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Join the Montague Partnership to activate staff for globally connected learners. Connect to the MP Plan priorities, engage in PLCs, and commit to enhancing pedagogies today. Explore professional learning, leadership development, and partnership business. Collaborate through NCSL Networked Learning Communities to foster success through shared knowledge and resources. Develop leader capacity, enhance student learning, and plan for success through PLCs.
Montague Partnership August 7 Log in to - Today’s Meet https://todaysmeet.com/montaguepartnership https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax5cNlutAys Montague Partnership
Be absolutely clear about the connections between your area of focus for your site and how this links to the MP Plan priorities To form PLCs to supportthis work To commit to a start Today’s focus is to.. 2
Montague partnership inquiry focus: ‘how do leaders best activate staff to adopt pedagogies and practices that develop globally connected learners?’ • My leadership development/challenge • Connection to my site improvement agenda • Supports the Montague Partnership Plan • Contributes to the DECD Strategic Plan
My perfect partnership day would… • PROFESSIONAL LEARNING • current research linked to a priority area– focused • Supportive of our leadership development • BREAKOUT SESSIONS– nuts’n’bolts/management • SIP/QIP discussion, target setting, DIAf • Single topic eg non fiction texts, capacity building • Levels of education catch up • PLC - interest groups and may include additional members • Targeted to our needs and interests • PARTNERSHIP BUSINESS • DECD Updates and business, funding etc • Monitoring progress of plan
Research base re partnership collaboration NCSL Networked Learning Communities 2006 TRIANGLES are the sites connected by THREADS of communication and relationships. These threads give the network its life. The threads come together in KNOTS of activity to realise a common purpose. (PLC meetings, joint business etc) The NET emerges as a light, flexible and adaptive structure, not fixed and constraining.
AITSL Design principles Recognises both adults and students as a powerful resource for the co-creation of community, the design of learning and the success of all students. Connects with and uses real-world contexts and contemporary issues; is permeable to the rich resources available in the community and the wider world. Co-created Connected Builds from student passions and capabilities; helps students to personalise their learning and assessment in ways that foster engagement and talents. Emphasises integration of subjects, integration of students and integration of learning contexts. Personal Integrated
A learning story Developing leader capacity through a PLC – Terena NOTE how this matchesour success criteria! The big question is-what can we do bettertogether that we couldn’tdo alone??
Successful PLC • Form around a compelling issue • Focus on student learning • Create new opportunities for adult learning • Plan and manage for success
Morning Tea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZokqjjIy77Y&list=PLAF280E951AADEBC5
Where does my site connect? HOMEWORK! • Review your current QIP/SIP to identify connections with the MP priorities • Where can MP priorities add value to your work? • Where can your site add value to the partnership? What could you share? • What might be your inquiry focus to build GLOBALLY CONNECTED LEARNERS?
Clarifying your inquiry focus • CONSIDER the context of your site • What specific issues impact on learner outcomes? • What are the staff capacity and needs? • How tech savvy is your site? • What are community and parent needs/concerns? • What makes change easy/hard at your site? • COMPLETE this sentence: • To develop GLOBALLY CONNECTED LEARNERS our site needs a major focus on….. • FIND your 10 o’clock appointment to discuss this using a 5Y process with them to drill deep and clarify their focus and why.
Stringer’s (1999) Action Research Interacting Cycle Look ↔ Think ↔ Act Plotting and planning • GALLERY PROCESS • Develop a clear and succinct overview of your site inquiry for display as a poster • Make sure you include your site name and focus • Identify some of the ‘tangible products’ or OUTPUTS you may develop that could be shared with the partnership • Consider the resources and support you may need • 15 minutes to share and view the posters • Add a sticky note with your nameif there is an obvious and strong connection to your inquiry focus
LUNCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2_CjRbZ5EI
The Ideal State- where we would like to be Helping Forces/ Factors + Hindering/ Restraining Factors- Our Current Position Bone Diagramplanning process
Like Group / PLC Time • What will a successful PLC look like and do? • People- who, how many • Meeting times, lengths, venues • Resources- time, expertise, resources?? • What will we do when meet – talk, instructional rounds, walk through, shared text, etc • How will we document, monitor, report, communicate • What might be the outcomes- tangible products • Make a time to meet again • Have a plan for your FIRST STEP
Program Overview Did we get there?? • By the end of these 2 days: • Confirmed and clarified partnership processes • Established clear partnership priorities • Identified a focus area that connects your site directions to the priorities • Plan to get underway • Processes and tools – passenger free
DECD Update • DECD Strategic Plan • DECD Support Services
Enabling Structures • What processes and structures will best suit the development of a common culture and enable staff to share and co-learn? • Shared Student Free Days in 2015 – 1, 2 0?? • Common Staff Mtg– PLC, shared learning etc • Same Transition Day – kindy/primary/sec ?? • Others? • Use of Partnership Funds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AWYIit1uNk&index=9&list=PLAF280E951AADEBC5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AWYIit1uNk&index=9&list=PLAF280E951AADEBC5 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AWYIit1uNk&index=9&list=PLAF280E951AADEBC5
For information or support contact Katrina Spencer 0401 120 378 katrinarspencer@gmail.com Katrina Spencer 2014