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Welcome to Reception. Year group meeting. Settling in. Arrive in school by 8:45am Bring coats whatever the weather! Encourage your child to become independent fastening their coat and dressing etc.
Welcome to Reception Year group meeting
Settling in Arrive in school by 8:45am Bring coats whatever the weather! Encourage your child to become independent fastening their coat and dressing etc. Encourage your child to use the toilet independently E.g. flushing and washing hands. Provide an outdoor P.E kit, which includes a pair of old jogging bottoms and a pair of old trainers or pumps. Ensure all uniform and P.E kit is named!!
Reception We use a visual timetable so that the children know what they will be doing throughout the day. We have four areas within our Reception unit: Mrs Barnes’ classroom, Miss Clarke’s classroom, the middle room and the outdoor classroom. The children have access to all four areas each day. We have four supporting adults within our unit. Each area has a range of weekly planned adult led and independent activities.
Reception There are four principles of good practice in the EYFS: 1 Every child is unique 2 Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships 3 Children learn and develop well in enabling environments 4 Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates
Early Years Foundation Stage There are 7 areas of learning and development. 3 prime areas Communication and language: Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Physical development Moving and handling Health and self care Personal, Social and Emotional development Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships
Early Years Foundation Stage (cont.) 4 specific areas Mathematics Numbers Shape, space and measures Expressive arts and design Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative Literacy Reading Writing Understanding the world People and communities The World Technology
Reading and Writing Reading Individual and guided reading Reading in the environment Home activities Writing Early mark making Fine and gross motor skills Emergent writing Letter formation Phonics Letters and Sounds Letter /word wallets Jolly Phonics Website Please ensure that the books your child has read and the phonics wallet are put into their book bag every day, as they do not always have the same day for their individual read.
Numbers • Shape, Space and Measures • Whole class teaching and practical group activities • Rhymes and games • Computers and Interactive Whiteboard • Experimenting, investigating and exploring (maths table) • Construction and small world play • Role play • Maths Area • Home activities. Mathematics
People and communities • The World • Technology • Exploration (Discovery table) • Observation • Problem Solving • Prediction • Developing thinking skills • Decision making • Discussion • Investigation • Role Play Understanding the World
Exploring and using media and materials • Being imaginative • Small and large scale pieces • Opportunities to evaluate and discuss art and creative work • Listen and respond to and create music • Move imaginatively during dance • Role play • Stories • Explore colour, design, texture, form and function Expressive arts and design
Learning Journal The learning journal is a record of your child’s learning in Reception. This year we will be recording this electronically and we will e-mail a copy of this to you at regular intervals. We would like you to share this with your child and e-mail us back with some positive comments about your child’s learning. This could include what you feel their greatest achievement has been over the half term (whether it be learning to read or tying their shoelaces!) It would also be really nice for you to send some positive comments from your child about their learning. This could be what they have enjoyed the most.
Autumn 1 – All about me! • Autumn 2 – Light and Dark (festivals) • Spring 1 – Space • Spring 2 – I am an artist • Summer 1 – Minibeasts • Summer 2 – Pirates Themes
Praise and stickers • Gold Book • Star of the week • Lunchtime Star Reward Systems
Teaching children how to stay safe • There are 2 themes • There is nothing so bad that we can’t talk about it • Everyone has the right to feel safe all of the time • Recognising feelings of the body when you feel unsafe • Network of people • Naming parts of the body Taking Care
Reading, including discussion about books • Letters and words in wallets • Speaking and listening opportunities including mathematical language. • BLP How can you help at home? Home Learning Each half term we will send home some home learning for you to do with your child. This will reflect the learning that we have been doing in school and will relate to the topic. You can work through the home learning throughout the half term at a pace that suits you and your child.