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Using Model Rocket to Conduct Atmospheric Studying Dung Van Pham, UWM Undergraduate Research Thomas R Consi , Prof. , Faculty Mentor. OBJECTIVES. METHODOLOGY. DESIGN. Using model rocketry to record data for atmospheric studying
Using Model Rocket to Conduct Atmospheric Studying Dung Van Pham, UWM Undergraduate Research Thomas R Consi, Prof. , Faculty Mentor OBJECTIVES METHODOLOGY DESIGN • Using model rocketry to record data for atmospheric studying • Used of airplanes for animal tracking relies heavily on the local weather conditions. • Our lab develop a drone for tracking radio-tagged sturgeon in lakes of Wisconsin • Data recorded from the rocket will provide immediate information on the local weather condition, to decided if it safe to take off for a mission or not. • Phase 1: Experiment and calculation • Our first test was performed with a small and easy assemble rocket. With the dummy payload of 40grams for safety. • We follow the safety rule and rocket engine handbook in order to pick out our engine for this phase. • Observing how the rocket react during the flight yield awareness of how payload and wind can effect the trajectory of the flight. . • We calculate the needed thrust force in order to send the rocket with our desire payload (~120 grams) safety up to 500ft altitude in order to record the immediate data. • By using Barrowman Equation, we calculate the position of center of thrust of the rocket. This will ensure the stability of the rocket during the flight. • Using the data provided by the manufacturer for model rocket engine, we can calculate the theoretical altitude (Yh) and coasting distance (YC) of the flight base on the equation [1] • Yh = ln() Where k = ½ rCdA (Cd = drag coefficient =0.75 for average rocket) • YC = • Phase 2: Preparation for data logging • In this phase, we using an IMU that support 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer, barometer, and gyro sensor in order to record the acceleration altitude and temperature of the surrounded atmosphere during the flight. • The IMU will be programed using Arduino • The data recorded will be export into a micro-SdCardand will be analyzed. • Phase 3: Launch day • With the acceptable weather condition, we will process to our schedule launch. • Phase 4: Result analyzing • During this phase, we will use the data acquired to calculate the trajectory of the rocket. • With the data recording for acceleration, we can find out what will be the actual altitude the rocket achieve. This will help us to re-design the payload to be lighter or use another type of engine to fit our desire. • Recovery system: • We’re using the conventional parachute in order to control our descend rate • The descend rate is important due to it has to be compatible with the respond time of the sensor in order to get reliable data • Using Pololu AltIMU-10 with gyro, accelerometer, compass, and altimeter sensors (see schematic below). • Information gather from the IMU will allow us to calculate the path, velocity, of the vehicle. • All the data will be written into a micro-SDCard • Using Arduino Pro-mini with Micro-SD breakout board in order to record the data. • Current program and data acquisition capable of capture and record data at 400Hz APPROACH • Research and leaning about how rockets work. • Understanding the fundamental aerodynamics of rockets. • Understand the fundamentals of rocket engines. • Research about rocket engines. Understand the different between liquid propellant and solid propellant rocket engines. • What type of engines are available and what will fit the best for our purpose. • Conduct experiments on launching a model rocket up to certain altitude. • Design a data acquisition system to record flight and atmospheric data. • Test the system in actual rocket flights. Model rocket for testing: (Lone Star 2) Payload compartment diameter: 1.62” Body diameter : 1.31” FUTURE WORK • Assemble and bench-test data acquisition system. • Field testing to get data on rocket performance. • Add temperature sensor to data acquisition system. • Field test to obtain temperature profile in low atmosphere. • Redesign a rocket for a bigger payload to carry other atmospheric sensors (eg. humidity, wind speed, and direction). • Improve system to control descend rate to improve the quality of the data. • Redesign the nose cone to home in a designate area. BIBLIOGRAPHY • National Aeronautic and Space Administration (http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home) • Mandell, G.K., Caporaso, G.J. and Bengen, W.P. Topics in Advanced Model Rocketry. MIT Press, 2003. [1] • Stine, G. Harry. Handbook of Model Rocketry. 4th ed. New York: Arco, 1983. Print. • Rocketmime.com. 2014. Rocket Equations. [online] Available at: http://www.rocketmime.com/rockets/rckt_eqn.html • James S. Barrowman and Judith A. Barrowman. 2014. [online] Available at: https://www.apogeerockets.com/downloads/PDFs/barrowman_report.pdf • Qrg.northwestern.edu. 2014. How do you calculate specific impulse?. [online] Available at: http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/propulsion/3-how-you-calculate-specific-impulse.html • Grc.nasa.gov. 2014. Beginner's Guide to Rockets. [online] Available at: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/rocket/ CONTACT INFORMATION Dung Van Pham, email: dvpham@uwm.edu Prof. Thomas R Consi, email: consi@uwm.edu B6-0 booster stage engine