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Games with Secure Equilibria

Explore the classification of 2-player games, including zero-sum and non-zero-sum games, and the notions of rationality such as Nash equilibrium and secure equilibrium. Learn how games on graphs can model component interaction and be used in various applications like synthesis and verification.

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Games with Secure Equilibria

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  1. Games with Secure Equilibria Krishnendu Chatterjee (Berkeley) Thomas A. Henzinger (EPFL) Marcin Jurdzinski (Warwick)

  2. Classification of 2-Player Games • Zero-sum games: complementary payoffs. • Non-zero-sum games: arbitrary payoffs. 1,-1 0,0 3,1 1,0 -1,1 2,-2 3,2 4,2

  3. Classical Notion of Rationality Nash equilibrium: none of the players gains by deviation. 3,1 1,0 (row, column) 3,2 4,2

  4. Classical Notion of Rationality Nash equilibrium: none of the players gains by deviation. 3,1 1,0 (row, column) 3,2 4,2

  5. New Notion of Rationality Nash equilibrium: none of the players gains by deviation. Secure equilibrium: none hurts the opponent by deviation. 3,1 1,0 (row, column) 3,2 4,2

  6. Secure Equilibria • Natural notion of rationality for component systems: • First, a component tries to meet its spec. • Second, a component may obstruct the other components. • For -regular specs, there is always unique maximal secure equilibrium.

  7. Games on Graphs • Modeling component interaction: • Vertices = states • Players = components • Moves = transitions • Applications: • Synthesis (control) of sequential systems • Verification of adversarial specs • Receptiveness • Compatibility • Early error detection • (Bi)simulation checking • Model checking • Game semantics • etc.

  8. Example: Verification Starvation Freedom (mutual exclusion protocols, cache coherence protocols) In a multi-process system, can a process that wishes P to proceed always eventually proceed no matter what the other processes do? 8(a )hhPii} b) 8 (a )8} b) X 8 (a !9} b) X

  9. Example: Verification Starvation Freedom (mutual exclusion protocols, cache coherence protocols) In a multi-process system, can a process P that wishes to proceed always eventually proceed no matter what the other processes do provided they meet their specs ? 8(a )hhPii } b) X 8 (a )8} b) X 8 (a !9} b) X

  10. Games on Graphs • Turn-based (perfect-information) games: • Game graph G=((V,E), (V1,V2)). • E µ V £ V: serial edge relation. • (V1,V2): partition of the vertex set V. • The game is played by moving token along edges of the graph: • V1: player-1 moves the token. • V2: player-2 moves the token.

  11. Example: A Game Graph s3 s0 s1 s2

  12. Plays and Strategies • Play (outcome) of a game: • Infinite path (s0,s1,…) of states si 2 V such that (si,si+1) 2 E for all i ¸ 0. • : set of all plays. • Player-1 strategy: • Given prefix of play ending in V1, specifies how to extend the play. • : V*¢ V1! V such that (s, (x¢s)) 2 E for all x 2 V* and s 2 V1. • Symmetric definition for player-2 strategies . • Given two strategies , and a start state s, there is a unique play , (s).

  13. Example s3 s0 s1 s2 • Example of a play: s0 s1 s2 • Strategies that yield this play: • - Player-1: s0! s1 • - Player-2: s1! s2

  14. Memoryless Strategies • Independent of the history of the play: : V1! V : V2! V • Yield simple controllers. • Existence puts games into NP.

  15. Objectives and Payoffs • What the players are playing for: • Player-1 objective: play in set 1µ V . • Player-2 objective: play in set 2µ V . • General objectives: Borel sets in the Cantor topology. • Finite-state objectives: -regular sets (level 2.5 Borel sets). • From objectives to payoffs: • If , (s) 2i , then player i gets payoff 1 else payoff 0. • The payoff profile for a strategy profile (,) at a state s is (v1, (s), v2, (s)).

  16. Classification of Games • Zero-sum games: • Complementary objectives: 2 = :1. • Possible payoff profiles (1,0) and (0,1). • Non-zero-sum games: • Arbitrary objectives 1, 2. • Possible payoff profiles (1,1), (1,0), (0,1), and (0,0).

  17. Zero-Sum Games on Graphs • Winning: -Winning-1 states s: (9) (8) ,(s) 2 1. - Winning-2 states s: (9) (8) ,(s) 2 2. • Determinacy: • Every state is winning-1 or winning-2. • Borel determinacy [Martin 75]. • Memoryless determinacy for parity games [Emerson/Jutla 91]. (1,0) (0,1)

  18. Non-Zero-Sum Games on Graphs Nash equilibrium (,) at state s: (8’) v1, (s) ¸ v1’, (s) (8 ’) v2, (s) ¸ v2,’ (s)

  19. Example: Reachability Game R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Objective for player i is to visit Ri.

  20. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0)

  21. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0) (s0! s3, s1! s0): (0,1) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (0,0)

  22. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0) (s0! s3, s1! s0): (0,1)

  23. -Regular Objectives Synthesis: - Zero-sum game controller versus plant. - Control against all plant behaviors. Verification: - Non-zero-sum specs for components. - Components may behave adversarially, but without threatening their own specs.

  24. Non-Zero-Sum Verification Games Drawbacks of Nash equilibrium: - Does not capture adversarial behavior. - Not unique. A new notion of equilibrium: - Takes into account both non-zero-sum payoffs and adversarial behavior. - Captures the essence of component-based systems. - Unique for Borel objectives. - Computable for -regular objectives.

  25. Secure Equilibria • Secure strategy profile (,) at state s: (8’) ( v1,’ (s) < v1, (s) ) v2,’ (s) < v2, (s) ) (8’) ( v2’, (s) < v2, (s) ) v1’, (s) < v1, (s) ) • A secure profile (,) is a contract: if the player-1 deviates to lower player-2’s payoff, her own payoff decreases as well, and vice versa. • Secure equilibrium: secure strategy profile that is also a Nash equilibrium.

  26. Secure Equilibria 3,3 1,3 2,1 0,0 3,1 2,2 0,0 1,2 (row, column)

  27. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0) (s0! s3, s1! s0): (0,1) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (0,0) not secure

  28. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0) (s0! s3, s1! s0): (0,1) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (0,0) not secure not secure

  29. Example R2 R1 s3 s0 s1 s2 Nash equilibria: (s0! s1, s1! s2): (1,0) (s0! s3, s1! s0): (0,1) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (0,0) not secure not secure secure

  30. Lexicographic Payoff Profile Ordering • Player-1 preference º1 : • (v1,v2) Â1 (v’1,v’2) iff v1 > v’1 or ( v1 = v’1 and v2 < v’2 ). • (v1,v2) º1 (v’1,v’2) iff (v1,v2) Â1 (v’1,v’2) or (v1,v2) = (v’1,v’2). • Player-2 preference º2 symmetric. • Captures payoff maximization with external adversarial choice. • Provides notion of maximality: • Player-1: (1,0) º1 (1,1) º1 (0,0) º1 (0,1) • Player-2: (0,1) º2 (1,1) º2 (0,0) º2 (1,0)

  31. Alternative Characterization A secure equilibrium is an equilibrium with respect to the º1 and º2 payoff profile orderings: A strategy profile (,) is a secure equilibrium at s iff (8’) (v1, (s), v2, (s)) º1 (v1’, (s), v2’, (s)) (8’) (v1, (s), v2,’ (s)) º2 (v1,’ (s), v2,’ (s))

  32. Example: Buechi Game B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Objective for player i is to visit Bi infinitely often.

  33. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) secure

  34. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (1,0) secure

  35. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (1,0) secure not secure

  36. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (1,0) (s0! s2, s3! s1): (1,1) secure not secure

  37. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (1,0) (s0! s2, s3! s1): (1,1) secure not secure

  38. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 Nash equilibria: (s0! s4, s1! s4): (0,0) (s0! s1, s1! s0): (1,0) (s0! s2, s3! s1): (1,1) secure not secure secure

  39. Example B1 s1 s3 s2 s0 B2 s4 • Secure equilibrium (,) with payoff (1,1) at s0: • : if s1! s0, then s2 else s4. : if s3! s1, then s0 else s4. • Pair of “retaliating” strategies. • Require memory.

  40. Maximal Secure Equilibria Theorem: At every state s of a graph game with Borel objectives, there is a unique secure equilibrium profile that is maximal with respect to both º1 and º2. This is the rational behavior of both players at s if they wish to 1. satisfy their own objectives and, then, 2. sabotage the opponent’s objective.

  41. Strongly Winning and Retaliating Strategies • Winning strategies: • Player-1 wins for the objective 1. • Player-2 wins for 2. • Strongly winning strategies: • Player-1 wins for the objective 1Æ:2. • Player-2 wins for 2Æ:1. • Retaliating strategies: • Player-1 wins for the objective 2)1. • Player-2 wins for 1)2.

  42. Winning Sets • W1: set of states s.t. player-1 has a winning strategy. • W2: set of states s.t. player-2 has a winning strategy. • W10: set of states s.t. player-1 has a strongly winning strategy. • W01: set of states s.t. player-2 has a strongly winning strategy. • W11: set of states s s.t. there is a pair (,) of retaliating strategies with ,(s) ²1Æ2. • W00: set of states s s.t. each player has a retaliating strategy and for every pair (,) of retaliating strategies, ,(s) ²:1Æ:2.

  43. State Space Partition

  44. State Space Partition hh2ii ( :1Ç2 ) W10 hh1ii ( 1Æ:2 )

  45. State Space Partition W01 hh2ii ( 2Æ:1 ) hh2ii ( :1Ç2 ) hh1ii ( :2Ç1 ) W10 hh1ii ( 1Æ:2 )

  46. State Space Partition W01 hh2ii ( 2Æ:1 ) hh2ii ( :1Ç2 ) Retaliating strategies hh1ii ( :2Ç1 ) W10 hh1ii ( 1Æ:2 ) There is no player-2 retaliating strategy in W10, and no player-1 retaliating strategy in W01.

  47. Retaliating Strategy Pairs • Every player-1 retaliating strategy  ensures for every player-2 strategy  that 2)1. • Hence every pair (,) of retaliating strategies ensures (:1Ç:2) ) (:1Æ:2). • W11 and W00are the regions of the state space where both players have retaliating strategies: • W11 contains the states where some pair (,) of retaliating strategies ensures 1Æ2. • W00 contains the states where all pairs (,) of retaliating strategies lead to :1Æ:2.

  48. State Space Partition W00 W01 hh2ii ( 2Æ:1 ) W10 hh1ii ( 1Æ:2 ) W11

  49. Uniqueness of Maximal Secure Equilibria W11: (1,1) is a secure equilibrium, and hence maximal W10: (1,0) is the only secure equilibrium W01: (0,1) is the only secure equilibrium W00: (0,0) is the only possible secure equilibrium W11 is the set of states where both players can collaborate to win, yet each player keeps an “insurance policy.”

  50. Generalization of Determinacy Zero-sum games:2 = :1 Non-zero-sum games:1, 2 W1 W00 W01 W11 W2 W10

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