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WELCOME! 5H and 5I PTM 2011. Introduction. 5H Form Teacher: Mr Lim Kok Meng Email: lim_kok_meng _b @moe.edu.sg 5H Co-Form Teacher: Ms Lum Yick Thim Email: lum_yick_thim@moe.edu.sg 5I Form Teacher: Mdm Josephine See Email: see_kwan_hui_josephine@moe.edu.sg. Primary 5 GEP 2011.
Introduction 5H Form Teacher: Mr Lim Kok Meng Email: lim_kok_meng_b@moe.edu.sg 5H Co-Form Teacher: Ms Lum Yick Thim Email: lum_yick_thim@moe.edu.sg 5I Form Teacher: Mdm Josephine See Email: see_kwan_hui_josephine@moe.edu.sg Primary 5 GEP 2011
Introduction English Teacher Email: see_kwan_hui_josephine@moe.edu.sg Mathematics Teacher Email: tan_chee_liang_terry@moe.edu.sg Science Teacher Email: lim_kok_meng_b@moe.edu.sg Social Studies Teacher Email: eilina_abdullah_look@moe.edu.sg Chinese Teacher Email: liong_wai_ping@moe.edu.sg Higher Chinese Teachers Email: lum_yick_thim@moe.edu.sg tan_bee_choo_b@moe.edu.sg Primary 5 GEP 2011
Class Admin Absence from school • Medical Certificate • More than 2 days MC, inform Form Teacher Events • Traffic Games – Term 2 • P5 GEP Leadership Camp – Last Week of June Holidays • P5 Adventure Camp – End of Term 3 • ACS Carnival – Term 4 www.anglochineseprimary.net Anglo–Chinese School (Primary)
Individualized Study Options • Individualized Research Study (IRS) Tuesdays, 3pm to 4pm Mentors: Mr Chan Sum Poh Mdm Chui Yuen Phun Mr Chan Sum Poh • Innovation Program (IvP) Mondays, 2pm to 4pm Mentors: Mr Raymond Poon Ms Aminda Chua Ms Wong Way Lin • Future Problem Solving Program (FPSP) Tuesdays, 3pm to 4pm Coaches: Mr Lim Kok Meng Mdm Josephine See Mdm Eilina Look www.anglochineseprimary.net Anglo–Chinese School (Primary)
Overview • Components of EL Curriculum • Concept Units • Extended Reading Programme (ERP) • Assessment & Components • Expectations • Partnership
Components Cloze Writing Grammar Vocabulary Punctuation Concept Units Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Oral Communication (Speaking) Extensive Reading Programme (ERP)
Differentiated CurriculumConcept Units Text Types are used for contextualised learning of English Text Types Narratives Persuasive Texts Information Reports Factual Recounts Personal Recounts Explanation Texts Poetry
Differentiated CurriculumConcept Units Term 1: Mystery Short Stories Term 2: Print Advertisements & Persuasive Writing Text Types Term 3: Literature Text - A Wrinkle in Time Term 4: Myths & Legends Poetry
Differentiated CurriculumExtensive Reading Programme (ERP) To read at least one book, both within and outside of ERP list, every fortnight To complete ERP assignments (one per semester) based on the ERP books read
Assessment - An Overview Term 1: No Continual Assessment (CA) Term 2: CA 1 - Portfolio Assessment (60%) - Common Test 1 (40%) Term 3: CA 2 - Portfolio Assessment (60%) - Common Test 2 (40%) Term 4: Semestral Assessment (SA)
CA - Components 1. Portfolio Assessment (based on class activities & assignments) - Writing - Oral Communication - Reading 2. Common Test - Cloze - Comprehension (may include various text types with open-ended, MCQ, sequencing, True/False, vocabulary questions)
Portfolio Assessment – 1st Semester Writing – 40% (1 process writing + 1 continuous writing) Reading – 40% (1 best comprehension + ERP assignment + 1 Reading Task) Oral Communication – 20% (1 Group/ Individual Performance Task)
Portfolio Assessment – 2nd semester Writing – 40% (1 process writing + 1 continuous writing) Reading – 40% (1 AWIT Performance Task + ERP assignment + 1 Reading Task) Oral Communication – 20% (1 Group/ Individual Performance Task)
SA - Components Paper 1 Writing (55 marks) - Situational Writing (e.g. postcards, e-mails, notes) - Continuous Writing (based on either a picture or a given situation) Paper 2 (95 marks) - Grammar - Synthesis & Transformation - Graphic Stimulus - Cloze - Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation - Comprehension
SA - Components Paper 3 Oral (30 marks) - Reading Aloud - Picture Discussion - Oral Conversation Paper 4 Listening Comprehension (20 marks)
Administrative Matters EL File - RED ring file - 5 dividers (Vocab/ Grammar/ Comprehension/ Writing/ Others) Filing of worksheets/ handouts will be done in class EL File will be returned once a month for parent’s signature and at least a week before exams
Expectations Active participation during class discussions and group work Take turns to speak Show respect for others
Expectations Clarify when in doubt Work to be completed neatly and handed in on time Take responsibility - homework/ reminders written on the Whiteboard to be recorded in School Diary - late work to be submitted by extended deadline after permission has been sought
Support from Parents - surface concerns & provide timely feedback - remind your child to check his school diary daily to ensure that all assignments are duly completed - kindly monitor your child’s work - help to reinforce the importance of punctuality and quality work
MATHEMATICS Topics for CA1 • Factors and Multiples • Whole Numbers • Fractions and Decimals • Ratio and Proportion • Number Sequences • Triangles Topics for CA2 • Percentages • 4-sided Figures and Polygons • Area and Perimeter • Volume and Surface Area • Solid Figures • Problem Solving Heuristics • Investigation Activities
MATHEMATICS Continued Fractions depth
MATHEMATICS Cryptarithms S E N D + M O R E M O N E Y breadth Each letter represents a digit. If one letter is a certain number then all those letters equal that number. What are the values of each letter?
MATHEMATICS Common Test 1 Part 1 (Sections A & B) 20 marks (30 min) Part 2 (Section C) 30 marks (50 min) Part 3 Investigation: 25 marks (45 min) Daily Assignments : 10 marks Common Test 2 Part 1 (Sections A & B) 20 marks (30 min) Part 2 (Section C) 30 marks (50 min) Part 3 Investigation: 25 marks (1 h) Daily Assignments : 10 marks Semestral Assessment Paper 1 (Sections A & B) 40 marks (50 min) Paper 2 (Section C) 60 marks (1 h 40 min) 35% 15% 50%
Enrichment Programs • F1 in Schools Workshop • $155 per pupil (payable by Edusave) • 9th, 14th, 15th and 23rd March 2011 • http://www.f1inschools.com.sg/index.html
Recommendations • Starhub Cable: Discovery Channel 422 • Everyday 6pm to 7pm How it’s Made/How do they do it • Every Friday 8pm to 9pm Mythbusters • Saturday 8am Time Warp • Saturday 9am Mythbusters • Saturday 10am Dirty Jobs • Saturday 6pm Time Warp • Sunday 11am Discovery Kids (23 Jan: Understanding Bacteria and The Power of Genes
TEACHER SOCIAL STUDIES Mdm Eilina Look Email contact : eilina_abdullah_look@moe.edu.sg
ADMINISTRATION SOCIAL STUDIES 1 Orange file for all worksheets Files to be kept in the classroom 5B Mainstream SS Text
IMPORTANT POINTS SOCIAL STUIDES Minimal homework Common Test → 9th May Semestral Assessment →10th Oct All dates and schedules have been issued to pupils Parent’s Signature required
TOPICS / IDEAS (2011) SOCIAL STUIDES Challenges After WWII Merger & Separation Challenges After Separation Parliament Structure / MPs Citizenship Our Environment
TOPICS / IDEAS (2011) SOCIAL STUIDES Cause & Effects Communism Interdependence National Identity Rights Of A Singaporean NE Messages
LEARNING JOURNEY SOCIAL STUIDES Kampung Glam ~ 24th Feb (Thu) Parliament House ~ date TBC NE Show ~ Term 3
PORTFOLIO SOCIAL STUIDES Provide guidance for boys’ portfolio ≠ doing the portfolio artefacts for the boys
Chinese & Higher Chinese Work to be done for every chapter: • Writing exercise 习字 • Worksheet 单页作业 • Workbook 活动本子 • Spelling 听写(5H - every Wed & 5I – every Fri) Oral 口试练习 • Oral practice will be done in class. • Recommended: to practise reading for ten minutes everyday at home. Listening Practice 听力练习
Exam Format for Higher Chinese (HCL) • Composition 试卷一(作文) - 40 Marks 2 选1-情境作文 / 完成文章 • Language Paper 试卷二 - 60 Marks (一)短文填充 [ 5题10分] (二)改正错字/运用不当的词语 [ 5题10分] (三)阅读理解(一)&(二) [14题40分] (包括造句) • Total - 100 Marks
Exam Format for Chinese (CL) • Oral 口试 - 50 marks • Listening Comprehension 听力 - 20 marks • Composition 试卷一(作文) - 40 marks 2 选1--命题作文 / 看图作文 • Language Paper 试卷二 - 90 marks • Total - 200 marks
CL 试卷二 (90 分) 1. 语文应用(选择题) 10题20分 2. 选词填充(一篇短文;选择题) 6题12分 3. 完成对话(提供选项) 5题10分 4. 阅读理解(一) 7题14分 (两篇短文/广告;选择题) 5. 阅读理解(二) 13题34分 (两篇文章;学生作答)