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Lesson 10. Activity 1 Revision. Translation. Then Lieutenant Grub launched into the old recruiting routine. “See, save and serve! Hannigan, free tour to all the ports in the world. A fine ship for a home. Three meals a day without charge… You mustn’t let such a golden opportunity slip by.”
Lesson 10 Activity 1 Revision
Translation • Then Lieutenant Grub launched into the old recruiting routine. “See, save and serve! Hannigan, free tour to all the ports in the world. A fine ship for a home. Three meals a day without charge… You mustn’t let such a golden opportunity slip by.” • 于是,格拉布上尉开始说起招兵的老一套了:“见见世面,攒点钱,为国家出点力!汉尼根,免费周游世界上所有的港口。一艘上好的船为家,一天三餐不要钱。。。。。。你千万不要错过这样大好的机会呀!” • He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty. • 他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,而判决他儿子有罪。
Most were absorbed into the Russian empire through colonial expansion under the Tsars. • 大部分是在历代沙皇统治下,通过殖民扩张而并入俄罗斯帝国的。 • November 26: “…Started trying to read a Russian story. Constant use of dictionary and many questions.” • 十一月二十六日:“。。。。。。开始试读一篇俄国短篇小说。词典不离手,问题一大堆。” • Yes, I like Chinese food. Lots of people do these days, sort of the fashion. • 不错,我喜欢中国菜。现在很多人喜欢中国菜,这种情况算是有点赶时髦吧! • My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time. • 我干工作,我做家务,我有朋友往来,这些占用了我的全部时间。
He regarded the National Day edition of that paper as a collector’s item. • 他把国庆节那份报纸视为收藏家的珍品。 • He turned a chair around and straddled it, resting his chin on the back. • 他把椅子转过来,叉开腿一屁股坐在上面,下巴搁在椅背上。 • “All that made this Christmas Day was my knowing it was.” • “今天算是圣诞节,只是因为我知道是圣诞节罢了。” • Everything was a on a larger scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower. • 他总是喜欢夸大事实,高的说得更高,低的说得更低。 • They show skill in their sneak attacks and ferocity when cornered. • 他们偷袭时表现得机智灵活,陷入困境时表现得勇猛顽强
The bridge was painted a dull green color. Under any other circumstances I probably would have found it ugly. • 桥漆成了暗绿色,要是在别的情况下,很可能我会觉得它难看。 • Thus he grew in body and soul. • 这样,他在身心两方面都成长起来了。 • All the facts concerning Mr. Powers’ family background, his upbringing, his personal experience, his social connections and his occupation have been subjected to intensive study. • 有关鲍尔斯先生的家庭背景、教养、个人经历、社会关系以及职业等全部事实,都得到了深入细致的研究。 • Border formalities, the French officials were polite and efficient, the Nazi authorities aloof and superior. • 办理边境手续,法国官员有礼貌,效率高,纳粹方面则冷淡而高傲。
Activity 2 Connotative Meaning • The analytical procedure by which we come to understand the message in the source language involves two aspects of the message, i. e. the grammatical meaning and the semantic meaning. The semantic meaning in turn involves two aspects, i. e. the referential aspect and the connotative aspect. In the previous classes we have considered the nature and analysis of grammatical meaning, and we have considered the referential aspect of the semantics. In this lesson, we shall focus on the connotative aspect, i.e. the aspect of the semantics which deals with our emotional reactions to words because we not only understand the reference of words, we also react to them emotionally.
Task 1 Primary Factors of Connotative Meaning • When words become associated with particular types of speakers, they almost inevitably acquire a connotative meaning related to our attitudes toward those speakers. For example, words used primarily by children get a connotation of being childish speech, and thus are not considered appropriate for adult usage. Similarly, certain words become associated with specific social classes. Educational levels may also be involved, so that educated people use what is called "standard speech", while the uneducated tend to use "sub-standard speech". Closely related to the differences in educational levels are the connotations derived from technical usage. For example, a non-linguist will speak about the sounds or letters of a language, whereas the linguist will speak of phonemes, phones, etc. Some words also acquire special connotations through association with members of one sex: they are considered “women’s speech” or “men’s speech” as a result. In any case, it is important to remember that the attitude we have toward the people who use a word, whether favorable or unfavorable, becomes our attitude toward that word. In other words, it becomes a connotation of that word (Nida and Taber, 1969: 92-93).
What is the source of connotative meaning mentioned in the above passage? • The speakers associated with the word. • According to the passage, what aspects of the speakers may have an impact on the connotative meaning of a word? • The social classes, the educational levels, the technical abilities, and the sex of the speakers may all have an impact on the connotative meaning of a word they use.
Words used by precisely the same persons in different circumstances carry quite different connotations. Damn used in church bears a quite different connotation from the same word used in a beer hall, even though uttered by the same person. Moreover, there are certain expressions which are associated with particular language settings, e.g., auction rooms, public markets, police courts, summer resorts, and academic gatherings, so that almost all speakers tend to adopt several different “styles of language", each with its own distinctive connotations (Nida and Taber, 1969:93). • What is the source of connotative meaning mentioned in the above passage? • The practical circumstances in which the word is used.
Words which tend to be juxtaposed, or to co-occur with other words, acquire from them various connotations. For many people, green probably suffers from its occurrence in green with envy, a green worker, and green fruit. From such habitual associations green undoubtedly picks up some unfavorable features of emotive meaning (Nida and Taber, 1969: 93-94). • What is the source of connotative meaning mentioned in the above passage? • The linguistic setting.
Task 2 The Measurement of Connotative Meanings • Analyze the connotative values of the following words for yourself in terms of: • 1. Values: good (G), neutral (N), bad (B) • 2. Level of language: technical (T), formal (F), informal (I) • 1. communist • 2. 共产党人 • 3. darling • 4. 亲爱的
1. Communist N F • 2. 共产党人 G F • 3. Darling G I • 4. 亲爱的 N F • 5. Mother G F • 6. 母亲 G F • 7. Woman N F/I • 8.女人 B I • 9. Church N F • 10. 教堂 N F • 11. Democracy G F • 12. 民主 N F • 13. human rights G F • 14. 人权 N F • 15. Colonialism N F • 16. 殖民主义 B F • 17. Lover N I • 18. 情人 N I • 19. Cancer B I • 20. 癌 B I
Activity 3 Languages Differ: Tenses of Verbs • The language point we are going to examine in this unit concerns the tenses of verbs. English has past tense, present tense and future tense, and English verbs appear in different forms with different tenses. Chinese verbs lack this distinction in forms. In Chinese we mainly rely on words like 着, 了, 过to mark different aspects of actions. The following tasks will help you become more aware of this difference between English and Chinese and the influence it has on translation. • Task 1 The English Tenses
Your views as expressed in the research paper were so original and your way of presenting them was so forceful that I enjoyed every minute of reading it. • 你在论文中所表明的观点是如此具有创见,而你陈述这些观点的方式又如此有力,以致在拜读大作时我无时无刻不感到趣味横生。 • (No marking) • Not only is this the second time in five years that I have visited China to enjoy your warm and generous hospitality, but I find to my astonishment that I am the first British Prime Minister in office to do so. • 这不仅是我五年内第二次访华,受到你们热忱和盛情的款待,而且我惊奇地发现,我是五年内两度访华的第一位在任的英国首相。 • (No marking) • “By the time you come back, I shall already be walking along the seashore of Hawaii,” she said cheerfully. • “等你回来的时候,我已经在夏威夷的海滩上漫步了,”她兴奋地说。 • (漫步了)
In the year of 1914 a young girl named Monica Baldwin entered a convent and remained there until 1941. In the intervening twenty-seven years wars and revolutions had come and gone in Europe. Technical developments had altered the conditions of everyday life almost beyond cognition. But all these events had left virtually untouched the small religious community to which she had belonged. • 1914年,一个名叫莫妮卡·鲍德温的年轻姑娘进了一座修道院,并且在那里一直呆到1941年。在这27年的岁月里,欧洲经历了多次的战争和革命;社会生产技术的发展几乎完全改变了人们日常生活的面貌。但是,所有这一切简直丝毫没有波及到她曾栖身于其中的那个小小的宗教团体。 • (进了,经历了,改变了) • Normally when translating English to Chinese, we do not have to mark the verb tenses of the English sentences by adding any time adverbs or words like 着,了,过. However, we may do so when we want to put emphasis on the time concept conveyed.