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Preparing All of Our Students for College and Career Readiness through the Common Core State Standards. Cathy Baur Phyllis Rodgers Cindy Perez Heidi Smith (additions to August draft). To understand the rationale, organization and intention of the Common Core State Standards
Preparing All of Our Students for College and Career Readiness through the Common Core State Standards Cathy Baur Phyllis Rodgers Cindy Perez Heidi Smith (additions to August draft)
To understand the rationale, organization and intention of the Common Core State Standards • To considerimplicationsfor curriculum and instruction • Understand new assessment program and features • Have a basic understanding of NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) • To set the groundwork to begin our work together to support students and implement the Common Core State Standards for our school successfully
Warm Up What skills and habits do our eighth graders need to succeed in high school, college and career? What is 21st century education?
21st Century Literacy “The 4 Cs” • New Literacies • Technology • Multimedia • Collaboration and Interdependence • Communication • Creative Thinking • Critical Problem Solving • Entrepreneurial Spirit
“New Literacies” Text types in the 21st Century Stories, memoirs, poetry, research papers, position papers, lab reports, problem sets, equations, expressions, argumentative essay, literary criticism, charts, graphs, PowerPoint, musical score, directions for cooking or building an engine, computer software, voice threads, Google docs, texts/exams, maps, email, text messages, video games, visual and motion media, financial reports, advertisements, manuals, opera, rap, speech.
21st Century Literacy Which of these elements of 21st Century Literacy excites you? Which one concerns you in terms of teaching? • New Literacies • Technology • Multimedia • Collaboration and Interdependence • Communication • Creative Thinking • Critical Problem Solving • Entrepreneurial Spirit
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Outline the most essentialskills and knowledge every student needs to master to succeed in 21st Century college and careers.
Educational Competition Programme for International Student Assessment Report Source: OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 Report, http://www.oecd.org/edu/pisa/2009 • USA ranked # 14 Reading • USA ranked # 25 Math • USA ranked # 17 Science
In 2010: 23,600 of 47,900 college freshman in the CSU system required remedialcourses in English, math or BOTH. That’s 49%. Source: Proficiency Reports of Students Entering The CSU System, http://www.asd.calstate.edu/remediation/10/Rem_Sys_fall2010.htm
CCSS is… The most significant, exciting, hopeful educational reform in the last century
CCSS ensures that our students are: Meeting college and career expectations Provided a vision of what it means to be an academically literate person in the 21st Century Prepared to succeed in our global economy
Why Common Core State Standards? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5ktLyHDjL4
Heart & Soul of CCSS ELA/Literacy College and Career Readiness Standards Math Standards for Mathematical Practice
Organization K-8 English Language Arts 6-8 Literacy in History-Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
English Language Arts and Literacy in History-Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects . . . . . . 10 10 6 6
ELA/Literacy Standards. together prepare students for literacy demands of the 21st Century
Reading Strand Emphasis on: • Informational Text • Text Complexity
StudentBooks: Level of Difficulty 1600 1400 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) 1000 800 600 High School Literature College Textbooks Military High School Textbooks Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, AT, AP* College Literature * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics
Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges 4RAND Reading Study Group. (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. The quoted text appears in pages xiii–xvi.
Teaching Content is Teaching Reading http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiP-ijdxqEc
Table Talk What are your reactions to the video? Consider the CCSS emphasis on multimedia, informational text, and increased text complexity.
The 3 Big Buckets Narrative Informative/ Explanatory Opinion(K-5) Argument(6-12)
Speaking and Listening Strand ELA only Emphasis is on: • Collaboration and Communication • Presentation
“Turn to Your Partner” How do students learn to collaborate effectively? In your experience, what skills do they most need to develop?
Towards CCSS Implementation All Teachers • Scaffold comprehension of complex texts • Integrate technology/multimedia into instruction ELA Teachers • Teach more informational text • Emphasize 3 modes of writing • Teach communication/collaboration skills Science, History, Art, Music, PE, W.L., etc. • Teach reading & writing skills in content areas
Progression of Complexity Each standard is backwards mapped from the targeted anchor standard…
College and Career Readiness Anchor Reading Standard 1 CLC K-5 ELA Breakout Session March 2013 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Progression of Complexity A standard begins in kindergarten and progressively gets more difficult as the students move up through the grade levels
Implications • Progression of Complexity • Alignment of CCSS across content areas
Standards for Mathematical Practice “The standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with long standing importance in mathematics education.” (CCSS, 2010)
Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in Mathematics Focus: Focus strongly where the standards focus. Coherence: Think across grades, and linkto major topics. Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency,andapplication.
Shift #1: Focus Strongly where the Standards Focus • Significantly narrow the scope of content and deepen how time and energy is spent in the math classroom. • Focus deeply on what is emphasized in the standards, so that students gain strong foundations.
Focus – Ginsburg et al., 2005 • Move away from "mile wide, inch deep" curricula identified in TIMSS. • Learn from international comparisons. • Teach less, learn more. • “Less topic coverage can be associated withhigher scores on those topics covered because students have more time to master thecontent that is taught.”
Rigor • The CCSSM require a balance of: • Solid conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application of skills in problem solving situations • Pursuit of all three requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources.
Solid Conceptual Understanding • Teach more than “how to get the answer” and instead support students’ ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives • Students are able to see math as more than a set of mnemonics or discrete procedures • Conceptual understanding supports the other aspects of rigor (fluency and application)
Fluency • The standards require speed and accuracy in calculation. • Teachers structure class time and/or homework time for students to practice core functions such as single-digit multiplication so that they are more able to understand and manipulate more complex concepts
District Implementation Plan for the CCSS2013-2014 Math • K-2: Envision CCSS materials, updated pacing guides and assessments and professional development • 3-5: Envision CCSS bridge materials, updated pacing guides and assessments and professional development • 6-8: Professional development and development of math pathways ELA • K-5: WRITE Tools training and aligning writing assessments to the CCSS • 6-8: WRITE Tools training, aligning writing assessments to the CCSS and professional development on literacy across content areas • K-8: Continue current assessments for ELA (Stay tuned)
District Implementation Plan for the CCSS2013-2014 ELL • K-5: Complete Systematic ELD training for all teachers and implementation of Systematic ELD instruction • 6-8: Complete Constructing Meaning training for all teachers and implementation of Constructing Meaning to support content instruction • K-8: Progress monitoring conducted 3 times per year • K-8: Conduct regular classroom walkthroughs for the implementation of Systemic ELD and Constructing Meaning • K-8: Each site to conduct two parent engagement activities over the course of the school year. SPED • K-8 focus on developing IEPs to align with the CCSS • K-8 continued focus on collaboration and articulation across the district
NGSS? • NGSS refers to the Next Generation Science Standards • How do they differ from what we currently have? • Increased STEM principles and a focus on engineering and problem solving for solutions based on scientific practice.
California became the sixth state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards with the unanimous approval Wednesday by the State Board of Education. The Board, however, has not yet adopted a timeline for implementing them. Like the Common Core standards, their counterparts in English language arts and math, the new science standards stress problem solving, critical thinking and finding common principles or “cross-cutting concepts” that engineering and various fields of science share. They emphasize scientific thinking and big ideas over memorization in the hope that more students will become intrigued by science.