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Cluster G FOOTBALL. The Epic Tale of the Destruction of Cluster C by the Heroes of cluster G. Once upon a time, on a beautiful Friday afternoon , our Heroes from cluster G set out to defeat the evil cluster C in a special challenge called FOOTBALL.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cluster G FOOTBALL The Epic Tale of the Destruction of Cluster C by the Heroes of cluster G

  2. Once upon a time, on a beautiful Friday afternoon, ourHeroesfrom cluster G set out to defeat the evil cluster C in a special challenge called FOOTBALL.

  3. Look at me! I canTouchmytoes!

  4. At first, thingsdid not look good for ourHeroes. Cluster C had 35 members and only four G’shad made it to the Battlefield.

  5. Wait, where’sour team?

  6. The Enemywasfierce and thorouglyprepared. Theirbattlesuitsstampedwith the Snake of Doom, symbol of theirEvil Empire.

  7. You guys have facepaint? Seriously?


  9. Just in time, reinforcementsarrived to fill the ranks of Cluster G. NeverthelessourHeroeswerevastlyoutnumbered.

  10. The Reinforcements

  11. How youdoin’?

  12. It’scalledSwack. Not to beconfusedwithitsbrotherSwass, and cousins Swalls and Swoobs…

  13. The Battle begun and in minutes ourHeroeshadalreadyscoredtheir first goal. .. I meanTouchdown.

  14. Go Deep!

  15. But suddenly, a minion of the Dark Lord Bloomberg announcedthatwe must abandon the battlefield. Indeedsuch carnage waspotentiallytraumatizing to the innocent bystanders.

  16. I’m a Future Leader! You can’t kick me off thisfield! Watch me.

  17. Damn Park Ranger withhisrules and stupidgoatee! What are wegonna do now?

  18. Is itreally over?

  19. F*#ingDouchebag!

  20. But ourHeroeswould not bestopped by the Evil forces, and moved the battle to the green meadows of 86th Street. There theyweregreeted by Sir Watts, anxious to part-take in the slaughter of the Evil Cluster C.

  21. Hey youguys! Can I playwithyou? Hell YEAH!

  22. The Battle was Epic and ourHeroesshowed courage, valor and bravery, neverletting a setbackdiminishtheirresolve to defeat the Evilones.

  23. At last, the battlewas over, and ourHeroesreturned home in Glory. Final Score: Cluster G - 5 Cluster C - 2

  24. THE HEROES We’re not blurry, we’rejustglowingwithGlory

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