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ASP 2011 Workshop Los Alamos National Laboratory DOECAP Site Report Chris Duy, DOECAP POC

ASP 2011 Workshop Los Alamos National Laboratory DOECAP Site Report Chris Duy, DOECAP POC. September 18-22, 2011 Pleasanton, California. These waste categories require interaction with commercial TSDF’s for processing. (Interaction with the commercial

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ASP 2011 Workshop Los Alamos National Laboratory DOECAP Site Report Chris Duy, DOECAP POC

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  1. ASP 2011 Workshop Los Alamos National Laboratory DOECAP Site Report Chris Duy, DOECAP POC September 18-22, 2011 Pleasanton, California

  2. These waste categories require interaction with commercial TSDF’s for processing. (Interaction with the commercial laboratories is presented by a different group.) Legacy inventory of Mixed Low-Level Waste (MLLW), from previous research, production, weapons testing and other DOE mission activities Routinely produced Hazardous Chemical, Low-Level and Mixed Low-Level Waste from weapons research and other current mission programs ER and D&D waste streams, primarily MDA B. TRU waste and Reclassified TRU Waste Classified material and orphan wastes Categories of Waste Managed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

  3. Hazardous and Mixed-Waste Facilities at Technical Area 54 Storage, repackaging and verification is handled in Area J and Area L. MLLW is managed at Area G, a Category 2 Nuclear Facility (photograph on right). Area G is slated for closure by 2014. Routine MLLW operations will be relocated to Area L.

  4. Technical Area 54, Area L

  5. Routine Waste Activities . Repackaging and Characterization Off-Site Shipping Slide 5

  6. Routine Waste Streams Slide 6

  7. Reclassified Transuranic(TRU) MLLW (10-100nCi/g) Includes both debris and homogeneous wastes such as cemented wastewater treatment sludges. The waste contains a variety of hazardous constituents. Both waste streams have been successfully shipped to commercial facilities for treatment and disposal at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site (NNSS)

  8. MLLW from the LANL TRU Waste Inventory LANL projects that up to 10,000 drums (2,000 m3) of TRU waste may be <100 nCi/g after assay. LANL plans to continue characterizing and shipping TRU reclassified MLLW for treatment and disposal as funding allows. WIPP Prohibited Items (PIDs) are being segregated and disposal options are being developed. Gloveboxes and PIDs are in the planning stage, with shipments starting in September, 2011.

  9. LANL Non-Routine Waste The bulk of non-routine waste is from LANL gloveboxes, which were used in weapons production and research and come in various sizes and shapes. Most gloveboxes are lead-lined (RCRA Mixed-Waste) with plutonium contamination. These gloveboxes are currently approved for treatment at PermaFix North West (PFNW) and at Energy Solutions in Tennessee. Six gloveboxes have already been treated at PFNW, and the residues disposed at NTS.

  10. Characterizing the remaining gloveboxes and other non-conforming 10-100 nCi/g waste from the TRU inventory. Maintaining treatment and disposal options for all Hazardous Chemical and Mixed-Waste streams. Developing timetable and procuring funding and contract mechanisms for all waste streams. Developing NNSS and WCS disposal options for future LLW and MLLW. LANL Current Waste Activities

  11. Future Haz Chem and MLLW Operations Substantial additional waste has been coming from ER soil cleanups and D&D of buildings, usually sent directly off-site to commercial facilities. The major stimulus funded environmental cleanup at MDA B is coming to an end. Continued utilization of the commercial TSDFs for treatment and disposal is expected into the future. Participation in DOECAP is also expected to continue, including auditing of non-rad facilities. LANL has a pool of six potential auditors and intends to participate in at least two audits per year. Slide 11

  12. Recent Successes Problem: Several items generated by the TRU repackaging teams approach their one-year storage limit. Response: The treatment facility processes the profiles, transportation is arranged and all paperwork completed in record time. Success: The items are shipped, and LANL remains in compliance. Slide 12

  13. Recent Successes Problem: To meet Area G closure milestones and a Performance Based Initiative (PBI), funding is approved to remove 25% of the Defense Programs orphan MLLW from the Site Treatment Plan (STP) inventory. Response: Packaging problems are overcome, disposal options are developed, and LANL ships high tritium and reactive waste to M&EC in Oak Ridge, TN. Success: The PBI is exceeded. Over 30% of the DP STP inventory is shipped in August, 2011. Slide 13

  14. Recent Successes Problem: To meet the business model challenge and avoid compliance issues, all waste received at TA-54 in a fiscal year must be off-site within that FY. Response: The Hazardous and Mixed Waste Operations Group brings in the required resources and personnel and establishes procedures for expeditiously managing all Haz Chem and Mixed waste. Success: For three years running, LANL has shipped all waste received in full compliance within the same fiscal year. Slide 14

  15. Recent Successes Many important process improvements have been initiated by the Hazardous and Mixed Waste Teams, including waste repackaging, recharacterization, joint shipments with other DOE sites, negotiations with TSDFs and several other innovative approaches to compliant waste management. These efforts contribute to collective savings of millions of taxpayer dollars, winning recognition from LANL Management, the New Mexico Environmental Department, NNSA and the Department of Energy. Slide 15

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