Packed Bed Columns • Used more often for absorption and distillation of vapor-liquid mixtures. • The liquid flows downward through the packing and the vapor flows upward through the column. • Advantages • Cost efficient • Lower pressure drop • Good for thermally sensitive liquids • Disadvantages • Packing can break during installation

  13. Types of Distillation Columns • Tray Column • The number of trays or stages is dependent • Advantages • Cost efficient • Can handle high liquid flow rates • Disadvantages • Higher pressure drops than packed columns • Foaming can occur due to agitation

  14. Advanced Distillation Extractive Distillation Reactive Distillation Vacuum Distillation

  15. References • Seader, J. D., Ernest J. Henley, and D. Keith. Roper. Separation Process Principles: Chemical and Biochemical Operations. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. Print. • "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT." Distillation Columns. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. http://encyclopedia.che.engin.umich.edu/Pages/SeparationsChemical/DistillationColumns/DistillationColumns.html. • Biegler, L., Grossmann, I., Westerberg , A., 1997, Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall. • Bravo, Jose L. and James K. Fair. "Distillation Columns." Chemical Engineering Progress     January 1990: 19-29.

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